Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Man To Machine

Perhaps one of the more favored armors Darth Ferus had seen with the Sith Assassins. Intimidation was an important asset for any Sith, for if the target feared, especially with Jedi, they wouldn't act to their fullest. Unsettled, they would be weaker, and easier to kill. It was a practice Ferus had been working on for some time now, but the idea of forcibly making himself a cyborg again wasn't something he wanted to do.

Instead, he wanted to force another. One by the name of [member="Safiriel Bane"] . There was little information on the girl, save for her connection to the Force and her lack of people caring if she went away. Who better to experiment on than a nobody on a forsaken planet such as Jakku?
[member="Darth Ferus"]

Darkness, it was everywhere. And a bright light, at the same time. Such things tended to happen when one slept. Slowly, safiriel blinked awake, and sat up. Her rough bedroll fell away from her pale, scarred form. She was out again, in the wilds. Not hunting, not hiding either. Living rather, as whims dictated, far away from others.

Others brought trouble, discontent. Too many thoughts jumbled together when she was near others, their thoughts and desires thrashed about inside her skull, driving her mad until she could not help but flee.
Through the dessert the Sith went, step by step. Despite the blistering heat on this planet, Ferus wore his signature cloak. A black and red tattered robe, looking as if it had seen the wrong side of combat for over a century. Truth, it probably had. But fear was ever important. With his signature buried to an unfathomable level, he walked. There was nothing hidden about him, so [member="Safiriel Bane"] could see him clear as day, a man dressed in what looked like a blood stained cloak with burning red eyes.
[member="Darth Ferus"]

Thoughts...Anothers Thoughts...Someone was hear, close...Close enough to bother her atleast. Hopefully the man and his thoughts would pass, to leave her be. Already the voices were whispering, chattering around inside her skull as too many different thoughts vied for dominance, causing her a flash of pain every now and then. With an angry hiss she threw down her mug, letting it skitter across the rocky sand a few feet away
Ah, there she was. The sound of the mug being thrown down was enough for the Sith to know she was close. And that's when he saw her. The pale haired female hiding away from so many people. Hiding, running. Afraid. In a flash of movement he was before her, his tall slender form towering above, his red eyes glaring down upon [member="Safiriel Bane"] . War had come, and found what he was looking for. And with a friend smile he would begin to speak.

"You are coming with me now."
[member="Darth Ferus"]

The tired Echani looked up into the stranger's face. Adorned with a smile that didn't quite meat his eyes he stood before her. In the most common of circumstances, Safiriel would have cut him down. These weren't those circumstances. Infact, would she attempt such, she imagined a quite terrible, and quite sudden fate would meet her.

"And should I not wish to?"
"I bring you with me anyway. You're alone, no one cares about where you go, or what happens to you [member="Safiriel Bane"] . Simply put, you're going to be made into my weapon. Any objections you may have will all be ignored." He continued to smile, and despite his obvious threat he made no motion or movement to back it up. Instead, he just stood there, both hands behind his back. His red eyes continued to burn however, and something about them said all the threat he would need to for most people.
"Really then, you might have saved quite some time simply clubbing me over the head at the start. You risk a lot of time and effort trudging out here, engaging me in conversation. This way, you've atleast given me the illusion I could escape, enough time to formulate aplan, or even wait for friends, if I had any"

She shrugged her shoulders lightly, somewhat resigned to her fate. It was of course best to make light of a bad situation,it tended to help one's sanity, assuming one had one to begin with

"Really, im not sure what you expect now. Do you expect me to casually stroll with you> Do you expect me to lash out at you?"

[member="Darth Ferus"]
"No. I expect you to hate me for what comes next. Why? Cause that makes really, really good Sith." And with that, the Sith brought up both of his hands, the smile still plastered across that dark face. Lightning danced across his knuckles before they danced out, aiming to completely engulf [member="Safiriel Bane"] . Pain, hate, anger. All traits needed for a good Sith, and for what Ferus had in mind, a lot was going to be needed.

​"Don't worry dear, you'll be conscious. There is so much left in store for you."
[member="Darth Ferus"]

Now for all the good coming alogn quietly would have done her, there was so much more fun ways to die. Like attempting to jab a punch into a sith's gut, while his thoughts of frying you half to death still bounced around in your skull. That was the option Safiriel went for, for all the good it'd do her. Which, with little doubt, was very little
The punch caught him off guard. Sure, he should of expected it, but he didn't. A grunt escaped his lips, and though he took a hold of his side with one of his hands, the other let loose the shower of sparks. A hint of rage flickered across the features of his face, but he fought that down. [member="Safiriel Bane"] needed to be alive, or well. Mostly alive, for what came next. "You're only going to make this worse for yourself."
[member="Darth Ferus"]

The cry of agony that followed was, well it wasn't swift. Infact, the fact that it was a cry of agony pretty much sumarised the sound Safiriel was making at the time. "Kar-King...W-Worth...It" She growled, in comment to her single swift punch, an assault that met with a quite timely, yet at the same time sad ending
"I'm glad it was." There was a hint of sarcasm before he would bring around his second hand, to increase the lightning output of course. Once [member="Safiriel Bane"] reached the point she couldn't fight back, the Force would be used to carry her back to his ship. Where a medical lab laid in wait. Oh so many surprises were to be had for this poor, poor lass. The Sith would have their new weapon.
[member="Darth Ferus"]

Sometimes, being a Telepath was a good thing. The ability to read minds came in hand. It wasn't always a good thing. Such as when your powers were so strong, you couldn't turn them off. When the thoughts of everyone, and everything for miles around jumble into a chaotic swirl inside your head. Then they were a bad thing, Or when a sith had you captive, and was going over his plans for you mentally
Once on the ship Ferus would not so gently drop the woman down on the table, where several medical droids laid in waiting. Cybernetics lined the walls, all specifically built for [member="Safiriel Bane"] . "As I'm sure you've already seen with your digging around in my head, you're in for a long night. So strap in and hold on. You'll never be the same again." A wave of his hand made the straps wrap around her form, and the droids went right to work. Cutting, tearing, removing, replacing. Unforgivingly the robots began to dismantle the female, and rebuild her.
(This is totally whats happening)

As stoic as Safiriel would try to remain, soon her screams would fill the ships interior. Her humanity was stripped. flesh and empathy replaced with Chrome and Killer instincts. Vocal cords replaced by a twisted parody of speech through a voice box. Muscles replaced with nanowire machinery. Muscles replaced with stronger, light synthmuscle. Eyes replaced with infrared scanners. Till very little remained of the woman she once was
There was silence from the Sith Lord as he watched the transformation. The droids did well at keeping her alive at least. Once the process was finished, Ferus would simply wait. [member="Safiriel Bane"] had been grafted into his image, and now she needed to stand up on her own. Not that he wouldn't guide her to himself however. A sinister smile formed on his lips as the droids backed away.

"And how do you feel now?"
Safiriel did not respond immediatelly, struggling at her restraints. The shackles were durasteel, more than enough to hold a normal man or woman. The metal creaked and cried in protest as it was shredded from it's hinges and torn off.

"I yearn.....To Kill...."

[member="Darth Ferus"]

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