Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Malfunction

K1 nodded.

The old man would leave the two be, quietly going back to his work in the other room. It would take a half hour at least before K1 was fully charged. The droid reached to unplug himself, stepping down from the station.

"I am.. sufficiently charged." The 'commando' unit turned to Aliris, whirring almost contentedly. "So. What is our plan now, Aliris?" His ocular sensors flashed curiously.

Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru


"Well, I still want to investigate those labs. If um.. You're up for it."

With him no longer in danger her desire to explore and find what she was seeking was right back in the forefront, though the moment she suggested it she felt a pang of guilt. It was why he got damaged in the first place, right? Trying to find this information? She frowned as she shook her head.

"We don't have to."

K1[_ _] K1[_ _]

"I'm up for it." K1 looked down to Aliris, setting his heavy hand gently on her shoulder. "I still have the map, I believe. I'd hate to stop here with how far you've come."

He was trying to be reassuring, as the guilt and uncertainty on her face didn't seem to suit her. "This new body is a lot more resilient than you may think; you don't need to worry."

Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru



"Then.. In that case, lets go!"

She smiled wide, nodding her head. if he was certain on them going, then she certainly wasn't going to argue. She really wanted to find the matter after all, so why not keep going? She lead the way to the door, letting herself smile again.

"Lead the way, K1!"

K1[_ _] K1[_ _]

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