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Mandalorian Warships v2

Intent: To make a pretty, pretty internet spaceships.
Image Source: Starship Troopers Franchise, Transport Corvette,
Canon Link: NA
Primary Source: NA

Manufacturer: Clan Dem'adas Corp of Engineers
Model: Verd-class Battleship (DTMN Type 1)
Affiliation: Closed Market / Dar'tome Mando'ade
Modularity: Limited
Production: Minor
Classification: Cruiser
Length: 800 meters
Hyperdrive: Average
Hangar: Very Low (2 Squadrons)
  • Starfighters: 0 Squadrons
  • Support Craft: 2 Squadrons
Speed: Low
Maneuverability: Low
Defense: High
Armament: High
  • Heavy Mass Driver / Missile Launcher Batteries
  • "Vulcan" Gatling Mass Driver Flak Cannons
  • Shield Leech Weapons
  • Point Defense Flak Cannons
  • Point Defense Gatling Slugthrowers
  • MH EM Field Generator Turrets
  • Anti-Starfighter Homing Cluster Nano-Missile Launchers
  • Heavy Tractor Beam Emitter Batteries
  • Heavy Pressor Beam Emitter Batteries
  • Optimized for point-blank "brawling" style of combat
  • Ridiculous Anti-Missile and Anti-Starfighter capabilities when utilizing flak ammunition in main batteries
  • Advanced Hull Design leads to impressive Structural Integrity
  • Impressive resistance to exotic forms of attack, such as ionic, electromagnetic, radioactive, sonic, exc
  • Thick, double layered armor plating requires high caliber and/or armor piercing weaponry to penetrate
  • Powerful shields capable of stopping Solar Ionization Weapons and able to shrug off lighter caliber weaponry
  • Advanced power distribution and propulsion technology allows for adjustable performance profiles
  • Highly Ammo Dependent
  • No Long Range Weapon Capabilities
  • When utilizing flak ammunition in primary weapons, weapons are ineffective against heavily armored capital ships
  • Slow shield regeneration
  • Light aft armament

Part of the latest generation of Clan Dem'adas warships, the Verd-class Battleship is built to the same standards as the rest of the Dar'tome Mando'ade fleet and incorporates a large assortment of advanced electronics, electrical systems, and structural elements. Many of these elements are holdover technology retained from records of Mandal Hypernautics' previous designs. The rest of these elements are new innovations learned by necessity after years of combating numerous alien forces, or are borrowed technology taken from those same alien forces.

Where most other ships built by Clan Dem'adas are designed with void operations in mind, the Verd-class of Battleships is a singular exception. Intended primarily to operate in and near atmosphere, the Verd Battleships specialize in troop transport, deployment, and ground support. It does the latter of which with an expanded ventral armament and a sensor systems specialized for use around intense electromagnetic fields, with a greater emphasis on high detail imaging over long range detection. To facilitate the transport of ground armies above all else, the Verd-class forgoes the sustainable warfare suite common to most other ships made by Clan Dem'adas and instead devotes much of the ship's internal space to vast bays for holding ground vehicles, legions of Bes'verd Battle Droids, and all the assorted supplies required to sustain a ground invasion. And in regard to deployment, the Verd-class Battleship forgoes the drop pod bays of other Dar'tome Mando'ade warships in favor of a structurally reinforced ventral side and massive, retractable legs for landing directly on a planet's surface. Similarly, where most Dar'tome Mando'ade ships focus heavily on maintaining swarms of starfighters, the Verd-class Battleship focuses on ground support with hangars fully focused upon the launch and recovery of various shuttles, dropships, and other landing craft.

Like the other ships made by Clan Dem'adas, the primary armament of the Verd-class takes the form of batteries of turrets equipped with twin Mass Driver Cannons of a high caliber. These magnetic rail cannons accept a wide range of ammunition and can also be used as Assault Grade Flex-Tube Launchers, enabling the fire control officer to switch between a withering barrage of armor-piercing solid projectiles or a wide range of large ordnance options. These weapons can utilize a number of ammunition types and are often used with Armor Piercing, HE, and time delayed Flak rounds. And can be utilized to launch can fire Assault Concussion Missiles, Ram'or Assault Missiles, (knockoff) ACS Breacher Boarding Torpedos, Homing Cluster EMP Detonation Missiles, Advanced Homing Cluster Missiles, Homing Heavy Intruder Missiles, ID-84 Interdiction Missiles, Collapsium Warhead Missiles, Empion Warhead Missiles, and a number of other options.

Supporting this primary armament are a number of massive "Vulcan" Gatling Mass-Driver Flak Cannons that fire much smaller projectiles at an incredible rate of fire. These weapons can also utilize Armor Piercing, HE, or time delayed Flak ammunition, but takes a considerable amount of time to swap ammo. Numerous secondary point defense emplacements supplement these massive flak cannons to an excessive degree, making the ship capable of projecting devastating fields of fire to protect herself and other nearby ships from hostile starfighter and missile attacks. Also included in the ship's defensive arsenal are a number of MH EM Field Generator Batteries which can create areas of electromagnetic interference around the ship to help defend her from missiles, torpedoes, and hostile starfighters.

Like most of the Dar'tome Mando'ade warships, the Verd-class incorporates a number of advanced power management and propulsion systems. These include an 'Unbreakable Engine System', a Weapon Power Converter, a Power Loop Capacitor, the Mandal Hypernautics designed Overdrive Engine, Maneuvering Thrusters, and Emergency Vector Thrusters, as well as a SLAM system. With these components and the high quality power conduits running through the ship, the verd-class is capable of redistributing power among various ship systems to dramatically alter the performance of the vessel, although only two of these components may typically be active at any given time.

