Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Maria Feanor, The Dead Eldorai

Personal Information:

NAME: Maria Feanor


RANK: None

SPECIES: Eldorai

AGE: 164 Years old

SEX: Female

Biological information:

HEIGHT: 5'6"


EYES: Pale Blue

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: Paler



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Physical Strengths:
Mental Strengths:
Physical Weaknesses:
Mental Weaknesses:

Some people say that Death is cruel. That life itself is cruel as well. But no one has ever said how beautiful that death is, and when they speak of the beauty of life it is only when something good has happened to them. I have lived both lives you know, one of death and one of life and i never regretted a moment of either.​
I have a family, or had one. Did you know that? A Daughter, two in fact, each in my heart and close to my appearance. Then there was my sons, the second was so young when my friend was given him in safety, and the second born... ive heard disturbing things. Do i regret my death though? No, i cannot regret something that i could not control, i had been destined to die but in light of all i have seen from the land beyond i will not let those before me, those of my blood. They will not come to this same path and while i come back i realize now that any power i had before is gone... so instead i will tell you of my past, and of the pain and the beauty that is held in it. After that, well after that why don't you and I see this beauty for ourselves?​
I was born to a normal family, no high born group of status, but no family that was without money. My mother and father were Eldorai, as it was in our society. Much of my people are very xenophobic... i admit so had i been when i first came into this world and it would take many years for that to change. Someone for that to change. But i get ahead of myself.​
I had no siblings, i never would it was simply not meant to be as after i had been born my mother had become barren, a trait that was worryingly thought to have passed to me. If only that had been true instead of the joys of my life. Im proud i did not inherit that. No instead i was tested many times and watched as a hawk for the day that i became barren and it was a bit annoying to tell the truth. It came sooner the signs of my potential, something that was not realized at first and that i hid. I did not want to be different, to have something wrong with me and teh constant testing made me scared that what i could do was the thing my parents didn't want... perhaps if i hadn't hidden it they would have had a better life?​
No, my fear, something i don't regret but do wonder what could have happened if i had changed what i did. It caused my parents to remain in the same place that they had been when i was born for many years. Life was easy enough, i never had to worry about where my next meal would be and my parents seemed happy enough though so it was nice to have a happy life. Granted there was the religious indoctrination and the xenophobia... i say that now as a heretic but how could i not think of my people like that now. It was hard to think about it now, i hope you understand it better than i do. What turning on your entire culture is like over one person and throwing away everything you though before over one man?​
Im ahead of myself. You see, i lived a normal life until i found a ship that could take me off world. It wasn't the best of ideas and i had to stow away on it to get through any system of ID or the proper clearance to leave the planet. But while even i feared and looked on at the other races of the galaxy with the disgust that was programmed into me... well there was that primal wonder of what could be out there, what could be so scary that our lives could be forever altered by it.​
You see, i was one hundred and thirty at this time, yes ive skip alot of time but the people of Kaeshana would surely bore your simple mind, no? Anyways, i was a hundred and thirty when i did this, so young and naive about the world and still in my youth. But i came to this galaxy's public world and oh was i unprepared. First of all the world i arrived on was Coruscant, and not even the open air of the upper city, no it was one of the slums where all manner of horrendous creatures resided. How people could live in such filth it was beyond me but that would not last long as i had stowed away on a smuggler's ship apparently and found as one of them by warriors with swords of plasma. I would learn they were called Jedi, but at first i didn't understand a thing the man was saying to me. I had in my moment of fear forgotten to use the translation device and in that moment... well i got arrested.​
It was cleared up quickly though, as much of a distinct worry there was it turned out to be a good thing. The man that had taken me, a human as he called himself. The one that was a Jedi. He approached me with news of some kind of potential, something having to do with their warriors and their code. I at first was as afraid as before, it sounded just like what i was worried about back on Kaeshana. Finally though i agreed, how could i not as it was... i had no words to say no at this point as it meant my freedom from their cells.​
That choice was my single most well informed choice. With my first weeks being completely terrifying though. The species of the galaxy were still terrifying. Especially those of the Gamorreans and the Trandoshans.​
Ok yes, those snout face, half wit lugs were probably not something i really needed to be scared of but if you humans ever understood what it was like for someone to see a creature i had never seen before or even thought existed. How would you react?​
Either way the months passed, then the years, i started and moved through life with a feeling of accomplishment as a Jedi, first as a padawan where i met my best friend and the one man i miss beyond all things in this world. He was a Echani, a mercenary of the age of sixteen and a hired gun for a criminal ring that was operating on the planet of Makeb. We arrived on the planet but were captured, myself and my master of course, not the Echani. No he was our jailor and while my master meditated i was never one to just sit there and not act. So i instead thought if i could talk to the disgusting human that he would be able to be distracted long enough for us to get out.​
Ok, well im not a great liar... or an actress, really i largely suck at both. And boy did he have fun messing with his prisoner like i was some puppy he saved from being put down. Oh how he was so much better than my people, and if we were genetically superior how come i was caught. He was INFURIATING. But i will admit that for a human and for all the annoying teasing he was kind of cute. But that was beside the point.​
We still needed out and he was the key, so i offered him a small bet. He and i would fight, and if I won, he had to let us go. His point though was no weapons had to be involved... Have you ever fought an echani without a weapon, they can take you down without you realizing the fight started and it took me four tries to last even one move against that infuriating man. Finally though i got fed up and instead of playing fair i pushed his legs out from under him with the force, before stepping on his back like he was some prize animal. Which he was to me at the point but that was not the point.​
He gave up though, i had a feeling that he didn't actually care if we escaped or not, even pointing out he had already been paid so what was he going to do to stop two all powerful Jedi from completing their mission. Also gave me a map but it was on one of their infernal devices with their impossible to read language. Do you humans understand that your words are extremely hard to understand with that language you have called basic... yes i know im speaking it now.​
So he let us go and we completed our mission, coming back for him only to find the Echani gone and his cell, formerly ours, empty.​
I had a feeling id see him again and i was right. He was as constant as he was annoying and i would never have that any other way.​
But as time moved on i became a knight for the order before leaving it all together when i found their life was not for me. Infact i would be lying if i said that it was that. It was more a mistake i had made on one of my trials towards being a knight that the Jedi had not known about. You see when i said i would see the Echani again, i did and it was during one of my trials. He taught me how to drink and after that... well i can give you a guess as it led to the part involving the creation of my daughter and the confirmation i was not barren.​
Can you imagine how i reacted when i woke up next to that slime of a man.. well after i tried to kill him, i wont even deny that, i left and had to figure things out during my trial. It turned out that man was able to worm his way deep into my mind and it had worked well enough to make me leave the Jedi... The past... i miss it.​
What happened after? Well i had a happy life, and then i died. You didn't think i would tell you that easily how i died did you? No if you want to know you are just going to have to find me for yourself and then, we can create a new story together Human. Until then, please smell better, you all reek.​

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