Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey! So, I need a mandolorian to fight for a dev thread for my armor. Anyone up for a quick battle duel thingy who knows how this works? Cuz I don't.

I got an idea of how it could happen and all work out. It will be a short thread of 10 posts minimum. But, maybe we can become friends through all this, who knows?
[member="Hal'kanor"] [member="Jack Raxis"]

Hey! I'm glad people responded so quickly.

SO, basically I need a crate of mandalorian ore to make my armor. I need to steal some from one of you guys. I don't think a bet or anything will suffice. I think it needs to be me actually taking a crate of ore, and there to be some conflict. If you guys both want to fight me, that's fine.

Either/both of you ok with that?
[member="Dominik Borra"]

If you're doing a raid, you may want a friend or five. And don't expect it to go well. Mandos can be..... Defensive of their steel. Plus, you'd need a beskar smith anyways, and that's a closely guarded secret.

Now, the challenge would work, assuming you can win the fight.
Dominik is too smart to bust into the actual planet of mando and steal some. He'll raid a shipping ship or something, something that would be less heavily gaurded and wouldn't recieve help for a short while while Dominik takes it and lightspeeds it out of there. Now, as an excuse for less gaurds, Dominik's friend [member="Lady Kay"] has contacts in the senate and such. My original dev thread was her using her people to let a crate slip through the cracks so he could take it. I was thinking of linking this thread with that, and having a strange crate on a ship that shouldn't be carrying ore or something. Would that work?
To be fair, I have a number of Beskar Plated starfighters that get shipped to the SSC on occasion. To the best of my knowledge, that is the farthest beskar gets transported on a regular basis. Outside of that, it is typically kept on the planet Mandalore itself or in the possession of a Mandalorian as their personal property.
I'd have to ask someone from the SSC how they would handle shipments. We never really covered that detail.

My first thought is that one of three things happens.

A- They send over a number of trained pilots to Mandalore who pick up the fighters and fly them back.
B- They send a transport/warship to Mandalore to pick up the fighters and convoy them back.
C- Mandal Hypernautics transports them to SSC space with an armed military escort. Likely a frigate and a pair of corvettes escorting a large freighter.
[member="Dominik Borra"]

Echol'ya and Mandalore are both places where you can mine or raid to obtain Beskar. Echol'ya's supply of beskar only allows for unique production items though... But you're after a unique suit of armor, correct? So that shouldn't be an issue.

Defeating a Mandalorian in combat is also another way to obtain beskar.

The final way is an option left open to Mandalorians to forge their own beskar by working the metal in a blacksmithing... thing.
[member="Dominik Borra"]

I'd be willing but in line with the Mando culture Beskar is one of our most cherished items. Even Jack and other initiates don’t have access to it. For a raid you'd have to write very well, and very hard. Then I would consider it.

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