Propulsion System

SLAM: Doubles the effects of active Overdrive Engines (+2 Speed / -2 Maneuverability total)
MHOE: -1 Maneuverability Rating for +1 Speed Rating
MHMT: -1 Offensive (or) Defensive Rating for +1 Maneuverability
Power Management System

UES: -1 Speed Rating for +1 Defensive Rating
PLC: -1 Offensive Rating for +1 Defensive Rating
WPC: -1 Speed Rating for +1 Offensive Rating
Shield Leech Weapon

SLW: +1 Offensive Rating while draining enemy shields
Intent: To make a pretty, pretty internet spaceships.
Image Source: Battlestar Galactica Franchise, Aegaeon-class Ship,
Canon Link: NA
Primary Source: NA

Manufacturer: Clan Dem'adas Corp of Engineers
Model: Verd'ika-class Frigate (DTMN Type 1)
Affiliation: Closed Market / Dar'tome Mando'ade
Modularity: Limited
Production: Limited
Classification: Frigate
Length: 350 meters
Hyperdrive: Average
Hangar: Low (1 Squadron)
  • Starfighters: 0 Squadrons
  • Support Craft: 1 Squadrons
Speed: Average
Maneuverability: Low
Defense: High
Armament: High
  • Equipped with numerous interdiction technologies
  • Optimized for point-blank "brawling" style of combat
  • Impressive anti-missile and anti-starfighter capabilities when utilizing flak ammunition in main batteries
  • Advanced hull design leads to impressive Structural Integrity
  • Impressive resistance to exotic forms of attack, such as ionic, electromagnetic, radioactive, sonic, exc
  • Powerful shields capable of stopping Solar Ionization Weapons and able to shrug off lighter caliber weaponry
  • Advanced power distribution and propulsion technology allows for adjustable performance profiles
  • Highly visible on sensors when utilizing interdiction technologies
  • Active interdiction field can cause nearby debris to pull towards the ship
  • Highly ammo dependent
  • No long range weapon capabilities
  • When utilizing flak ammunition in primary weapons, weapons are ineffective against heavily armored capital ships
  • Slow shield regeneration
  • Light aft armament

Part of the latest generation of Clan Dem'adas warships, the Verd'ika-class Frigate is built to the same standards as the rest of the Dar'tome Mando'ade fleet and incorporates a large assortment of advanced electronics, electrical systems, and structural elements. Many of these elements are holdover technology retained from records of Mandal Hypernautics' previous designs. The rest of these elements are new innovations learned by necessity after years of combating numerous alien forces, or are borrowed technology taken from those same alien forces.

Serving as a both a light escort and fast interdictor for the Dar'tome Mando'ade fleet, the Verd'ika-class of Frigates is equipped with a variety of exotic technologies that make her dangerous in vacuum and absolutely deadly in-atmosphere. When operating in the void, the Verd'ika's relatively fast ion drive and corresponding overdrive and SLAM systems allow the frigate to run down or keep pace with all but the fastest of blockade runners. Should the Verd'ika be able to get into close ranges with a target ship, the Verd'ika can activate a unique interdiction field that slows down nearby ships without slowing the Verd'ika itself. Further supporting the Verd'ika's role as an interdictor are her batteries of Density Projector Turrets and Gravitational Field Projector Turrets. The first of these weapons projects a field of energy similar to that of a tractor beam emitter. When this projection interacts with an object, the mass of that object is artificially enhanced for so long as the energy field continues to be projected over it. This additional mass hinders the acceleration and deceleration of an effected ship and causes them to be more strongly effected by gravitational fields. The second weapon, the Gravitational Field Projector, is a weapon that produces a narrow beam of energy that, upon impacting an object, causes said object to naturally produce an intense gravitational pull towards itself. By using these three technologies in tandem, the Verd'ika is able to drastically impair the speed and maneuverability of hostile ships in close proximity to itself.

Also designed to support Verd-class Battleships in their planetary operations, the Verd'ika-class Frigates are equipped with similar sensor technology to the Verd-class and are likewise equipped with an expanded ventral armament. More impressively, the Verd'ika-class Frigates are equipped with powerful Repulsorlift Jamming Beam Emitter Turrets. These turrets produce narrow beams of energy in a similar manner to the emissions of tractor beam turrets, but over much longer ranges. Within the effective area of these jamming beams, repulsorlift technology suffers significant malfunctions and in most cases simply fails to work altogether. While this is most often utilized to inhibit the use of repulsor vehicles by hostile ground forces, these turrets can also be used to great and devastating effect upon hostile starships operating in-atmosphere. By crippling an enemy warship's repulsors and utilizing Density Projectors and Gravitational Field Projectors upon said warship, the Verd'ika-class Frigate can cause even the most massive of enemy warships to flee atmosphere or risk crashing to the ground.

Like the other ships made by Clan Dem'adas, the primary armament of the Verd'ika-class takes the form of batteries of turrets equipped with twin Mass Driver Cannons. These magnetic rail cannons accept a wide range of ammunition and can also be used as Flex-Tube Launchers, enabling the fire control officer to switch between a withering barrage of armor-piercing solid projectiles or a wide range of large ordnance options. These weapons can utilize a number of ammunition types and are often used with Armor Piercing, HE, and time delayed Flak rounds. And can be utilized to launch a wide range of heavy ordnance. Supporting this primary armament are a numerous point defense emplacements making the ship capable of projecting devastating fields of fire to protect herself and other nearby ships from hostile starfighter and missile attacks.

Like most of the Dar'tome Mando'ade warships, the Verd'ika-class incorporates a number of advanced power management and propulsion systems. These include an 'Unbreakable Engine System', a Weapon Power Converter, a Power Loop Capacitor, the Mandal Hypernautics designed Overdrive Engine, Maneuvering Thrusters, and Emergency Vector Thrusters, as well as a SLAM system. With these components and the high quality power conduits running through the ship, the verd'ika-class is capable of redistributing power among various ship systems to dramatically alter the performance of the vessel, although only two of these components may typically be active at any given time.

Propulsion System

SLAM: Doubles the effects of active Overdrive Engines (+2 Speed / -2 Maneuverability total)
MHOE: -1 Maneuverability Rating for +1 Speed Rating
MHMT: -1 Offensive (or) Defensive Rating for +1 Maneuverability
Power Management System

UES: -1 Speed Rating for +1 Defensive Rating
PLC: -1 Offensive Rating for +1 Defensive Rating
WPC: -1 Speed Rating for +1 Offensive Rating
Shield Leech Weapon

SLW: +1 Offensive Rating while draining enemy shields
Intent: To make a pretty, pretty internet spaceships.
Image Source: Battlestar Galactica Franchise, Auriga-class Ship,
Canon Link: NA
Primary Source: NA

