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Magzar'Tar Yargr

Magzar'Tar Yargr

I will Bathe your Blood within the confines of the
"I will Bathe your Blood within the confines of the Force"
NAME: Magzar'Tar Yargr
NICKNAMES: K.I.L.L, Subject T9-22
. Life Sucker
. Fanged Menace
. Veins of the Force
FACTION: To yet be decided
SPECIES: Energy Vampire Hybrid Creation
PHYSICAL AGE: 28 Standard Years
ACTUAL AGE: 975 Standard Years
HOMEWORLD: Laboratory X-Y77, Coruscant
SEX: Not Apparent
EYES: Blood Red
SKIN: Sickly Gray
FORCE SENSITIVE: Strangely Sensitive
LANGUAGES: Galactic Basic


(+) Genetic Mutations - Due to many years and months within a lab being injected and modified with various chemicals, organic compounds and illegal material it had greatly increased the physical strength of Magzar'Tar
(+) Force Vampire - Due to being a force Vampire, Magzar'Tar can suck the life force from beings to heal his wounds and further enhance his life which explains how he has lived for so long.
(+) Fangs - Due to having large and thick fangs, Magzar'Tar can tear flesh from bone easily if he is in close enough proximity to his target although this mostly doesn't work
(-) Cloning Failure - Due to many attempts of being cloned in his early life, Magzar'Tar faces visions of his cloners and of the horrendous experiments torn upon him slowly making him go mad
(-) Mental Degradation - Due to living for many years, recently Magzar'Tar's mind has slowly been degrading and this might become the death of him, but by it's rate it will take a few more centuries for this to happen
(-) Force Degradation - Due to living for many years, recently Magzar'Tar's force connection has both finally awakened for some strange reason and also the force is slowly leaving him which will leave him force dead and one with the force again, but this as with mental degradation is going to take a few more centuries to fully be his demise

Magzar'Tar stands at 7'1, and weights a total of 269 LBS with muscle included. It's body form is highly muscular with a lean form. The eye color is a deep Blood Red as to bleed into your soul and sense your organs every vibration from within. The Skin color is that of a sickly gray as sickly as the storms of Kamino raging within the deep gray skies. Gruesome scars run across the entire length of his body due to horrendous experiments due to the days he was a test subject within a cloning laboratory on Corusant and then kamino. The teeth of this "creature" are heavily pointed fangs made specifically for ripping flesh from bone. Large bony wings proceed from the spine of this thing, the wings have a rough leathery surface with a torn appearance to signify scarring from various experiments. The Ears have a pointed appearance as to show that the creature is some form of the devil in physical form. Veins are visible running across the length of his skull and neck. The blood of this creature is pure black like Tar except without it's most sticky appearance.

