Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Marcus Lok

NAME: Marcus Lok




AGE: 27

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6'0''

WEIGHT: 175 lb.

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Black
SKIN: Lightly Tanned

FORCE SENSITIVE: Is in no way force sensitive.
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual


(+) Athletic: Marcus's upbringing has yielded a strong body which can take more than few hits.
(+) Martial Artist: Marcus's father brought him on a strict regimen of martial arts training as many Mandalorians are.
(+) Coder : Marcus's skills with a keyboard have become legendary throughout the depths of the CryptNet and beyond, there are very few computer systems that he can't break.

(+/-) Suspicious: Having been around the galaxy for a good few years now, Marcus has grown increasingly weary of strangers, leaving him somewhat paranoid of them.
(+/-) Rational: Marcus will often take his time to think of the most rational of solutions before acting, not always the most kind.
(-) Reserved: Marcus is a fairly quiet man and he will not openly approach others regularly, often keeping to himself.
(-) Brazen: Marcus will all too often believe that he is perfectly capable of dispatching a foe by himself and will often rush forward, even if it may not be the best idea.
(-) Fear of Darkness: While he is usually alright walking about at night, being trapped in utter blackness frightens Marcus to his core.




Marcus has managed himself very well over the years, and since his childhood, has always held a slender toned physique through physical exercises that challenge his body. His haircut is fairly unimaginative, but he finds it practical enough and tries to maintain it to the best of his abilities. One of the most noticeable physical features of his upper body is a fairly straight scar on his left breast which he received during his youth in a training exercise. The rest of his body is rather unremarkable, but capable.

While his regular appearance is nothing to gawk at, Marcus' armor is more than noticeable. The armor consists of various plates which had been passed down through his family, and upon his father's death, to him. The colors are dark silvers and greys that help him to blend in to most environments that one might encounter and the visor sports a standard but modified HUD that Marcus has personally worked on over the years to include multiple extra features.



UPDATED: 4/25/2017

Marcus grew up in a small settlement on Mandalore with his father Arken and his mother Selena. His early years were mainly spent attending a small school that taught Mandalorian cultural ideals as well as basic studies that most children undergo. His parents loved him intensely and were fiercely protective of him early on. They often would keep other children away from him to ensure that he would not fall into any sort of trouble that may cause him to get hurt, and thus, he was socially damaged from then on.

His situation improved in his early and late teens when he attended several camps that taught young mandalorians the basics and more advanced aspects of fighting with both the open hand and the blaster, as well as several other articles of weaponry. At these camps he was able to break free from his shell and gain a few friends during his stays. After training was over, he would often times retire to his quarters and tinker with different electronics of all kinds, though mainly weaponry as he was instructed to by his mentors. These camps, better described as enclaves, were very isolated from the main populations of towns and there was not much to do other than walk around or learn different skills. The isolation of the enclaves served their purpose well, to train young mandalorians in a variety of different skills to use throughout their lives. Teens who did not attend the schools were often times looked upon as outsiders from the groups that attended. Marcus never paid much attention to a lot of the other boys, but he had a few friends from the range, or from the mess that he would sit with in light conversation. His passion often brought him other students that were looking to repair their own gadgets that they had either broken or wanted modified in some way or another. In being able to work on multiple other pieces of technology free of charge, his skills grew and he soon found a hobby. He would do it after every practice now and he lost his small group of friends because of it. He worked at night as well, and soon he began to charge the other students for repairs and modifications until he was earning a small living off of the work.

Through many years at these camps, Marcus matured and eventually returned to his parents after being away from home nearly 8 years. He was now 20 and caring for his mother whilst his father was out on mercenary work or chasing another bounty. The primary income of the family came from his father doing this work, and Marcus became accustomed the dealings and tricks of the trade that every sellsword needed to get by in the galaxy. He had never gotten the chance to go on a mission with his father before he was killed in a firefight on Ord Mantell. The authorities did nothing more than bring his body back from the fight and soon they had arranged a small funeral for the once great warrior that would now join so many in Mandalore's history.

