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Madam Nel

Rose Kuhn


NAME: Madem Nel
FACTION: Vanir Technologies
RANK: Chief Executive Officer
AGE: 342
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'10
SKIN: Blue, Speckled White

Intelligence: Nel is perhaps one of the more intelligent people in the galaxy. In her cumulative years of living and due to much of the genetic manipulation that went into the creation of her current form Nel has an above average intelligence. Though she is not all knowing nor all seeing, Nel is quite intelligent. She is able to grasp complex concept and solve difficult problems more easily than others might, she is also capable of learning about new things faster than most people. Unlike most other intelligent people Nel does not look down on others who were gifted with a lesser understanding of the galaxy

Scientific Knowledge: Throughout her many years of life Nel has studied within many scientific fields. Like most of her kind Nel has a fascination with technology, and like many others of her kind has devoted her entire life to a greater understanding of scientific concepts and ideas. She has an interest in many scientific fields and thankfully she has had the time to study most of them, though even now she seeks to expand her knowledge.

Non-Combat: Nel is utterly and completely useless in combat. She does not know how to fight or even really defend herself, though she does carry a blaster.

Morality: Despite all of her years of life Nel has still not acknowledged the evil in the galaxy. The Liran believes that there is no such thing as evil, that everything has an equal and opposite reaction. She thus thinks that most things can be explained or defined, and thus doesn't necessarily see Sith as Evil or Jedi as good, simply believing that their actions are a reaction to one another. Similarly for herself, this means that her actions are justified by their means. This odd view of life has lead, and will lead to more interesting encounters.

The best and most key word to describing Nel is "pragmatic". Above all and everything else Nel likes to think and take the most logical approach to any solution. This is a key feature to her species, but really drives her at her core. Nel does not make emotional or rash decisions, she is a logical person. When a situation arises Nel looks at it from all angles, takes time, and then eventually comes to an inform decision depending on the situation at hand.

This personality feature of not making brash decisions is exactly why Alric chose her to be CEO. Unlike him, she is calculating and unlikely to do anything brash. Instead, she will always follow her plan.

As one would expect, Nel has a moral standard befitting that of a scientist. Though she does not believe in sentient experimentation or the use of chemical weapons, she does believe the worth of study. What does this mean? Some of Nel's actions could be considered dubious at best, however everything she decides and does is eventually for what she sees as the "greater good". To her, every action needs to have an explanation, and if that explanation is good enough then the action is justified.

This will likely lead to more unique, albeit questionable technology from Vanir.
Nel appears to be your rather average Liran woman.

She is within her middle years and thus has a few scant lines across her face, but otherwise appears to be a rather youthful alien figure. Her eyes are bright, her features are soft, and she seems to be rather lithe and skinny, put together much like a twig. Oddly enough, her expression is most often stern and rather discontented, though her nature directly discounts that quality. Most would not hesitate to say that Nel is a very beautiful woman, though she would argue that she is simply "Average".

Most often Nel can be found wearing researchers garb, usually a lab coat and small gadgets that help her with her research. More recently, as she has stepped into the roll of CEO, Nel has begun to wear the traditional formal garb of her people. Long flowing robes that cling to the body with an overcoat and adds a bit of warmth to the dress like cloth.

Nel has a long and storied history, though the most important and Key parts involve the last decade of her life.

The Liran woman has long since been a scientist, researcher, and designer of starships. She enjoys theses tasks, holding a natural affinity and enjoyment with them and thus coming to work for many corporations over the centuries of her life. She Eventually came to work for Titan Industries under Alric Kuhn. Beneath the Watchful gaze and with the encouragements of her peers Nel eventually assisted in the design and eventual construction of ships such as the Dark Blade, Immortal, and even the Maladi.

When Alric Kuhn mysteriously disappeared, Nel left Titan Industries. The woman knew that her species was not well known, and she feared that without the Tetans protection she would either be forced out or terminated by another means.

For the next year Nel managed to subsist from savings she had put away during her employment at Titan, only working contractually with smaller corporations and aiding in design of small technological oddities. Eventually, when Alric Kuhn made his grand return and founded Vanir Technologies she was directly contacted by him to take up the head of his new Fringe Sciences division. The Liran eagerly accepted, placing herself in a position of Authority.

At the head of this new division Nel made great strides in new and unique technologies. Her team developed KIG, Shark Skin, and even the VT-Grav Glove.

Eventually, as Alric Kuhn came to the decision of retirement he began to selectively phase through different department heads within Vanir Technologies itself. He took several weeks to quietly assess and survey those who worked beneath him and eventually settled on Nel. Her qualifications, her longevity, and her nature as a calculating person made her the perfect candidate. He eventually approached her with the offer after his engagement to Danger Arceneau, and with some reluctance Nel accepted.

The Liran is now crowned as the CEO of Vanir Technologies.

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