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Mandal Hypernautics: Outsourcing

@Faenrovon The Radiant
Rygel Larraq stood casually in his office with has hands behind his back. Near him sat Talyn, his pet Vornskr. The beast slept soundly upon the floor, half of a gnawed bone within inches of his paws. Before Larraq was an active holodisplay, numbers and icons scrolling slowly from ceiling to floor as the the list of purchases and expenses of Mandal Hypernautics' last month taunted the CEO. From employee wages to starship components, to maintenance and equipment replacement all the way down to bribes and 'gifts', the list of expenses was extensive to say the least.

From Larraq's standpoint, the bottom line was simple enough to understand. Mandal Hypernautics might be turning a profit, but it would never be able to truly expand unless it found a way to clean house.

Larraq sighed and started the scrolling display over again. Trying not to blink, Larraq gazed at the hologram and tried to discern a pattern in their spending, oversights in contract choice, or an opportunity for military action and acquisitions.... But nothing was making itself apparent.

Larraq tried cross-referencing the gains of Mandal Hypernautics and contemplated consolodating their product catalog to reduce expenses in parts and supplies... But no option was presenting itself.

Giving up for the moment, Larraq turned his back on the display and returned to his desk where an empty glass and a bottle of whiskey awaited him. It was while he was pouring the amber liquid that he noticed a connection in the expenses...

Hyperion Mining had only managed to acquire 10% of the raw materials used by Mandal Hypernautics this quarter. Knowing exactly what changes had to be made, Larraq pressed the intercom button on his desk. "Fire the CEO of Hyperion Mining and put out a Now Hiring ad." Larraq said to his secretary. Somehow he'd need to revamp Hyperion Mining into something with a bit more to contribute to Mandal Hypernautics. He knew that the best was to invoke change was from the top down, so a new CEO for the company was where he would have to start.

Even then... It would take a years for Hyperion Mining to be able to support the entirety of Mandal Hypernautics. What he needed was another mining subsidiary to help carry the load.

Rygel Larraq sipped on his whiskey and flipped through the stock market as he searched for a new company to buy out and waited for his secretary to line up the applicants for the newly available CEO position.
A woman with clouded eyes entered the waiting room of Mandal headquarters. She handed the receptionist a card and seated herself wordlessly. The receptionist stared at the card, then rang up [member="Captain Larraq"].

"Mr. Larraq, we have a representative from Bidpac Mining here. The one with the uhm," the receptionist glanced at the cloudy eyed woman and stopped talking as the woman gave her a sightless stare. The receptionist shuddered visibly.

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