Manufacturer: Clan Dem'adas Corp of Engineers
Model: Adiik-class Heavy Corvette (DTMN Type 1)
Affiliation: Closed Market / Dar'tome Mando'ade
Modularity: Limited
Production: Limited
Classification: Heavy Corvette
Length: 200 meters
Hyperdrive: Average
Hangar: Low (None)
Speed: Low
Maneuverability: Low
Defense: Very High
Armament: High
  • Heavy Mass Driver / Missile Launcher Batteries
  • Shield Leech Weapons
  • Point Defense Flak Cannons
  • Point Defense Gatling Slugthrowers
  • Anti-Starfighter Homing Cluster Nano-Missile Launchers
  • Tractor Beam Emitter Batteries
  • Pressor Beam Emitter Batteries
  • Optimized for point-blank "brawling" style of combat
  • Ridiculous anti-missile and anti-starfighter capabilities when utilizing flak ammunition in main batteries
  • Advanced hull design leads to impressive Structural Integrity
  • Impressive resistance to exotic forms of attack, such as ionic, electromagnetic, radioactive, sonic, exc
  • Thick, double layered armor plating requires high caliber and/or armor piercing weaponry to penetrate
  • Powerful shields capable of stopping Solar Ionization Weapons and able to shrug off lighter caliber weaponry
  • Advanced power distribution and propulsion technology allows for adjustable performance profiles
  • Highly ammo dependent
  • No long range weapon capabilities
  • Low speed for a ship of its size
  • When utilizing flak ammunition in primary weapons, weapons are ineffective against heavily armored capital ships
  • Slow shield regeneration
  • Light aft armament

The Adiik-class Heavy Corvette is a small warship produced by Clan Dem'adas to serve exclusively as a convoy escort. Fast only in comparison to the larger ships that she escorts, the Adiik is a thick, durable ship with impressive firepower for her size. Like the other ships made by Clan Dem'adas, the primary armament of the Adiik-class takes the form of batteries of turrets equipped with twin Mass Driver Cannons. These magnetic rail cannons accept a wide range of ammunition and can also be used as Flex-Tube Launchers, enabling the fire control officer to switch between a withering barrage of armor-piercing solid projectiles or a wide range of large ordnance options. These weapons can utilize a number of ammunition types and are often used with Armor Piercing, HE, and time delayed Flak rounds. And can be utilized to launch numerous ordnance packages. Supporting this primary armament are a numerous point defense emplacements, making the ship capable of projecting devastating fields of fire to protect herself and other nearby ships from hostile starfighter and missile attacks.

Like most of the Dar'tome Mando'ade warships, the Adiik-class incorporates a number of advanced power management and propulsion systems. These include an 'Unbreakable Engine System', a Weapon Power Converter, a Power Loop Capacitor, the Mandal Hypernautics designed Overdrive Engine, Maneuvering Thrusters, and Emergency Vector Thrusters, as well as a SLAM system. With these components and the high quality power conduits running through the ship, the Adiik-class is capable of redistributing power among various ship systems to dramatically alter the performance of the vessel, although only two of these components may typically be active at any given time.

Propulsion System

SLAM: Doubles the effects of active Overdrive Engines (+2 Speed / -2 Maneuverability total)
MHOE: -1 Maneuverability Rating for +1 Speed Rating
MHMT: -1 Offensive (or) Defensive Rating for +1 Maneuverability
Power Management System

UES: -1 Speed Rating for +1 Defensive Rating
PLC: -1 Offensive Rating for +1 Defensive Rating
WPC: -1 Speed Rating for +1 Offensive Rating
Shield Leech Weapon

SLW: +1 Offensive Rating while draining enemy shields
Intent: To make a pretty, pretty internet spaceships.
Image Source: Battlestar Galactica Franchise, Battlestar Galactica Deadlock, Manticore-class Ship (No Link Available),
Canon Link: NA
Primary Source: NA

Manufacturer: Clan Dem'adas Corp of Engineers
Model: Ik'aad-class Corvette (DTMN Type 1)
Affiliation: Closed Market / Dar'tome Mando'ade
Modularity: Limited
Production: Limited
Classification: Corvette
Length: 100 meters
Hyperdrive: Average
Hangar: Average (None)
Speed: Moderate
Maneuverability: Low
Defense: Average
Armament: High
  • Heavy Mass Driver / Missile Launcher Batteries
  • Shield Leech Weapons
  • Point Defense Flak Cannons
  • Point Defense Gatling Slugthrowers
  • Anti-Starfighter Homing Cluster Nano-Missile Launchers
  • Tractor Beam Emitter Batteries
  • Pressor Beam Emitter Batteries
  • Very fast
  • Optimized for point-blank "brawling" style of combat
  • Ridiculous anti-Missile and anti-starfighter capabilities when utilizing flak ammunition in main batteries
  • Advanced hull design leads to impressive Structural Integrity
  • Impressive resistance to exotic forms of attack, such as ionic, electromagnetic, radioactive, sonic, exc
  • Advanced shields capable of stopping Solar Ionization Weapons
  • Advanced power distribution and propulsion technology allows for adjustable performance profiles
  • Highly ammo dependent
  • No long range weapon capabilities
  • When utilizing flak ammunition in primary weapons, weapons are ineffective against heavily armored capital ships
  • Slow shield regeneration
  • Mostly prow-facing weapons

Part of the latest generation of Clan Dem'adas warships, the Ik'aad-class Corvette is built to the same standards as the rest of the Dar'tome Mando'ade fleet and incorporates a large assortment of advanced electronics, electrical systems, and structural elements. Many of these elements are holdover technology retained from records of Mandal Hypernautics' previous designs. The rest of these elements are new innovations learned by necessity after years of combating numerous alien forces, or are borrowed technology taken from those same alien forces.

Far faster and much more nimble than the larger ships of the Dar'tome Mando'ade, the Ik'aad Corvette is utilized as a long range picket ship and fast interceptor, designed to investigate and run down small threats that other ships would be too slow to intercept. To help the ship in its intended role, the Ik'aad incorporates a rare long range sensor known as a WADAR that monitors wide swaths of space for disturbances created by the use of Etheric Rudders. While this sensor suite does nothing to aid in the detection of most large and medium ships, it has proven invaluable in the early detection of small ships and shuttles operating at the edge of traditional sensor ranges, or operating deep inside asteroid fields.

