Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Malachite Avachei


NAME: Malachite Avachei, the Gold Steel
FACTION: Crystalsong Commonwealth
SPECIES: Ruferalahuín (Oolb Rudle)
AGE: 65 (Biologically ~25)
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 7'0"
WEIGHT: 198 kg
EYES: Blue; Red and Gold when channeling.
HAIR: Gold
SKIN: Pale


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+/-) Heavy Drinker - Can't go more than a few hours without some kind of liquor.
(+/-) Sugar Hit - Same as the drinking, he really needs sugar to function. No sugar = Sleepy fox
(+) Good with a sword - It's what he trained with as a kid, and what he learned to channel through.
(-) Rough control of telekinetics - Sure, he can use it in combat, but it's not a good idea to let him pilot or grab anything really small with TK. It's a mental block he just can't get around.
(+) Elemental prodigy - Other than swordfighting, Malachite only was ever really good at channeling fire. He learned at a young age, and uses it even when it's not strictly necessary.

Not your average fox-guy. His furred areas are gold, and his eyes are blue. He's really tall, and really good-looking, and he knows it.

Malachite Avachei was born to Xanya and Layn Avachei on Crystalsong. The Oolb Rudle pocket on Crystalsong was rather skeptical of the Avachei's interactions with the people in the cities. Layn had set up an agreement, years before, that in return for quiet, the nomadic group would periodically act as a inter-city police force, much like the Jedi Order was to the rest of the galaxy.

Of course, this eventually led to the exile of Layn and Xanya, as they were judged to be 'putting the needs of others before the tribe's' Malachite was only ten at the time, and barely remembered the day. He was adopted as the son of the chief, and was trained in pyrokinesis and swordplay. Eventually, he rose to become the second-in-command, and he was given the title "Golden Sword".

But one day, Layn came back, looking for treatment for his dying wife... Malachite never recognized them, and the chief himself killed both of them. Horrified at the sudden violence of his adopted father, Mal ran away, fleeing out of the countryside, to the nearest city, where he was recognized as the son of the two famous Avacheis...


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