Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Marius Severus


NAME: Marius Severus
FACTION: Republic
RANK: Warrant Officer Grade II
AGE: 329
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'11
WEIGHT: 90 Kilo
HAIR: Black (Buzzcut)
SKIN: Tanned
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes (Racial Trait)

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Tanker, Marius is a Tanker at Heart, and a damn good one at that. 138 Recorded Kills, who can beat that?
+Intellect, Marius is gifted at problem solving and thinking out side of the box (No Pun Intended)
+Brawler, Marius can hit hard, 'Nuff said
-Battle Scarred, Years of battle have left Marius injured
-Blasted Eye, Marius's right eye was stolen from him, replaced with cybernetics

A Veteran of Several Wars, Marius first began serving the Republic 7 Years ago. He joined the 502nd Heavy Tank Battalion and was relocated to the Front Lines. There, he and his crew started to make a name for themselves as the "Tiger Ace" with their Tiger Mark 205 tank . He would stay in the combat untill 2 years later, when recalled for promotion and additional training. At that time the Tiger 205 received an upgraded engine, although this suffered from mechanical problems. On two month later, still suffering engine trouble, he and his crew arrived in the town of Selim and delayed the Imperial 7th Armoured division by infliticing heavy casualties. However, during the fighting, the Tiger was knocked out by an Imperial 26-pounder anti-tank gun. Despite this, Severus and his crew were able to escape back to Republic headquarters and later, with infantry reinforcements and a new Tiger tank, recaptured Selim from Imperial Forces.. While the Tiger's gunner, Janin Hezint, remained in Combat, Marius and his crew were recalled for his promotion to Warrant Officer 3rd Class. He commanded Combat Group Arnor during the Imperial invasion of the border worlds , where he and Arnor successfully fend off the Imperial airborne paratroopers controlling three critical bridges, and later held off the Imperial Army's 30th Corps, earning him a promotion to Warrant Officer Class II
None, unless Assigned one

[member="Marianus Severus"]

A small problem...

The SPQI is being rebuilt. It fell three hundred years before current events, and has yet to fight another battle, yet. The Description has its history, and that is very important.

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