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Mandatory Dev Thread for 1st Lightsaber

In regards to this thread:

There was talks in regards to a ruling requiring mandalorians to do a Dev Thread for their customary armor due to abuse of members joining the Mandalorians for a short time solely to avoid having to do a dev thread for beskar.

A suggestion within the question's thread lead to some wondering about a rule mandating the new Jedi and Sith must engage in some kind of short quest (dev thread) for their lightsabers. I would think this would be a wonderful idea. However, to keep the Factory from being cluttered with petty generic lightsabers, why not just make building ones first generic lightsaber (in a thread) must be a prerequisite before more unique lightsabers can be attempted to be crafted (possibly with their own separate dev thread in addition, if it happens to be the second lightsaber one makes).

EDIT: The purpose of the preliminary is to add depth and reasoning into why you should be able to make your blade unique. If you spawn with a lightsaber, and then you submit a new lightsaber that is advanced enough to warrant a Dev Thread, in addition to that dev thread you would need to know how to make a basic lightsaber; thus a thread explaining how you know is further legitimizing said new submission.

Even if, let's say, you make a new submission that wouldn't ordinarily require a dev thread, you still need to know (on an IC basis) how to make a more simple lightsaber, which can be confirmed and elaborated on with a Preliminary thread, which can be described as if the character was just getting it, if they had been using a Classic for a while with no Preliminary construction.

In short:

- Building 1st lightsaber should be a mandatory quest thread. ADDENDUM: Only if said lightsaber user plans to construct a subsequently more advanced/unique lightsaber that deviates in anyway from the "generic" Original Trilogy Classic Lightsaber.
- Said thread is merely a prerequisite for attempting to craft more complicated lightsabers, in addition to whatever dev threads may be required for said subsequent blade if applicable.

Marona Rayheart

"I'll take these broken wings and learn to fly"
Seems like a major part of a jedi's path the crafting of the light saber, its meant to be an extent ion of themselves and what not.

So doing a quest/dev thread for it sorta makes it feel more so no?
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"] I wouldn't want to bog the factory down, but perhaps a faction/thread what ever with their master to do some kind of trial.
Ain't nobody got time for that! We're at war!

Warring Sith factions should be pumping out cheap 'made in china' red lightsabers and giving a couple to every recruit they get just for showing up. More red blades mean more chances one of them actually sticks into an enemy. This is the tactic that worked for musket warfare. Throw as many shots as you can and hopefully some of them work.

If someone has to get that flame decal, or the curved hilt (for those who need a delicate touch) they can go on a journey to the local metal fabrication shop.
Also, perhaps I should not have said Mandatory, as I assume one could simply skip the development of their lightsaber if they don't want to progress beyond the point of a generic on/off colored plasma blade.

But yes! Part of the reasoning behind it, is that such a thing is part of most order's way. And it doesn't have to be long!

Hell, I'd be satisfied with five posts of a Padawan finding his/her crystal, and scrap metal to build it with the force. :p
Also, [member="Arumi Zy"], under the method I outlined, the Factory would be under no more stress than it usually is. It's just a mandatory first dev thread for any subsequent more advanced lightsabers you might possibly make later in your career, demonstrating that you have put the work forward to putting a generic blade together, thereby justifying that you are capable of building something a little bit more unique.

However, you might do the thread and never make a factory post for a new lightsaber. That's the beauty of it simply being a prerequisite thread.


I think... this still doesn't avoid the huge influx of generic clutter, because that first lightsaber is still 70 our of 100 new members in subs.

I considered what making a simple Factory thread for preliminary (generic) lightsaber development thread submission to go would be like, but even that might be somewhat of a toll on the Factory staff since they'd have to check the thread pretty consistently and keep a list of passing characters updated. Plus it would have to be enforced.

What I think... is that factions should enforce and encourage their more rookie members to do this quest. It's simple and effective, and allows us as players to manage ourselves and each other like a right community.

Edit: OR... just make a list of Dev-Required crystals and lightsaber components. This way at least the more powerful things are fairly filtered... as they usually are any way. No harm, no foul.
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

When you say beyond the generic blade... are there people that are making 'overpowered' lightsabers? I don't pay attention to what other people are doing most of the time.