Like the other ships made by Clan Dem'adas, the primary armament of the Ik'aad-class takes the form of batteries of turrets equipped with twin Mass Driver Cannons. These magnetic rail cannons accept a wide range of ammunition and can also be used as Flex-Tube Launchers, enabling the fire control officer to switch between a withering barrage of armor-piercing solid projectiles or a wide range of large ordnance options. These weapons can utilize a number of ammunition types and are often used with Armor Piercing, HE, and time delayed Flak rounds. And can be utilized to launch numerous ordnance packages. Supporting this primary armament are a numerous point defense emplacements, making the ship capable of projecting devastating fields of fire to protect herself and other nearby ships from hostile starfighter and missile attacks.

Like most of the Dar'tome Mando'ade warships, the Ik'aad-class incorporates a number of advanced power management and propulsion systems. These include an 'Unbreakable Engine System', a Weapon Power Converter, a Power Loop Capacitor, the Mandal Hypernautics designed Overdrive Engine, Maneuvering Thrusters, and a SLAM system. With these components and the high quality power conduits running through the ship, the Ik'aad-class is capable of redistributing power among various ship systems to dramatically alter the performance of the vessel, although only two of these components may typically be active at any given time.

Propulsion System

SLAM: Doubles the effects of active Overdrive Engines (+2 Speed / -2 Maneuverability total)
MHOE: -1 Maneuverability Rating for +1 Speed Rating
MHMT: -1 Offensive (or) Defensive Rating for +1 Maneuverability
Power Management System

UES: -1 Speed Rating for +1 Defensive Rating
PLC: -1 Offensive Rating for +1 Defensive Rating
WPC: -1 Speed Rating for +1 Offensive Rating
Shield Leech Weapon

SLW: +1 Offensive Rating while draining enemy shields
Intent: To make a pretty, pretty internet spaceships.
Image Source: Battlestar Galactica Franchise, Battlestar Valkyrie,
Canon Link: NA
Primary Source: NA

Manufacturer: Clan Dem'adas Corp of Engineers
Model: Alor'uus-class Tactical Battleship (DTMN Type 1)
Affiliation: Closed Market / Dar'tome Mando'ade
Modularity: Limited
Production: Limited
Classification: Light Star Destroyer
Length: 900 meters
Hyperdrive: Average
Hangar: Low (4 Squadrons)
  • Starfighters: 4 Squadrons
  • Support Craft: 0 Squadrons
Speed: High
Maneuverability: Low
Defense: Moderate
Armament: Moderate
  • Passive stealth technology makes the ship difficult to detect with most sensors
  • Modest EWAR suite capable of making itself and nearby ships difficult to detect, track, identify, target, and attack at long ranges
  • Advanced, passive sensor suite helps ship to detect hidden threats at long ranges and without giving away its own position
  • Optimized for point-blank "brawling" style of combat
  • Ridiculous Anti-Missile and Anti-Starfighter capabilities when utilizing flak ammunition in main batteries
  • Advanced Hull Design leads to impressive Structural Integrity
  • Impressive resistance to exotic forms of attack, such as ionic, electromagnetic, radioactive, sonic, exc
  • Powerful shields capable of stopping Solar Ionization Weapons and able to shrug off lighter caliber weaponry
  • Advanced power distribution and propulsion technology allows for adjustable performance profiles
  • While difficult to detect, the ship lacks protection from gravity-based detection methods
  • Ship is highly visible on electromagnetic sensors when using Magnetoran Sweep Projector
  • Highly ammo dependent
  • No long range weapon capabilities
  • When utilizing flak ammunition in primary weapons, weapons are ineffective against heavily armored capital ships
  • Slow shield regeneration
  • Light aft armament

Part of the latest generation of Clan Dem'adas warships, the Alor'uus-class Tactical Battleship is a much smaller variant of the iconic Alor-class Dreadnought. It is, in fact, the smallest Dar'tome Mando'ade warship to retain the same base hull layout as the iconic Mandalorian design, with all other descendant designs being Dreadnoughts. Like her larger cousins, the Alor'uus incorporates a large assortment of advanced electronics, electrical systems, and structural elements. Many of these elements are holdover technology retained from records of Mandal Hypernautics' previous designs. The rest of these elements are new innovations learned by necessity after years of combating numerous alien forces, or are borrowed technology taken from those same alien forces.

Retaining the core design philosophy of the ship's previous incarnation and larger cousins, the ship possesses port and starboard nacelle hangars that retract when engaging in hyperspace travel or when engaged in heavy combat. Built into the exterior edge of the Alor'uus's nacelle are a number of starfighter launch tubes. Two squadrons of starfighters are held in the port and starboard hangar respectively. Each hangar is designed to allow all squadrons to launch at once from the built-in launch tubes of each hangar. Any shuttles, dropships, light freighters, or other ships that may have docked in each hangar are unable to be launched in this way. Unlike most other Alor-style ships made by Clan Dem'adas, the Alor'uus does not incorporate drop pod launch bays into her design.

Like the other ships made by Clan Dem'adas, the primary armament of the Alor'uus-class takes the form of batteries of turrets equipped with twin Mass Driver Cannons of a high caliber. These magnetic rail cannons accept a wide range of ammunition and can also be used as Assault Grade Flex-Tube Launchers, enabling the fire control officer to switch between a withering barrage of armor-piercing solid projectiles or a wide range of large ordnance options. These weapons can utilize a number of ammunition types and are often used with Armor Piercing, HE, and time delayed Flak rounds. And can be utilized to launch Assault Concussion Missiles, Ram'or Assault Missiles, (knockoff) ACS Breacher Boarding Torpedos, Homing Cluster EMP Detonation Missiles, Advanced Homing Cluster Missiles, Homing Heavy Intruder Missiles, ID-84 Interdiction Missiles, Collapsium Warhead Missiles, Empion Warhead Missiles, and a number of other options.

Supporting this primary armament are a number of massive "Vulcan" Gatling Mass-Driver Flak Cannons that fire much smaller projectiles at an incredible rate of fire. These weapons can also utilize Armor Piercing, HE, or time delayed Flak ammunition, but takes a considerable amount of time to swap ammo. Numerous secondary point defense emplacements supplement these massive flak cannons to an excessive degree, making the ship capable of projecting devastating fields of fire to protect herself and other nearby ships from hostile starfighter and missile attacks. Also included in the ship's defensive arsenal are a number of MH EM Field Generator Batteries which can create areas of electromagnetic interference around the ship to help defend her from missiles, torpedoes, and hostile starfighters.

