Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Markus Ashir [Bounty Hunter]

Credit where it's due.
Markus Ashir
|=Currently employed=|
|===by the Primeval===|

NAME:..........Markus Ashir
RANK:........Bounty Hunter
HEIGHT:...5 feet 10 inches
WEIGHT:........145 pounds


Curiosity certainly may have killed the cat, but it has yet to take Mark's life. He
possesses an oddly strong sense of curiosity, and won't hesitate to act upon it.
Acute senses pay off well, both in the wilds and in the city. Mark possesses a sharp
mind and swift thoughts, as well as an ability to act upon what he perceives quickly.
Markus has a decently good aim, and this shows in the missions and bounties he
undertakes. He hates blasters, however, instead preferring to use old slugthrowers.
Ambition has never been a trait that Mark lacks. He's got a strong drive that allows
him to keep going until a task is done, though this may also be at the expense of others.
Through persistence and curiosity also comes a certain stubbornness that is very hard
to shake. Markus is set in his ways, and nobody can tell him otherwise--he's always right.

Markus was always a bit of a recluse. Due mainly to his nomadic and constantly-changing job,
Mark doesn't seem to be able to afford closeness to any family he has, much less his coworkers.

Mark grew up without technology, and would prefer to keep his life far away from it.
Starships make him motion-sick, and he'll be damned before he even goes near the holonet.
Religion has played a large part in Markus' life since childhood. Superstition is also held in
very high regard, and with this comes plenty of strange quirks and a refusal to do certain things.

If you were to set him in a crowd, not that he would ever agree to being stuck in one, Markus
would certainly stand out quite a bit. Long, untrimmed dark brown hair falls just past his
shoulders, framing a pair of solid yet pale green eyes. Just as his hair, Mark's attire is messy
and largely uncared for. He could care less about how he looks, considering that he very
rarely brings himself to public enough places where appearances alone might cause him
trouble. Mark stands at a fairly average height, yet he's thin and wiry, looking more like one
used to swift reactions and movements than related to endurance or physical power.

Stubborn yet endlessly curious, persistent yet introverted, Mark certainly can be considered quite
the interesting character. His dedication and loyalty to whatever cause he might be serving or
committing to at the time is backed by a religious fervour that borders on zealotry. Order and
prayer to his gods is a necessary ritual practiced daily, no matter the circumstances. This devotion
is not kept separate from his work, although Mark tries to remain professional while on a job--and,
as often as not, off a job as well. Over the years, he has managed to build a mental wall between
bounty hunting and his profession as a hired gun, and what little personal life he has.
Generally, Markus is kind and polite to others, if a bit secretive. He doesn't put any belief in telling
others about everything he holds dear; the same goes for feelings of closeness and companionship,
if only because of the fear that Markus may, one day, be facing the very people he has helped in the
past. To him, bounty hunters and mercenaries can't afford to have personal connections to anyone,
though no matter how hard he's tried, Markus has always managed to form a couple of close friendships
on each contract he's taken up, or military he's been hired into.


M107 "Headhunter" Rifle
[Range of roughly 2500m]
[Suppressor equipped]
Standard Vibroknife
[Backup weapon]


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