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Manjarrez-class, Repair Station

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Fiolette Fortan



  • Intent: To create multiple repair stations for the First Order to use for repair and resupply throughout their territories.
  • Image Source: Adam Kop // Deviantart (x)
  • Canon Link: EM Emitter (x) | Sensor Scrambler (x) | 220-SIG Tactical Sensor Jamming Device (x) | IFF Confuser (x) | Gemcutter (x)
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: [SIZE=9pt]FOCIE[/SIZE] (First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers), Primo Victorian Shipwright
  • Model: FOMES Manjarrez
  • Affiliation: First Order, Primo Victorian Shipwright | Open Market [Contract Thread]
  • Production: Mass Produced; First Order
  • Material
    Alusteel Skeletal Frame
  • Tunqstoid Blast Doors

  • Transparisteel Viewports w/ Durasteel Shutter Ports

  • Turadium/Durasteel lining

  • Titanium-reinforced Durasteel hull

  • Quadanium-steel plating

  • Classification: Repair Station
  • Length: 1194m

  • Width: 638m

  • Height: 1092m

  • Armament: Moderate

    40 Twin Rapid-Fire, Turbolasers

  • 12 Heavy, Ion Cannon Batteries

  • 18 Rapid-Fire, Ion Cannons

  • 10 Concussion Missile Launchers

  • 10 Intruder Missile Launchers

  • 20 Anti-Missile Octets

  • 20 Point Defense Cannons

  • 20 Quad Cannons

Defenses: Average

Hangar: 6

Manoeuvrability Rating: Very Low

Speed Rating: Very Low

Hyperdrive Class: Average, 2


  • Arboretum: Above the Promenade, and accessible only by lift offers a quiet place of relaxation, connected to the arboretum are meditation rooms, libraries, and even a planetary room that provides a holo of First Order territory. The Arboretum also plays host to Hydroponics, allowing each station to grow their own produce.
  • Promenade: Where most of those who spend their time aboard one of these stations will go to relax, the Promenade offers various bars, restaurants, boutiques and other appropriate off-duty entertainment. The Promenade sits above the Bazaar and is accessible by lift or stairs.
  • Bazaar: Connected between the Promenade and the Habitation Ring, the Bazaar is the primary market aboard the Manjarrez. This is where vendors (with appropriate licenses/permits) are able to sell their wares or trade them as they see fit. The Bazaar, just below the Promenade is accessible by lift only.
  • Habitation Ring: Takes up several sections of the relatively small station and houses the crew, as well as important guests and dignitaries who could be visiting. There is a portion of the habitation ring that is devoted to temporary housing to enable those passing through to spend the night and rest before continuing on their travels.
  • Medical: Takes up a few up sections of the station with part of it shared with the science department. While it is no trauma centre, the Manjarrez-class Medical facilities are well equipped to handle a variety of emergency situations with a detachment of FIASG stationed there as well as various research laboratories to enable the facility to conduct its own testing without having to send them to the nearest planet (or Avalonia). Accessible by lift and hangar, there is one hangar reserved for Medical at all times so that in the event of an emergency all patients who need to be treated can be seen to quickly.
  • Science: Sits within Medical and works to assist the department with developing medications, and treatment solutions. Outside of this, there are several labs devoted to analysing data on Planetary Development, Astrophysics and other sciences. Science is accessible by lift but does not rest near the hangar and is built outward the inner section of the station.
  • Fabrication Labs: Enables the drydock and shipwright workers to fabricate intricate pieces needed to repair various ships that come through the Manjarrez-class. This section is accessible by lift or stairs, it is connected to the Manufacturing section of the station.
  • Manufacturing: Sits around the stem, along with Fabrication both of which rest below the science department. Manufacturing enables workers to manufacture and create larger components or parts of a starship that may normally take weeks to transport from the capital sector of the First Order.
  • Engineering: The core of the station, or the stem is the heart of the Manjarrez-class. There are three sections to engineering, main, upper and lower and each one plays a pivotal role in the maintenance of the core. There are various lifts within engineering itself, mostly risers to assist engineers with manoeuvring about the stem.
  • Logistics: Sits above the cargo bay and is where the quartermaster's office rests. Personnel resources, along with supply management and other offices are located here enabling the department to properly manage the station's resources, crew and the traffic that goes in and out of the station. Logistics overlooks several parts of the cargo bay and is opposite of Customs and Traffic Control. It is accessible by lift and stairs.
  • Cargo Bay: Just below logistics the Cargo Bay is actually comprised of several smaller sections, allowing personnel and droids to walk easily through the aisle and manage all cargo. It is where the station's supplies are stored, although part of the cargo bay is leased for various vendors, and even passengers who may need to make use of it.
  • Customs and Traffic Control: Opposite of Logistics, are customs and traffic control – all passengers, and freight come through here before getting on or off the station. A dock is made available to enable the inspection of all vessels before passing them on to and from the station. Traffic control manages traffic around the station and also ensures lanes are clear for emergency and patrol vessels.
  • Hangar: There are actually three hangars, one is reserved for medical so it serves more as an ambulatory function than a hangar. The other two hangars are used for various services such as the resupply and repair of First Imperial Vessels, the inspection of said vessels as well as the maintenance of the station's complement of attack craft, shuttles and/or runabouts. Each hangar has its own deck chief who manages many of the personnel who work there. Hangars are accessible by vessels, lift and stairs – traffic control also shares some of its offices within each of the hangars.
  • Dry Docks: Around the Manjarrez class, are various dry docks where various vessels are housed while they are being repaired/resupplied. The number of dry docks depends on where the station is, the amount of traffic anticipated and security restrictions that may or may not be in place in that sector. The dry docks are accessible by starship or shuttle.
  • Barracks: Below the hangar rests the barracks, housing ground troops and pilots. Attached to the barracks are the mess hall, commissary, shooting ranges, flight simulators and various fitness facilities. The barracks are accessible lift only.
  • Security: Naval security does the heavy lifting of ensuring that all who arrive at the station are safe, and feel safe. They enforce First Order laws and regulations, they're also in charge of the station's armoury. Their offices are located below the barracks, where they also maintain the brig and are accessible by lift.
  • Brig: The brig sits on the same level as security and usually plays host to the drunkards and [SIZE=10pt]small-time[/SIZE] would-be thieves of the station. Although it can have its force field adjusted to house the more obscene criminals.
  • Combat Information Center: At the base of the station rests the CIC, it houses counterintelligence, intelligence, tactical, strategic operations and various other departments collaborate here to ensure the station's safety as a whole. Weapon and defensive systems are also managed from the CIC. The CIC works to keep the FOSB up to date on movement in the sector, information is also related to sector command stations should they be available.
  • [+] Locked and Loaded: The Manjarrez is locked and loaded to defend itself against enemies of the First Order, in the event of an invasion.
  • [-] Exhausted: The Manjarrez does have a structural weakness with its exhaust port and trash compactor chutes. A well-placed torpedo could cause some significant damage.