Like most of the Dar'tome Mando'ade warships, the Alor'uus-class incorporates a number of advanced power management and propulsion systems. These include an 'Unbreakable Engine System', a Weapon Power Converter, a Power Loop Capacitor, the Mandal Hypernautics designed Overdrive Engine, Maneuvering Thrusters, and Emergency Vector Thrusters, as well as a SLAM system. With these components and the high quality power conduits running through the ship, the Alor'uus-class is capable of redistributing power among various ship systems to dramatically alter the performance of the vessel, although only two of these components may typically be active at any given time.

Propulsion System

SLAM: Doubles the effects of active Overdrive Engines (+2 Speed / -2 Maneuverability total)
MHOE: -1 Maneuverability Rating for +1 Speed Rating
MHMT: -1 Offensive (or) Defensive Rating for +1 Maneuverability
Power Management System

UES: -1 Speed Rating for +1 Defensive Rating
PLC: -1 Offensive Rating for +1 Defensive Rating
WPC: -1 Speed Rating for +1 Offensive Rating
Shield Leech Weapon

SLW: +1 Offensive Rating while draining enemy shields
Unlike her larger contemporaries, the Alor'uus-class Tactical Battleship fills a niche battlefield role through her use of advanced sensors and numerous electronic warfare systems. The chief aspect of the ship's EWAR arsenal would be the Magnetoran Sweep Projector, a device that produces a powerful cone of electromagnetic energy similar in strength to the intense electromagnetic fields surrounding some planets. By rapidly modulating the electromagnetic energy created within this field of effect, the Magnetoran Sweep Projector can disrupt the tracking and targeting systems of effected starships by several degrees. At close ranges, this inaccuracy will hardly be noticed in capital weapon batteries, with the notable exception being point defense batteries. However, at long ranges, this disruption can cause significant errors in weapon accuracy. And when supported by the ship's Signal Scrambler Projector, the Alor'uus is capable of making itself and any nearby ships particularly difficult to engage at extended ranges.

The Alor'uus is equipped with a robust passive stealth system that includes dampening baffles, absorptive polymer paint, WhisperThrust Ion Drives, and magnetic reduction field generators. While this system lacks an active cloak or gravitic reduction technology, it goes a long way towards minimizing the detectability of the ship. Even without utilizing the ship's signal scrambler projector, the Alor'uus is particularly difficult to detect or track at long ranges, or during intense combat. To capitalize on this, the ship makes heavy use of passive detection sensors in general operation and is equipped with both a WADAR and ELDAR sensor system, the latter of which having been purchased from Outer Rim manufacturers.

Intent: To make a pretty, pretty internet spaceships.
Image Source: Battlestar Galactica Franchise, Battlestar Valkyrie,
Canon Link: NA
Primary Source: NA

Manufacturer: Clan Dem'adas Corp of Engineers
Model: Alor'uus-class Tactical Battleship (DTMN Type E)
Affiliation: Closed Market / Dar'tome Mando'ade
Modularity: Limited
Production: Semi-Unique
Classification: Light Star Destroyer
Length: 900 meters
Hyperdrive: Average
Hangar: Average (6 Squadrons)
  • Starfighters: 4 Squadrons
  • Support Craft: 2 Squadrons
Speed: High
Maneuverability: Average
Defense: High
Armament: Low
  • Passive stealth technology makes the ship difficult to detect with most sensors
  • Robust EWAR suite capable of making itself and nearby ships difficult to detect, track, identify, target, and attack at long ranges
  • Advanced, passive sensor suite helps ship to detect hidden threats at long ranges and without giving away its own position
  • Equipped with advanced, gravity detecting sensors
  • Advanced Hull Design leads to impressive Structural Integrity
  • Impressive resistance to exotic forms of attack, such as ionic, electromagnetic, radioactive, sonic, exc
  • Powerful shields capable of stopping Solar Ionization Weapons and able to shrug off lighter caliber weaponry
  • Advanced power distribution and propulsion technology allows for adjustable performance profiles
  • While difficult to detect, the ship lacks protection from gravity-based detection methods
  • Ship is highly visible on electromagnetic sensors when using Magnetoran Sweep Projector and other EWAR devices
  • Very limited offensive capabilities
  • Slow shield regeneration
  • Light aft armament

Part of the latest generation of Clan Dem'adas warships, the Alor'uus-class Tactical Battleship is a much smaller variant of the iconic Alor-class Dreadnought. It is, in fact, the smallest Dar'tome Mando'ade warship to retain the same base hull layout as the iconic Mandalorian design, with all other descendant designs being Dreadnoughts. Like her larger cousins, the Alor'uus incorporates a large assortment of advanced electronics, electrical systems, and structural elements. Many of these elements are holdover technology retained from records of Mandal Hypernautics' previous designs. The rest of these elements are new innovations learned by necessity after years of combating numerous alien forces, or are borrowed technology taken from those same alien forces.

Retaining the core design philosophy of the ship's previous incarnation and larger cousins, the ship possesses port and starboard nacelle hangars that retract when engaging in hyperspace travel or when engaged in heavy combat. Built into the exterior edge of the Alor'uus's nacelle are a number of starfighter launch tubes. Two squadrons of starfighters are held in the port and starboard hangar respectively. Each hangar is designed to allow all squadrons to launch at once from the built-in launch tubes of each hangar. Any shuttles, dropships, light freighters, or other ships that may have docked in each hangar are unable to be launched in this way. Unlike most other Alor-style ships made by Clan Dem'adas, the Alor'uus does not incorporate drop pod launch bays into her design.

Unlike most other ships made by Clan Dem'adas the Type E variant of the Alor'uus Tactical Battleship forgoes the typical primary armament of her sister ships. Instead, the ship makes heavy use of various specialized turrets utilizing advanced, electronic warfare systems to project disruptions upon hostile warships. Not to completely disarm itself, the Alor'uus Type E utilizes several batteries of traditional Assault Grade Flex-Tube Launchers to fire Assault Concussion Missiles, Ram'or Assault Missiles, (knockoff) ACS Breacher Boarding Torpedos, Homing Cluster EMP Detonation Missiles, Advanced Homing Cluster Missiles, Homing Heavy Intruder Missiles, ID-84 Interdiction Missiles, Collapsium Warhead Missiles, Empion Warhead Missiles, and a number of other options. For defense, the Type E variant retains a robust network of point defense emplacements that can project devastating fields of fire to protect herself and other nearby ships from hostile starfighter and missile attacks. Also included in the ship's defensive arsenal are a number of MH EM Field Generator Batteries and which can create areas of electromagnetic interference around the ship to help defend her from missiles, torpedoes, and hostile starfighters.

