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Marian Frayser

Marian Frayser
Heavy WIP​

|Personal Attributes|

|Basic Information|

Name: Marian Frayser
Alias: None
Home Planet: Panatha
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Faction: The One Sith
Rank: Sith Acolyte
Force Sensitive: Yes, Acolyte Level
Force Alignment: Bogan

|Physical Characteristics|

Species: Near-Human
Race: Epicanthix
Gender: Female
Dominant Side: Right
Age: 26
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 154
Skin Colour: Caucasian
Hair Colour: Dark
Eye Colour: Blue

| Strengths and Weaknesses |

- Strong: Marian is a physically imposing enemy that can perform physical attributes that most cannot, while not being a nerfcake.
- Competent Force User: While by no means an amazing Sorcerer, Marian is competent in her ability to manipulate the force in an offensive manner.
- Resistant: Marian is somewhat of a tank, but by no means invulnerable. She is able to withstand the pain of force powers such as lightning.
- Political Savvy: While arrogant and stubborn in the field, Marian has a knowledge of politics that she got from her mother which proves useful at various intervals in her life.
- Unorthodox Fighter: Marian uses her terrain to her advantage and often uses alternate attacks other than her lightsaber, such as a punch or headbutt.

- Stubborn: Marian is a stubborn and arrogant person due to her father's teachings. She is often rude and disrespectful to others, to the point of angering many individuals. This is also why she views herself as a top tier fighter, never backing down from a fight even if everyone else is retreating.
- Distractable: Marian can easily have her attention pulled away by a third party, causing her to have trouble fighting multiple opponents efficiently.
- Poor Shot: Marian depends on her close quarters abilities to defeat an opponent as she has little to no skill in firearms.

| Personal Traits |

Personality: While her mother tried to teach her otherwise, Marian has many negative personality traits that she picked up from her father. She has a stubborn spree a mile wide that is her most dominant social problem, causing most people to dislike her immediately. She is also a very aggressive person who would attack any opponent without any pause for reason, going into fights that she has little likelihood of winning.

Marian has dark, messy hair that goes whichever way it chooses. She rarely styles it, save for formal events where she may let it grow down to her shoulders if anything. She has piercing blue eyes that have a sense of arrogance to them. She has a heavily athletic body and is relatively tall to the average woman.

Habits: Uses blood to intimidate people.

| History |

Marian was born to her parents Alyssa Orlam and the Sith Lord Hector Creed on the Epicanthix home world of Panatha. She had very little communications with others due to the disdain for her father that most people had due to his incompetence. Marian had few friends aside from some children that she occasionally saw outside and chatted with before her father pulled her away and called them peasants.

Marian received her entire education from both of her parents, though everything she used was from her mother. Alyssa was a kind, beautiful woman that was far above her husband. She also had a political savvy that was seen in few people and hard to pick up, a feat that Marian could not do. Marian learned much from her mother such as how to act in many places where caution is required and she tried to temper Marian's arrogance. While some of her lessons clung, most were lost due to her husband's incompetence.

For a Sith Lord Hector was one of the stupidest men the galaxy had ever seen. He had little in the way of political savvy and if he ever made a lasting impression on someone, it was never a good one. He only taught his daughter to become arrogant and teach her to be disrespectful. Hector taught Marian how to fight with his favourite weapon, the saber staff, in a wild and sporadic manner than he didn't approve of, but found to be efficient.



Alyssa Orlam - Mother (In Hiding)
Lord Hector Creed - Father (Deceased)
Possible Siblings

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Rivals and Enemies:



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