I do have an exotic color, but i've always been under the impression that lightsabers all pretty much do the same thing.

That being said i'm highly ignorant of a lot of EU. I know there was a darksaber concept from clone wars that was very popular for a while. That was just cosmetic as far as I knew.

I know there was some nonsense lightsaber artifact that shorn was using at some point.
[member="Ronin Xyhn"] that would be assuming that the - what I'm going to call the Preliminary - Thread is going to produce a submission. It isn't. By mistake maybe, but a generic, single bladed, one crystal, no curves, no extra buttons, no dual phase, no ding dangs or do dats, classic lightsaber should of course, not need to be submitted. What I'm saying, is that before you make a lightsaber with an exotic crystal that you have to find in obscure locations, or if you want a double bladed lightsaber, or a lightsaber cross guard, or have it blaster enabled, if you want it to spin on its hilt, if you want to literally do anything to the blade that would alter it from the Original Trilogy Classic Lightsaber, then you need a new submission for the lightsaber, and you are REQUIRED to have done that short little quest.

You can still spawn with a lightsaber, but if you want something unique and different, you need a thread describing how you built your first one.
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

I love your idea. My character's first lightsaber (currently in use) was taken from a Sith she killed in bio. I'm having a unique one made by a friend and plan to bog the factory down with a submission...cause I'm a team player like that :)

...and I like the word I'll write it again....bog. :)


Also, fun fact for everyone out there, if you're making a typical saber or other canon, generic thing... can always just shove a template in your blog. It cuts work from the judges and still gives you a fancy page for everyone to reference to see your purdy, shiney gloswtick of death.
[member="Ronin Xyhn"] It doesn't defeat the purpose, the purpose of the preliminary is to add depth and reasoning into why you should be able to make your blade unique. Perhaps I'm not explaining it right: If you spawn with a lightsaber, and then you submit a new lightsaber that is advanced enough to warrant a Dev Thread, in addition to that dev thread you would need to know how to make a basic lightsaber; thus a thread explaining how you know is further legitimizing said new submission.

Even if, let's say, you make a new submission that wouldn't ordinarily require a dev thread, you still need to know (on an IC basis) how to make a more simple lightsaber, which can be confirmed and elaborated on with a Preliminary thread, which can be described as if the character was just getting it, if they had been using a Classic for a while with no Preliminary construction.
I've seen people who rock training sabers as padawan, but I personally wouldn't start a character that is in such an infancy stage that he can't hold a lightsaber (like a youngling). I'm sure there are people that want to write out a diary in full about how they researched saber theory in text books, but they're probably pretty rare.

The crazy people can always limit themselves, but i'd want to start out fun.

Anyway I don't see why you'd waste a judge's time for -

A regular lightsaber
A two bladed saber
A short saber
Any reasonable color
Curved hilt
Cosmetic accessories

Things to waste a judge's time for -

Hand grenade saber
With one of my character's apprentices we are gong to do a dev thread where she learns to create her first lightsaber (with the option to make it unqiue)...and in that same thread I'm going to show how I'm creating my unique one. Two birds, one stone.
[member="Vascious Relens"] Valid point perhaps, but I don't see it that way since I find it unreasonable for a padawan to possess a highly specialized weapon that is a specialized weapon in of itself unmodified, and besides, there are many submissions like that in the factory already... although I feel like the Handgrade variant has a shot! :p
My only issue is how do we define unique? For instance my sith here Shuduc uses two paired straight sabers she can wield alone or connect them as a saber staff too. It's meant to give her options. my Jedi padawan has a basic straight saber just with a ability to lengthen or shorten it some.
Vascious Relens said:
A regular lightsaber
Also, that's not what I'm suggesting, on that one specifically.

If I broke it down, I would have it like this:

Classic Single Blade typically found in the original Trilogy: No Submission, Optional Construction Thread
Major Deviations of that Blade: Submission, and a Mandatory Classic Blade Construction Thread, in addition to whatever else the Judge's request for development.

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