Like most of the Dar'tome Mando'ade warships, the Alor'uus-class incorporates a number of advanced power management and propulsion systems. These include an 'Unbreakable Engine System', a Weapon Power Converter, a Power Loop Capacitor, the Mandal Hypernautics designed Overdrive Engine, Maneuvering Thrusters, and Emergency Vector Thrusters, as well as a SLAM system. With these components and the high quality power conduits running through the ship, the Alor'uus-class is capable of redistributing power among various ship systems to dramatically alter the performance of the vessel, although only two of these components may typically be active at any given time.

Propulsion System

SLAM: Doubles the effects of active Overdrive Engines (+2 Speed / -2 Maneuverability total)
MHOE: -1 Maneuverability Rating for +1 Speed Rating
MHMT: -1 Offensive (or) Defensive Rating for +1 Maneuverability
Power Management System

UES: -1 Speed Rating for +1 Defensive Rating
PLC: -1 Offensive Rating for +1 Defensive Rating
WPC: -1 Speed Rating for +1 Offensive Rating
Shield Leech Weapon

SLW: +1 Offensive Rating while draining enemy shields
Unlike her larger contemporaries, the Alor'uus-class Tactical Battleship fills a niche battlefield role through her use of advanced sensors and numerous electronic warfare systems. The chief aspect of the ship's EWAR arsenal would be the Magnetoran Sweep Projector, a device that produces a powerful cone of electromagnetic energy similar in strength to the intense electromagnetic fields surrounding some planets. By rapidly modulating the electromagnetic energy created within this field of effect, the Magnetoran Sweep Projector can disrupt the tracking and targeting systems of effected starships by several degrees. At close ranges, this inaccuracy will hardly be noticed in capital weapon batteries, with the notable exception being point defense batteries. However, at long ranges, this disruption can cause significant errors in weapon accuracy. And when supported by the ship's Signal Scrambler Projector, the Alor'uus is capable of making itself and any nearby ships particularly difficult to engage at extended ranges.

The Type E variant of the Alor'uus is designed to maximize the EWAR capabilities of the ship at the expense of much of the ship's offensive capabilities. It does this by replacing most of the traditional weaponry with long range jamming beam projectors and full-spectrum distortion projector that can be utilized to project sustained EWAR disruptions upon hostile ships that are far more difficult to mitigate and far less likely to cause damage to allied ship's sensor and targeting systems.

The Alor'uus is equipped with a robust passive stealth system that includes dampening baffles, absorptive polymer paint, WhisperThrust Ion Drives, and magnetic reduction field generators. While this system lacks an active cloak or gravitic reduction technology, it goes a long way towards minimizing the detectability of the ship. Even without utilizing the ship's signal scrambler projector, the Alor'uus is particularly difficult to detect or track at long ranges, or during intense combat. To capitalize on this, the ship makes heavy use of passive detection sensors in general operation and is equipped with both a WADAR and ELDAR sensor system, the latter of which having been purchased from Outer Rim manufacturers. The less common Type E variant also includes a Crystal Grav-field Trap in its suite of sensors.

Intent: To make a pretty, pretty internet spaceships.
Image Source: Battlestar Galactica Franchise, Battlestar Valkyrie,
Canon Link: NA
Primary Source: NA

Manufacturer: Clan Dem'adas Corp of Engineers
Model: Alor'uus-class Tactical Battleship (DTMN Type C)
Affiliation: Closed Market / Dar'tome Mando'ade
Modularity: Limited
Production: Semi-Unique
Classification: Light Star Destroyer
Length: 900 meters
Hyperdrive: Average
Hangar: Low (4 Squadrons)
  • Starfighters: 4 Squadrons
  • Support Craft: 0 Squadrons
Speed: High
Maneuverability: Low
Defense: Moderate
Armament: Moderate
  • Active stealth technology can make the ship extremely difficult to detect by most methods
  • Passive stealth technology makes the ship difficult to detect with most sensors
  • Modest EWAR suite capable of making itself and nearby ships difficult to detect, track, identify, target, and attack at long ranges
  • Advanced, passive sensor suite helps ship to detect hidden threats at long ranges and without giving away its own position
  • Optimized for point-blank "brawling" style of combat
  • Ridiculous Anti-Missile and Anti-Starfighter capabilities when utilizing flak ammunition in main batteries
  • Advanced Hull Design leads to impressive Structural Integrity
  • Impressive resistance to exotic forms of attack, such as ionic, electromagnetic, radioactive, sonic, exc
  • Powerful shields capable of stopping Solar Ionization Weapons and able to shrug off lighter caliber weaponry
  • Advanced power distribution and propulsion technology allows for adjustable performance profiles
  • While difficult to detect, cloaked or otherwise, the ship lacks protection from gravity-based detection methods
  • Ship is highly visible on electromagnetic sensors when using Magnetoran Sweep Projector
  • Highly ammo dependent
  • No long range weapon capabilities
  • When utilizing flak ammunition in primary weapons, weapons are ineffective against heavily armored capital ships
  • Slow shield regeneration
  • Light aft armament

Part of the latest generation of Clan Dem'adas warships, the Alor'uus-class Tactical Battleship is a much smaller variant of the iconic Alor-class Dreadnought. It is, in fact, the smallest Dar'tome Mando'ade warship to retain the same base hull layout as the iconic Mandalorian design, with all other descendant designs being Dreadnoughts. Like her larger cousins, the Alor'uus incorporates a large assortment of advanced electronics, electrical systems, and structural elements. Many of these elements are holdover technology retained from records of Mandal Hypernautics' previous designs. The rest of these elements are new innovations learned by necessity after years of combating numerous alien forces, or are borrowed technology taken from those same alien forces.

