Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Magic against Metal

Getting angry was a good thing, if you knew how to use it to your advantage. When [member="Zrixtas"] turned and suddenly fired Morgana gasped and tried to dodge as many as she could. Two shots managed to graze her, one on the shoulder and one of her side. They tore through her clothes and left their marks on her body. After that she could feel him getting all the more infuriated before he unleashed more attacks. He had no plan now. This droid or whatever he was now only attacked out of rage. No plan whatsoever. Morgana blocked and batted and dodged while trying to think of a plan. Eventually she was forced against a wall with no escape. Cornered like a rat in a trap.​

Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
Zrixtas felt like the anger was about to consume him as he wildly slashed and striked at [member="Morgana Forceborn"] inching her closer and closer to the wall. As she was forced against the wall he moved in and reached out with his free hand to try and grab her lightsaber and try to push her hard against the wall. His optical sensors glowed in an eerie red as he moved against her. His Hud showed that the arm he had been using to swing had, had a malfunction and some of the joints structural integrity was out, he wouldn't be able to continue his barrage for much longer so he intended to win this by forcing the young woman into submission.
When [member="Zrixtas"] reached for her saber Morgana waited until he had a hold before grabbing his wrist. She had one shot at this techniques, since it had been a while since she used it, but it seemed the best option at this point. She began to focus on the lesson her aunt taunt her about this power, thinking cold thoughts while reaching down to the molecular level with the force. She forced them to stop ad freeze, making the area she held his hand and upward start to grow cold with frost. She looked and was surprised she managed that before managing to pull her saber away. Taking advantage she dove under his legs before appearing on the other side where she ran away, dragging her saber across the wall to topple the walls onto him.​

Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
Zrixtas stared as his hand was frozen and when [member="Morgana Forceborn"] was loose from his grip he took a step back and looked at his hand, only his thumb, index and middle finger were still attached the other two had fallen off as the joints snapped due to frost. "What in the seven hells?" He uttered before he saw the girl dive under his legs and run away before the building came crashing down on him. "This isn't my day.." He muttered before the entire building collapsed on top of him.
The rubble settled after a few long moments as the dust settled around it, leaving a large rubble of debris behind her gambit. Under the rubble there was still Zrixtas's force signature was weak and his anger was only growing more and more as he felt his body submitting slowly to the weight on top of it. He had been skirting along the dark side for quite a while now from when his master began teaching him, but now in such close proximity to the dark side nexus he gave in to it.
The rubble began to shake as the smallest of the rubble floated a little up into the air before it exploded everywhere with a furious shout. "ENOUGH!" He shouted as he stood there in the middle of the cleared rubble patch, he was at last a sith.
His arm was missing, the one he had held his saber in, sparks were flying out of the exposed parts of his body and his armor was in tatters but he had fallen and he reveled in the power it had given him. "I wont try to force your surrender anymore little girl.... Now that you've pissed me off I'm going to kill you nice and slow." He said his voice emanating his anger to it's peak as he took out his other saber and ignited it and began to simply walk slowly towards Morgana as he seemed quite single mindely intent on killing her and making good on his promise.
The rubble had fallen and Morgana had to shield herself as the dust picked up. When it settled and it seemed all was well she gave a great sigh of relief. But as soon as she felt safe the unsettling feeling of the darkside crept into her senses. She turned for a moment only to look back the moment [member="Zrixtas"] burst from the rubble. Given the sound of his voice and how it emitted with anger it only equaled to the wrecked but ravenous figure before her. It had actually frightened Morgana enough to back away, her saber still in hand as she would try to defend herself. This enemy was now growing all the more fierce, meaning it would try anything to end her.​

Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
As Zrixtas walked towards [member="Morgana Forceborn"] he raised his hand up and then slashed a little into the air before he burst towards her. He came at her with a sideways slash that stopped and was suddenly turned into front flip as he brought his left leg down upon Morgana, the intent was to disarm her and smash her saber underfoot. The tattered robed armor around his body spun around as well and would obscure and obstruct a good view of his body but such overt movements would easily be distinguished.

[member="Morgana Forceborn"]
He advanced as she tried to dodge, but she'd fallen for his feint. His frontal flip had hit her and her saber. Thankfully it rolled out of the way before be smashed under his foot but now she was pinned underneath the shard. She groaned from the metal weight on her before needing another plan of attack. She looked up at him before her one hand came and grabbed his ankle that had her pinned. Now she would use the same tactic of freezing his joint but into his leg.​

Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
Zrixtas stared down at [member="Morgana Forceborn"] and his HUD showed a freezing warning to his leg. "Damn it just stop all ready! If I wanted to I could crush your rib cage right now if I wanted just yield I don't want to end you right now." He then said as he upped the force of his knee's servos to push down on her chest to show her he could. He had calmed down a bit now that he had her pinned but the encroaching frost against his leg made his effort time sensitive, his fist clenched a bit as he used the force to move her lightsaber to his hand as he held it in his hand, clenching a little to bend the casing just a bit. "Answer me this though why is there a dark side nexus on this planet!" He had read they were quite powerful and if used for sorcery or alchemy it would increasing the effect not to mention make any dark side force skill grow exponentially in power.
Morgana screamed as she felt the force and pressure against her chest. She was forced to let go before feeling herself pinned to the ground with no way out. She tried to breath before seeing [member="Zrixtas"] over her with him questioning about the nexus. She didn't answer right away, instead trying to think of a way out of this. Not many options however. She stopped and realized a nearby crumbling building. A long shot...but maybe...​
"It's my mother's." she answered him, keeping the shard distracted as she reached out with her fingers. "She created it with my aunt. They made it because they used to be Sith. Not anymore." Her finger's extended out and used the force to crumble the stone at the base of the building "And not you or any other Sith are getting their hands on it!"
A sound of crumbling stone had confirmed it. She smirked looking behind him as the building started to collapse.​

Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
Zrixtas listened and was about to say something when he looked back and saw the crumbling building building behind him headed towards him and subsequently the girl under his leg. In a few moments he moved his leg off her chest and force pushed her away as the building crumbled on top of him, his hand coming off as it flew and landed only a few feet away from [member="Morgana Forceborn"]'s feet. It twitched a little before it powered down, the rubble didn't move either as Zrixtas was buried under it.
With his decision of pushing Morgana out of the way he hadn't had time to erect a force barrier to protect himself from the rubble but his head poked out of the rubble, twisted and mangled it's optics staring at Morgana before the power failed and it to went dark and silent. The shard inside the droid however was in such deep meditation he didn't even register as alive any more.
A force push away before Morgana watched the building crumble over [member="Zrixtas"] . She gasped as his hand came up and almost sized her leg. She kicked it away before looking and seeing what was left of him underneath. She couldn't sense it anymore. It was dead, or at least out of power. She sighed and breathed to try and relax herself. The fight was over. She was injured but she could still stand at least. She picked herself up and made for her speeder. She would need to warn her mother about setting up guards and the like around the city and the Nexus now. It had to be kept safe from more like this droid, or whatever he was, from coming back.​

Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
Zrixtas awakened an hour or more after [member="Morgana Forceborn"] had left and slowly got up, having to use the force to keep his body together than anything, missing an arm and the other was quite mangled. Like this he limped back to his ship, a trip that took the better of an hour to do in his state, and got into it. Ordering the pilot droid to get him back to familiar ground.

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