Marcus soon found himself in possession of his father's multiple articles of armament and armor which he had worn throughout his life. Durable and solid, the equipment served Marcus well in dealing with the occasional thief or troublemaker that he was called to deal with in his home settlement, and this is where the new income for the family came from. His mother worked on a small farm outside the settlement and was approaching her later years when she grew ill. One fateful night, she fell unconscious due to a stroke and could not be revived. Thus cut off the last part of his bloodline. He was the last of his father's kin and now Mandalore depressed him. It had been the site of so many memories, and although it was still his home, he took his father's ship and left for Coruscant.

After a year or two of drifting around the core worlds, taking work when and where he could find it, he had made himself a fair amount of credits and had even purchased a small apartment on the smuggler's moon, Nar Shaddaa, where he would go on to conduct most of his business away from the prying eyes of the galaxy. This continued for some time, and he was content with his life until he made the fateful decision to return to the Mandalorian Clans and their space following the news of a renewed identity of their people and the call of a crusade by the newest Mand'alor that would dare to claim the title. He was interested, where there was war there was money, and he knew that they might not pass up a Slicer, rare among the ranks of Beskar clad warriors. He also had his heritage to vouch for him, which indeed helped, and soon he found himself in drop ship after drop ship, raid after raid, taking what the weak could not defend for themselves. The battles began to wear him down, and more than once he could recall scenes of extreme horror that others in the galaxy would never get to see, unless of course they had made it their business to join the fight. He began to question if his people were correct in their never ending goals to conquer more and more territory in the name of the clans, and ultimately, he made the personal decision to leave the ranks of his comrades following the loss of their leader, who disappeared without a trace.

With no real direction in life, he fell back into his old habits of hanging around the under-city of Nar Shaddaa, looking to further his knowledge of technology and ultimately build a career for himself. He began to write code very seriously, taking a break from the club scenes that he had learned to enjoy on the over populated core worlds. He made new contacts among the ranks of the planet's more seedy characters, meeting the infamous slicer Phoenix and her associates in a short tournament held below the dim and flickering lights of a competition that worked to test the limits of some of the galaxy's most skilled programmers. He made a bit of a name for himself, and it only helped to boost his popularity among the crime lords who often needed work done for them. Information gathering was the name of the game, and he found that he had knack for recovering it more discreetly than most. He marketed this to his employers, and with time, Marcus grew into something that he never truly thought he would become. Some sort of Agent... Humorously he thought of himself as a spy, but he would never take that title seriously as many times as it was assigned to his person. Every bit of cred he earned would soon find itself deposited into a bank account, more often then not. He simply couldn't find any productive way to spend it so he thought that he might as well shovel it off into the bank until something big came up. Who knew? Perhaps it might one day it might save his life.

One of the trademarks that he worked to build up was a solid, non criminal-esque appearance. His employers already knew what he was capable of, and it was all the better to look innocent enough to any authority that should catch, though it was very seldom he was ever asked to stop by the average beat-cop. He thought it served a purpose, and it certainly helped his own ego. It wasn't easy to think about what gangsters like the Hutts and the Black Suns would do after he gave off his info, though it never came back to bite him. So long as he wasn't involved in any consequence with the employer... Well... That suited him just fine.

Nowadays, Marcus can be seen drifting from Cantina to Cantina when he's not on the job, somewhat lost in his own mind. Very recently, he had to deal with the destruction of his home world, and although he was involved with the subsequent evacuation of Mandalore, he never made any attempt to cement his ties further with his kin, finding a life outside of the clans much more suitable to both him and his career. He still codes, and over a few years of developing his skills within the criminal sector of Nar Shaddaa... Well, he's become more than a match for many of the galaxy's top operators in the subject. These well developed skills have made him a prime asset to private contractors, crime lords, and corporations across the galaxy... And he knows it.



ACS-205 Blackblade Modular Rifle - A fairly new rifle that he acquired from a burned out freighter.
2 OM-P 376's which he purchased during his time on Coruscant.

1 Wrist Mounted Grappling hook

1 Wrist Mounted Blade

3 Flash Grenades

1 Force Breaker Grenade

2 Thermal Detonators

(This should be considered his standard load out, something that he will maintain between battles.)


Mandalorian Battle Armor+Jetpack- Inherited on father's death

Bandolier+Belt- Contain spare magazines of ammunition, food rations, etc.


Marcus inherited a ZX Freighter after the death of his father christened Ravana.

None... But that will most likely change.

None... But that will most likely change.


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