Retaining the core design philosophy of the ship's previous incarnation and larger cousins, the ship possesses port and starboard nacelle hangars that retract when engaging in hyperspace travel or when engaged in heavy combat. Built into the exterior edge of the Alor'uus's nacelle are a number of starfighter launch tubes. Two squadrons of starfighters are held in the port and starboard hangar respectively. Each hangar is designed to allow all squadrons to launch at once from the built-in launch tubes of each hangar. Any shuttles, dropships, light freighters, or other ships that may have docked in each hangar are unable to be launched in this way. Unlike most other Alor-style ships made by Clan Dem'adas, the Alor'uus does not incorporate drop pod launch bays into her design.

Like the other ships made by Clan Dem'adas, the primary armament of the Alor'uus-class takes the form of batteries of turrets equipped with twin Mass Driver Cannons of a high caliber. These magnetic rail cannons accept a wide range of ammunition and can also be used as Assault Grade Flex-Tube Launchers, enabling the fire control officer to switch between a withering barrage of armor-piercing solid projectiles or a wide range of large ordnance options. These weapons can utilize a number of ammunition types and are often used with Armor Piercing, HE, and time delayed Flak rounds. And can be utilized to launch Assault Concussion Missiles, Ram'or Assault Missiles, (knockoff) ACS Breacher Boarding Torpedos, Homing Cluster EMP Detonation Missiles, Advanced Homing Cluster Missiles, Homing Heavy Intruder Missiles, ID-84 Interdiction Missiles, Collapsium Warhead Missiles, Empion Warhead Missiles, and a number of other options.

Supporting this primary armament are a number of massive "Vulcan" Gatling Mass-Driver Flak Cannons that fire much smaller projectiles at an incredible rate of fire. These weapons can also utilize Armor Piercing, HE, or time delayed Flak ammunition, but takes a considerable amount of time to swap ammo. Numerous secondary point defense emplacements supplement these massive flak cannons to an excessive degree, making the ship capable of projecting devastating fields of fire to protect herself and other nearby ships from hostile starfighter and missile attacks. Also included in the ship's defensive arsenal are a number of MH EM Field Generator Batteries which can create areas of electromagnetic interference around the ship to help defend her from missiles, torpedoes, and hostile starfighters.

Like most of the Dar'tome Mando'ade warships, the Alor'uus-class incorporates a number of advanced power management and propulsion systems. These include an 'Unbreakable Engine System', a Weapon Power Converter, a Power Loop Capacitor, the Mandal Hypernautics designed Overdrive Engine, Maneuvering Thrusters, and Emergency Vector Thrusters, as well as a SLAM system. With these components and the high quality power conduits running through the ship, the Alor'uus-class is capable of redistributing power among various ship systems to dramatically alter the performance of the vessel, although only two of these components may typically be active at any given time.

Propulsion System

SLAM: Doubles the effects of active Overdrive Engines (+2 Speed / -2 Maneuverability total)
MHOE: -1 Maneuverability Rating for +1 Speed Rating
MHMT: -1 Offensive (or) Defensive Rating for +1 Maneuverability
Power Management System

UES: -1 Speed Rating for +1 Defensive Rating
PLC: -1 Offensive Rating for +1 Defensive Rating
WPC: -1 Speed Rating for +1 Offensive Rating
Shield Leech Weapon

SLW: +1 Offensive Rating while draining enemy shields
Unlike her larger contemporaries, the Alor'uus-class Tactical Battleship fills a niche battlefield role through her use of advanced sensors and numerous electronic warfare systems. The chief aspect of the ship's EWAR arsenal would be the Magnetoran Sweep Projector, a device that produces a powerful cone of electromagnetic energy similar in strength to the intense electromagnetic fields surrounding some planets. By rapidly modulating the electromagnetic energy created within this field of effect, the Magnetoran Sweep Projector can disrupt the tracking and targeting systems of effected starships by several degrees. At close ranges, this inaccuracy will hardly be noticed in capital weapon batteries, with the notable exception being point defense batteries. However, at long ranges, this disruption can cause significant errors in weapon accuracy. And when supported by the ship's Signal Scrambler Projector, the Alor'uus is capable of making itself and any nearby ships particularly difficult to engage at extended ranges.

The Alor'uus is equipped with a robust passive stealth system that includes dampening baffles, absorptive polymer paint, WhisperThrust Ion Drives, and magnetic reduction field generators. While this system lacks gravitic reduction technology, it does include a Nagai active cloak system. Even without utilizing the ship's active camouflage or signal scrambler projector, the Alor'uus is particularly difficult to detect or track at long ranges, or during intense combat. To capitalize on this, the ship makes heavy use of passive detection sensors in general operation and is equipped with both a WADAR and ELDAR sensor system, the latter of which having been purchased from Outer Rim manufacturers.

Intent: To make a pretty, pretty internet spaceships.
Image Source: Battlestar Galactica Franchise, Battlestar Galactica, Battlestar Galactica Deadlock (game),
Canon Link: NA
Primary Source: NA

Manufacturer: Clan Dem'adas Corp of Engineers
Model: Alor'ad-class Dreadnought (DTMN Type 2)
Affiliation: Closed Market / Dar'tome Mando'ade
Modularity: Limited
Production: Semi-Unique
Classification: Heavy Star Destroyer
Length: 2,000 meters
Hyperdrive: Average
Hangar: Low (8 Squadrons)
Speed: Average
Maneuverability: Low
Defense: Very High
Armament: High
  • Super-Heavy Mass Driver / Missile Launcher Batteries
  • "Vulcan" Gatling Mass Driver Flak Cannons
  • Shield Leech Weapons
  • Point Defense Flak Cannons
  • Point Defense Gatling Slugthrowers
  • MH EM Field Generator Turrets
  • Anti-Starfighter Homing Cluster Nano-Missile Launchers
  • Heavy Tractor Beam Emitter Batteries
  • Heavy Pressor Beam Emitter Batteries
  • Optimized for point-blank "brawling" style of combat
  • Ridiculous Anti-Missile and Anti-Starfighter capabilities when utilizing flak ammunition in main batteries
  • Advanced Hull Design leads to impressive Structural Integrity
  • Impressive resistance to exotic forms of attack, such as ionic, electromagnetic, radioactive, sonic, exc
  • Thick, double layered armor plating requires high caliber and/or armor piercing weaponry to penetrate
  • Powerful shields capable of stopping Solar Ionization Weapons and able to shrug off lighter caliber weaponry
  • Advanced power distribution and propulsion technology allows for adjustable performance profiles
  • Highly Ammo Dependent
  • No Long Range Weapon Capabilities
  • When utilizing flak ammunition in primary weapons, weapons are ineffective against heavily armored capital ships
  • Slow shield regeneration
  • Light ventral armament
  • Light aft armament
  • Expensive and complex to manufacture, the ships can only be produced in limited quantities





