Disney's Princess

M27c - Composite Beam Pistol
Image Source: Overstrike Concept Art, A Canceled Video Game.
Intent: Personal firearm.
Development Thread: None.
Manufacturer: Troy's Garage LTD, Fondor.
Model: Mark 27c
Affiliation: Personal
Modularity: No
Production: Semi-Unique (6 Pistols)
Material: Durasteel
Classification: Blaster (Composite Beam)
Size: Handheld
Length: < 30cm
Weight: 1.3kg
Ammunition Type: Power cell, T-gas canister.
Ammunition Capacity: 300 trigger pulls
Effective Range: 100 meters
Rate of Fire: semi, semi (stun)
The M27C is the paragon of garage assembled 'do-it-yourself' weaponry. A re-engineered 'precursor' to modern blaster technology, this tiny pistol fires a composite beam of plasma energy towards it's target for as long as the trigger is held down. Up to a maximum of three seconds in concentrated firing duration. It does not make Phaser noises but you will probably be doing those yourself anyways.
The damage and kinetic potential of this firearm is the equivalent of a hold-out blaster weapon of similar small size, with an ever-increasing potential of armor penetration the longer the beam is concentrated steadily against the target area. Repeated sustained bursts can weaken even the most durable of armor systems. However, the beam produces only minor burns and negligible damage beyond it's effective range, though it can still start a comfortable campfire if you really want it to.
This firearm is remarkably quiet when fired, (compared to a standard blaster,) produces zero-recoil, is extremely accurate, light, concealable, and is cheap-as-dirt to manufacture. The down-side is a firearm with remarkably low damage, smaller range, untimely armor penetration, and practically non-existent kinetic stopping power.
Remarkably. When set to stun, the sustained beam becomes destabilized and cannot be reflected by normal means. Such as with a lightsaber, ultrachrome, or alchemical surface.