  • [-] Saboteur: With as small as these stations are and with how busy they can get, it has been noted that it could be easy for a very skilled saboteur to board the station and bring down her security and counter-attack measures from within.
Description: The Manjarrez-class was developed and designed by Fleet Admiral Fiolette Yvarro, designs for the Manjarrez began just after the Galidraan had been developed. It was opened and stalled several times over and each time Fiolette and Commandant Fordham the lead engineer on the project could never quite agree. At least not until concessions were made, concessions suggested by Hogrum Veed a lieutenant fresh from the Academy. A lieutenant between two brass leaders along with Senior Chief Petty Officer Jennifer Rennic was able to hammer out a design that would be suitable to the needs of the First Order and not put as much strain on resources.

In the current state of war with the Galactic Alliance, the First Order could not take chances. Every station, every listening post would be subject to the Alliance’s forces. Therefore the Manjarrez would be able to defend itself in the event a fleet is not around to do so. She also has a higher than normal armament rating to aid in this defence effort. Aboard the Manjarrez she would bare autoblasters and barricades, all of them retractable in the event of being boarded. Additionally, she would have six squadrons attached for patrol and flyovers around the station.

The idea was to create a type of station that could be built quickly and deployed wherever and whenever it was needed. The need for the Manjarrez had never been greater as the First Order continues to expand, the more traffic, ships and people need a waystation. A place to rest, repair their ships, resupply and continue along their journey.

The Manjarrez is named for the former Commandant of Engineering, [SIZE=10pt]Noemi Manjarrez who recently passed away of natural causes. [/SIZE]Noemi was a close and personal friend of both the current Commandant and Fleet Admiral Fiolette Yvarro.

Original Section/s:
Manufacturer: [SIZE=9pt]FOCIE[/SIZE] (First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers)
New Section/s:
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