Intent: To make a pretty, pretty internet spaceships.
Image Source: Battlestar Galactica Franchise, Battlestar Pegasus,
Canon Link: NA
Primary Source: NA

Manufacturer: Clan Dem'adas Corp of Engineers
Model: Alor-class Dreadnought (DTMN Type 2)
Affiliation: Closed Market / Dar'tome Mando'ade
Modularity: Limited
Production: Semi-Unique
Classification: Battlecruiser
Length: 3,000 meters
Hyperdrive: Average
Hangar: Low (12 Squadrons)
Speed: Average
Maneuverability: Low
Defense: Very High
Armament: High
  • Super-Heavy Mass Driver / Missile Launcher Batteries
  • "Vulcan" Gatling Mass Driver Flak Cannons
  • Shield Leech Weapons
  • Point Defense Flak Cannons
  • Point Defense Gatling Slugthrowers
  • MH EM Field Generator Turrets
  • Anti-Starfighter Homing Cluster Nano-Missile Launchers
  • Heavy Tractor Beam Emitter Batteries
  • Heavy Pressor Beam Emitter Batteries
  • Optimized for point-blank "brawling" style of combat
  • Ridiculous Anti-Missile and Anti-Starfighter capabilities when utilizing flak ammunition in main batteries
  • Advanced Hull Design leads to impressive Structural Integrity
  • Impressive resistance to exotic forms of attack, such as ionic, electromagnetic, radioactive, sonic, exc
  • Thick, double layered armor plating requires high caliber and/or armor piercing weaponry to penetrate
  • Powerful shields capable of stopping Solar Ionization Weapons and able to shrug off lighter caliber weaponry
  • Advanced power distribution and propulsion technology allows for adjustable performance profiles
  • Highly Ammo Dependent
  • No Long Range Weapon Capabilities
  • When utilizing flak ammunition in primary weapons, weapons are ineffective against heavily armored capital ships
  • Slow shield regeneration
  • Light ventral armament
  • Light aft armament
  • Expensive and complex to manufacture, the ships can only be produced in limited quantities

Intent: To make a pretty, pretty internet spaceships.
Image Source: Battlestar Galactica Franchise, Battlestar Hesperides,
Canon Link: NA
Primary Source: Mand'alor-class Battleship, Type 3 Keldabe-class Battleship,

Manufacturer: Clan Dem'adas Corp of Engineers
Model: Mand'alor-class Dreadnought (DTMN Type W)
  • "Morut be te Kyr'bes" (Stronghold of the Crown)
Affiliation: Closed Market / Dar'tome Mando'ade / ORC
Modularity: Limited
Production: Unique
Classification: Heavy Battlecruiser
Length: 5,000 meters
Hyperdrive: Average (Hyperdrive) / Special (Wormhole)
Hangar: Very Low (14 Squadrons)
  • Starfighters: 10 Squadrons
  • Support Craft: 4 Squadrons
Speed: Average
Maneuverability: Low
Defense: Very High
Armament: High
  • Super-Heavy Mass Driver / Missile Launcher Batteries
  • "Vulcan" Gatling Mass Driver Flak Cannons
  • Shield Leech Weapons
  • Point Defense Flak Cannons
  • Point Defense Gatling Slugthrowers
  • MH EM Field Generator Turrets
  • Anti-Starfighter Homing Cluster Nano-Missile Launchers
  • Heavy Tractor Beam Emitter Batteries
  • Heavy Pressor Beam Emitter Batteries
  • Equipped with a G2WG Hyperdrive capable of creating wormholes roughly 5,000 meters wide
  • Optimized for point-blank "brawling" style of combat
  • Ridiculous Anti-Missile and Anti-Starfighter capabilities when utilizing flak ammunition in main batteries
  • Advanced Hull Design leads to impressive Structural Integrity
  • Impressive resistance to exotic forms of attack, such as ionic, electromagnetic, radioactive, sonic, exc
  • Thick, double layered armor plating requires high caliber and/or armor piercing weaponry to penetrate
  • Powerful shields capable of stopping Solar Ionization Weapons and able to shrug off lighter caliber weaponry
  • Advanced power distribution and propulsion technology allows for adjustable performance profiles
  • If attempting to create a wormhole while Firegems are near Hyperdrive, Hyperdrive will explode
  • If attempting to enter a wormhole with Firegems onboard, wormhole will collapse and ship will be dumped into Otherspace
  • Highly Ammo Dependent
  • No Long Range Weapon Capabilities
  • When utilizing flak ammunition in primary weapons, weapons are ineffective against heavily armored capital ships
  • Slow shield regeneration
  • Light ventral armament
  • Light aft armament
  • Expensive and complex to manufacture, the ships can only be produced in limited quantities

A customized Mand'alor-class Dreadnought, the Morut be te Kyr'bes serves as the current flagship of the Dar'tome Mando'ade and has been dispatched to Skyriver with an escort fleet to hunt down a renegade band of criminals wanted by the Kingdom of Tof. As part of this mission, the Morut be te Kyr'bes and her Dar'tome Mando'ade escorts, commanded by Alor Olivia Dem'adas will seek to re-establish lines of communication with the occupants of the main galaxy in an effort to track down these criminals, as well as the Tof King's "kidnapped" 8ft tall daughter. Equipped with the latest Clan Dem'adas naval technology, the Morut be te Kyr'bes is adorned with an exotic Hyperdrive capable of creating Hyperspace Wormholes as a means of traveling between sectors of space. While this means of travel is highly unpredictable (which is staying something when compared to the track record of traditional Hyperdrives), it proves to be an incredibly speedy and efficient means of moving a coordinated fleet over vast distances of otherwise turbulent space. In particular, the unique properties of traveling via wormhole allows the Morut be te Kyr'bes to escort an entire fleet of ships across the vast gulf between Besh (otherwise known as Firefist) and the Main Galaxy (otherwise known as The Skyriver) in only a few short weeks. Which is an impressive feat when one considers that the same path would take several months if traveled in a ship utilizing a traditional Hyperdrive.

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