Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Make for Rashae


  • Intent: To make a special piece of Jewelry for Rashae as part of her and Ardgal's story line
  • Image Source: Source
  • Canon Link: Dovil Basin
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Ardgal Raxis
  • Model: N/A
  • Affiliation: Rashae
  • Modularity: Minor, the "gemstones" change color
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Vong tissue, Dovil Basin tissue, Villip tissue, Yorki Coral
  • Classification: Energy Shield
  • Weight: Negligible
  • Quality:
    Slashing/Piercing: 0
    Kinetic: 0
    Lightsaber: 8
    Ion/EMP/Electricity: 8
    Blaster: 10

  • Self-repairs
  • Absorbs heat
  • Temperature regulates
  • Vong Tech
  • Attuned to Rashae
  • Tracking transponder
  • Vong Tech: This piece of jewelry is force-dead and therefore cannot be affected by the Force, good or bad.
  • Attuned to Rashae: This biot is attuned to Rashae's biological signature, meaning if anyone else wears it, it wouldn't have a positive effect. Quite the Opposite, it would have a very negative effect--as in, it would jam pincers in their skin and begin pumping them full of deadly neurotoxins that kill and cripple pretty fast.
  • Temperature regulates: This thing literally eats the heat, so when Rashae is in hot environments, she will feel more comfortable than not.
  • Self repairs: Since its alive, this little necklace medalion actually heals itself.
  • Tracking transponder: The small amount of Villip tissue in this biot sends out a telepathic frequency. Its untraceable through normal means and acts like any normal Villip. The difference is it sends out a passive beacon of where the user is at. If someone knows how to tap into that, they know where she is at. Also, if the necklace biot feels certain cues like acute cortisol levels, high stress levels, adrenal spikes, high blood pressure, and other biological indicators of stress, it sends out a distress beacon with the relay of the location other Villips can detect.

  • Self healing: Since its alive, this little necklace medalion actually heals itself.
  • Force dead: This piece of jewelry is force-dead and therefore cannot be affected by the Force, good or bad.
  • Eats energy: This thing literally eats the energy like heat and Ion energy, so when Rashae is in hot environments, she will feel more comfortable than not. As such, heat based or ion based weapons like flame throwers, blasters, and lightsabers (their blade is full of plasma) is pretty worthless.
Weaknesses :
  • Limited protection: This thing will do zero to fight against slashing, piercing, slug throwers, or really anything else.
  • Doesn't work when covered: the biot makes a field that barely covers the surface of the skin (and like other minor clothing like scrubs or what have you), if the wearer wears armor, even light armor, the effects of this biot are lost since the layer of the feeding field is lost and the
(Describe some of the histories behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)

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