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Maelasi Eramar


Maelasi Eramar, Burning Wrath
"If I wanted you dead, you'd already be dead."

  • Name: Maelasi Eramar, Sir. Wait, do I have to call you Sir?
  • Alias: Do nicknames count? If so there's Mae, Lass, Lasi...
  • Alignment: Whatever opposes the other side's view, I suppose.
  • Species: Humanoid, Sir.
  • Race: Oh, you wanted specifics? I'm a Thyrsian!
  • Planet of Birth: Quarzite... You were expecting me to say Thyrsus weren't you?
  • Age: I'm in my early twenties, Sir... Not that you should be asking, of course!
  • Height: 5'8... It's actually average height for a human woman, I'll have you know!
  • Weight: That you really shouldn't be asking! I'm... Average. We'll leave it at that, eh?
  • Eye Color: Amber, like the sun.
  • Hair Color: Well, I mean, it's black I suppose?
  • Complexion: It's actually quite a little lighter than most other Thyrsians.
  • Force Sensitive: Are you questioning my heritage? Of course I am.
  • Well, none yet I suppose... Whoever has the coin and is hiring me is as close as it comes.
  • + I mean, I can swing a sword around and avoid being hit? Not quite Kage-tier great as a combatant but hey... Everyone begins somewhere, right? Besides, they're only great due to genetics...
  • + I may come across as a thick-headed brute, but all those years spent studying at some of the Galaxies top Academies did rub off on me. If you bothered to engage me in conversation, you might find I have something meaningful to say once in a while, Sir.
  • ~ Even though I'm here to serve, not lead, that doesn't mean I don't know what it means to be a good leader. I've worked under many great men... But also many terrible ones. I'm not the best at serving those kinds of men.
  • ~ Despite my exposure to Kage society, I later returned to my natural roots: this gives me a mixture of different fighting styles to use in battle, but it also means that I'm more of a rounded than specialised fighter. Sometimes that's not a good thing.
  • - Not only do cybernetic limbs hurt when they're attached, they're also a pain when exposed to ionization. I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about mine, Sir.
  • - I may have studied at a lot of big Academies, but I've never immersed myself into the learning of my Force Sensitive abilities. I'd much rather have my sword speak for me.
  • None of note... For now!

  • The Eidolon is a ship gifted to me by Leos Palle. I'm still not sure why he did so, given that he's little more than my captor, but I'm not going to turn down a ship with a well trained crew.


Are you sure this needs to be covered for my initiation process, Sir? Why don't I ask you some questions instead? No? ... Fine.

I already mentioned that I was born on Quarzite, not Thyrsus like the majority of my kind. I don't know the reason why my parents ventured to such a toxic planet just weeks before my birth, but I do know that they left me there shortly afterwards without any form of explanation. While I was no Kage, my adoptive parents treated me as one of their own and so it was that I was raised fully immersed in their culture.

My natural prowess with a blade was discovered when I was around seven, and it was completely by accident. The details don't really matter, merely the outcome: not wanting my talents to go to waste, I was given the chance to leave Quarzite's caves behind to venture into the Galaxy and study at some of the leading Academies on offer. Grateful for the opportunity, and for all my adoptive family had done for me, I chose to accept - believing I would do them proud.

Moving from Academy to Academy was difficult, and not because I didn't like the travelling or found it difficult to make new friends - because both came easy to me. You see, while my primary focus was on learning to fight they also expected me to grasp more intangible and literary skills. Having been raised into a society which had little need for the written form, it was safe to say I was illiterate. Which meant at times I found myself sat in classes with students half my age.

It was frustrating, but I pushed on through it due to a determination to make my family proud. And it paid off, because soon I was in lessons with people of my own age, sometimes older, and I thoroughly enjoyed expanding my mind to new ideas. Yeah, I know, you wouldn't think it to look at me, would you?

During this time was when I found out about my roots a little more: I had never been lied to about my origins or my species, but I hadn't really been given much information either. While writing a paper on Galactic Species' with a natural affinity for combat, I stumbled upon texts citing the Thyrsian culture. I had been raised in a society where combat was fast paced, and more often than not we resorted to fist fights over melee.

But the case study opened my eyes to another way to go about things, one which was hard-wired into my DNA.

I spoke with my tutors about my Thyrsian roots, and they were more than willing to entertain my desire to train in the ways of my people. Learning to fight in weighty armour was my first difficult lesson - it was tiring, at times I felt as though I might melt due to how warm it got when running around in a thick layer of metal, yet all the same my willpower got me through the most intense sessions until soon I barely felt the weight at all.

For years I was put through my paces, serving leaders of all different calibres; I was sent to extreme climates in order to acclimatise to the harsh conditions, taught to use my environment to my advantage and my foes disadvantage, conditioned into the peak of my own physical fitness. That's not to say I didn't come across roadbumps that even my teachers didn't mean to place before me.

During one particularly difficult trial I lost my leg to a -- well, the creature doesn't matter. I learnt a few things that day, never underestimate an enemy, even if you think you're stronger than they are, and cybernetics kriffin' hurt.

Anyway, finally it came time to graduate.

I passed all of my exams, with my philosophical and literary grades being far higher than the mathematical and scientific ones. Naturally, however, my true talent shone through in that I aced my physical training program.

And, well, you know the rest of the story, Sir; because this was where I was sent, to you.

Wait, what do you mean I'm in the wrong department? I'm applying to be a soldier, not a Sith!

[member="Maelasi Eramar"], Love the bio overall. Mostly the first person narrative that you incorporated. I hope that you write IC first person as well. It would make the threads that much more interesting.
[member="Nickolas Imura"]

I don't do first person RP, I can only just about manage it in biographies (I think a character can say a lot more about their own strengths/weaknesses by how they say things or don't say things) Thank you,though.

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