Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mandalorian, Hunter, Jedi, Smuggler, Sith, whatever.

Sup Mortals,

As you all may or may not know, i've recently joined the site and put a fair amount of work into making an interesting application, taking some bits and pieces from the other Star Wars site I was on a year ago before it died. Having made some fixes to the character in terms of personality, skills and writing up a completely new history, I am now ready to release him into the universe of Chaos. But as you might imagine, I can't do any of this on my own.

My character, Thresco of Clan Jorr, is a Mandalorian with a sensitivity to the Force. As was common for most Mandalorians, Thresco was trained from a very young age to become a killing machine capable of hunting down and killing almost any prey he'd get set upon. During his teenage years, he was trained by a dark jedi, who turned out to be a Sith recruiter that had already made plans to deliver him to them. When he made a run for it, the Sith destroyed his clan and left him an orphan.

After the death of his clan, he spent a lot of time working for MandalMotors, becoming an engineer by trade. From that point on, he gathered parts by buying, stealing, scavenging and trading in order to create his own unique suit of armor, as well as a virtual friend called Torgost, the friendly AI that flies and navigates his ship. Together with his Strill Chakaar and his Shriek-hawk Stanil, Thresco has created his own little family on board of his starfighter, the Jiriad Kadiilir.

Now, he spends his time flying from place to place in his mobile home, trying to get paying jobs to pay the bills, keep his ship flying, put food on the table and get new parts so that he can keep improving his creations or make new ones to add to the crew. While doing so, he keeps his eyes and ears open, hoping to pick up on other Force sensitive people such as himself who can teach him how to make use of the thing he knows so little about.

Now that is about it. If you're kinda interested, but not yet convinced, head on over to my application by clicking the link on the left. Hopefully, reading through the actual persona might tip the scales in my favor, or hook you off of ever RPing with me altogether.

Whatever the case might be, i'm looking forward to meeting some of you, and I hope the feeling is mutual.
Freyia Whitelight-Carrick said:
[member="Thresco Jorr"]

First welcome to the board I think that you fit in very good with the Mandalorian Empire

Here is a link

Cheek it out hit me up or [member="Isley Verd"] he the Mandalore
If possible, I would like to be signed up as an Unbloodied. I could start out as an Initiate since he is technically a dark jedi/rogue jedi, but since he has no force powers at all at this point, being Unbloodied makes the most sense by far.

And yeah Saverok, I just might need some of those :p
Abelain Narv'uk said:
[member="Thresco Jorr"]

Looks like an interesting character, and your bio is quite well written. Would love a chance to RP with you on something or another.
Sounds like a plan to me.
Since both of our characters are Force sensitive, there is at least one thing that connects them. From what I can read, the two would either end up hating one another, or they might learn a thing or two. Seeing as how Thresco has no real force abilities, that might be something worth bringing up.
[member="Thresco Jorr"]

I was already under the impression that he had no prominent Force abilities, but that's probably fine. What would you be interested in accomplishing in a thread? Perhaps we might take this to PM for further details?
Abelain Narv'uk said:
[member="Thresco Jorr"]

I was already under the impression that he had no prominent Force abilities, but that's probably fine. What would you be interested in accomplishing in a thread? Perhaps we might take this to PM for further details?
Solid plan, message sent.

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