Date - Unknown, Location - Laboratory X-Y77, Coruscant
Data Log 1, Professor Von-Dalikons Vontrius
Professor Vontrius of the Coruscant Scientific Division of Super Soldiers. As of today, Subject T9-22 K.I.L.L had finished the process of organic building and now this magnificent creature harbors a body of tremendous feats. The K.I.L.L Project is as followed. The K stands for Kinetic, the I for Indominus, L for living and L for Lazarus. It is know as the, Kinetic Indominus Living Lazarus. The Body for this creature was created via heavy cloning and genetic mutation upon a dead human body. This specific creature was made by Artificial means as to be used as a weapon against and and all enemies of the Republic. Professor Vontrius Signing off.
Data Log 39, Professor Von-Dalikons Vontrius
Professor Vontrius reporting back in. Today the K.I.L.L creature had passed combat and flight training at a exceptional rate not seen by our other subjects as of yet. Although, their has been a great loss. Out Security personal, Major Grant Walkinus was killed when trying to interact with the K.I.L.L, there was such savagery in this easily won fight that the camera feed was archived in the science department until later surveillance of what went wrong. Although Major Grant wore protective armor he was easily cut apart by the savage and wicked claws of the K.I.L.L, today Major Grant is being cremated along with a reward ceremony held in his honor. The creature has from that fateful death been under closer surveillance as to see if anything has or will change about this creature. As of yet, nothing has changed but the Experiments will soon begin within four hours and we will see, how much K.I.L.L can Take before it's death or it might even survive. Professor Vontrius Signing off.
Data Log 89, Professor Von-Dalikons Vontrius
Professor Vontrius reporting back in. As of today the experiments have finally ended. After seventeen months of horrendous experiments, genetic mutation and injections the creature had some how survived this long. This is a miracle for it to have survived for seventeen months through experimentation and illegal injections. Although, now the creature is exhibiting strange behavior and acts against people who have entered it's containment unit now known as a biohazard and it requires level 9 clearance to go into the containment cell. Security personal in riot gear have even been killed or fatally wounded by this creature recently after severe experimentation had ended. Professor Vontrius Signing off.
Data Log 120, Professor Von-Dalikons Vontrius
Professor Vontrius reporting back in. Today, the republic is finally taking this blasted creature away. Finally we will be free of this damn thing. Although, the creature is heavily resisting and as we speak republic troopers are trying to get the creature out of it's cell with trying to drug it and collar it but as of yet all attempts have been successful. Now the K.I.L.L project is most versatile, any attempt to try and defeat it will result in utter death.......Wait why are the Alarms going off?!.....Wait what?? No, stay back stay ba......
***The Voice of the professor cuts off with a sheer scream and then a raspy and deep voice is heard before the Log finally ends***
"RARRGH, what.....what is Finally F-f-free!!!!"
Date - Unknown, 117 years after previous event, Location - Volcanic Plains, Mustafar
Fire and Lava erupted from the large rivers and canyons of magma streaming through the ash covered and blackened rocks of Mustafar. Large streams and spirals of burning fire erupted from large geysers on the ground sending flecks of sparks and magma rocks into the air and upon the black rocky ground further covering it within rocks. A Sickly grey figure walked through the blackened terrain bare chested with a black cloak sweeping through him like a knife through butter but the black cloak was attached to his lower waist along with black cloth pants. Veins pulses along the grey figure's chest as he walked through the hot and black terrain bare footed, most likely burning his feat along the way but showing no sign of burn or degradation upon the soles of his feet or upon his toes. Magzar'Tar finally stopped at a large canyon with lava streaming through it, Magzar'Tar folded his muscular grey arms across his heavy chest and sighed. They would all come now.......all of them.
Ever since he killed two jedi twenty years the jedi would come for him, the most probable ones would be a master and apprentice.....the same as the first two he killed. Large leathery wings erupted from the spine of Magzar'Tar and then he turned with a sudden shift without his eyes showing a hint of fear or dread of what was about to happen. Two jedi stood there in front of him, a master and apprentice...all together again. Now this, this will be too easy. With a sudden jolt of his wings and the sticky black air, Magzar'Tar zoomed off of the ground. The Jedi seemed like defenseless ant below....but he knew better than to challenge them....he knew how to kill them without any force or weaponry....all he needed was a single bite....
Magzar'Tar flew towards the Jedi Knight and swiped a claw towards the Knight's face. The Knight drew his blade upwards in a false move to defend himself. Magzar'Tar kicked the arm of the jedi away before landing on top of the stunned jedi. He reached downwards while the Knight was in shock and bit into the neck of the Knight. Magzar'Tar then stood back up and swipe the lightsaber from the dying knight and fought the apprentice easily and within minutes, disposed of the apprentice with a single decapitation. Magzar'Tar stabbed the lighsaber into the abdomen of the dying knight before walking away from the scene he just finished. The Jedi thought they were invincible, well they were wrong......wrong about everything!
Date - Unknown, 21 years after previous event, Location - Grass Plains, Naboo
Yuuzhan Vong Invasion






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