Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dr'ven Khev'et

  • Name: L'vish

  • Designation: Sentient
  • Homeworld: L'vinvood
  • Language: L'ven, Basic, Huttese, Wookiee
  • Average height of adults: 2-2.5 meters
  • Skin color: Tan-ish (Vish), Black (D'row), Blue-green (Bor), however, each species has a range of colors they can change to.
  • Hair color: Nearly any they choose
  • Breathes: almost any Type I - Type II atmosphere. D'row have greater respiratory resilience, but Vish and Bor are able to breathe a wider range of gases

  • Strengths:
  • (+) Tech experts - your average L'vish could probably slice a simple encryption in under 20 seconds.
  • (+) Born Pilots - They're taught to fly as soon as they hit the age of ten.
  • (+) Toxin Resistance - resistant or immune to a very large number of poisons and truth serums
  • (+) Second heart - Both their hearts are fully functional, and L'vish have been known to heal from a wound to one of their hearts
  • (+) Inherently tech-minded - They like technology and are trained from a very young age in the use of computers and droids.
  • Weaknesses:
  • (-) Glaringly obvious in a crowd - people tend to notice seven foot tall people with pointy ears and wierdly colored hair, no?
  • (-) Not usually good with people - One of the first things taught to L'vish Force Users is Force Persuade... They usually aren't very smooth talkers without it. In the rare case that you meet a L'vish who managed to convince you of something... Duck.... Quickly
  • (-) You thought Bothans were nasty when they don't get what they want? Go annoy an L'vish

  • Distinctions: Height, pointed ears, extremely odd coloring in hair or eyes
  • Average Lifespan: 300 years or more, with a millennium and a half being the record.
  • Races: None, but there are subspecies.
  • Estimated Population: They move around the galaxy a lot. They mostly stick to Hutt space and Mandalorian territory, though.
  • Diet: They eat a combined diet of Huttese, Human, and Wookiee cuisine. Therefore, meat (sometimes still living) is very common, and their powerful resistance to most toxins cause them to travel the galaxy, on occasion, searching for new kinds of cuisine.
  • Communication: Verbal, but a well-trained L'vish Force User can be a telepath to be reckoned with.

  • Culture: The L'vish apply their show-offy, flashy sense of style to anything they design. Their ships are excitingly chunky, with attachments specifically made to make others scared poodooless, heart-throbbingly jealous, or stunned with awe. They enjoy the mix of Soovada, Life Day, Harvest Festival, and Gree Trade Week that comes from the mix of Wookiees, Hutts, and Humans that seem to have settled permanently. The L'vish organize themselves mostly by riches and property. Even the poorest of the poor have the opportunity to better their position by coming up with anew product to sell, or a new way to distribute goods, etc. The Vinvood hierarchy is rather loose, but the occasional individual has their nose in the air, or despises the rich.
They seem, as a race, to love technology. When they are very young, they're introduced to it and taught how to use it. This has led to technology that is not only sensational, but actually very cheap, as the entire planet knows how to use and make the stuff. They sell it through the Hutts, to the rest of the galaxy, and they make trillions of credits a year, allowing even the poor to live in relative comfort.

They enjoy some contacts with the Gree, who often come and help upgrade or maintain the mainframes that they left on the planet long ago. This has caused a very small number of Gree residents to appear recently, and are usually treated as technological sages, who are basically welcomed to teach the population, as a whole, more about technology and its usage. Whether or not the Gree originally seeded L'vinvood is unknown, as any record of Gree contact before the Hutt Cartel established bases on the planet is lost or destroyed.

  • Technology level: High-level spaceflight, high-tech blasters, and . Their ships are designed to give off nearly no pollution, as well as almost no exhaust signature. Their weapons aren't quite Mandalorian tech, but very respectable. All the alien lifeforms that emigrated there showed the L'vish that they not only had to be skilled with technology, but masters of it. They managed to recreate the ancient Alderaanian Cryodex, and they are possibly the only race to ever decode the cryodex system. Working with the Hutts, the L'vish were able to design a nearly infallible way to not only find gaps in encryptions, but even create new ones. This, however requires a great amount of time, and an extremely powerful computer, so nearly nobody but the government themselves is actually in possession of this kind o
Their initial technological boom started when news of the return of the Sith reached L'vinvood. The L'vish saw the need to upgrade their defenses. Their progress was amazing. The sudden appearance of the Gree on L'vishvood helped a great deal. Soon, the L'vish had some of the strongest planetary defenses in the sector, and many refugees flocked to the protection of the Vinvood defenses.

  • General behavior: Stubborn, moody, introverted, and forboding... Or loud, brash, and showy.... L'vish can never seem to make up their minds between the two. In combat, they are deadly, often carrying hidden weapons in a sleeve, or in a boot, or in a collar. Highly intelligent, but impressively bipolar.

  • History: The L’vish civilization as the galaxy has seen it began during the Great Hyperspace War. When the three subspecies realized that the need to form a coherent government, they banded together, formed strong ties with the Hutt Cartel, and invited refugees to their world. Not that they encouraged rebellion against either major galactic government. Rebellious groups were arrested, and either subsequently jailed for a long period, or (if it was an armed conflict) even execute them. Happily, this practice was easily ended when the war actually ended. Throughout the Mandalorian Wars, and the Cold War, 300 years after, the L’vish went in and out of favor with the Empire and the Republic. The end of Darth Bane’s empire led to L’vinvood falling back into relative obscurity.

    [SIZE=13pt] By the Clone Wars, the L’vish were almost never seen in the Core. When Palpantine announced his reign over the galaxy, the whole Vinvood population was gearing up to place stocks in every single war profiteer they could find. And they became obscenely rich. When the Imperials were clearly losing, most of the planet pulled their stocks and threw themselves in with the New Republic. As this new government grew so much, the Vinvood council was getting ready to throw in with the Republic. When the Vinvood finally came into contact with the Republic, it was through an Iron Knight who claimed he still worked for the Republic. This Knight was, in fact, Luxum, the one and only Iron Sith Knight. [/SIZE]Consequently, the L'vish emissary was killed, the Vinvood council retreated into obscurity again.
    When Caedus rose to power, triggering yet another galactic civil war, the whole Vinvood population had had about enough. They made themselves known by shooting a rather large fleet out of the atmosphere of a nearby planet, shot a few more fleets down, and called it a war. When Caedus died, the whole planet gered up for the influx of credits from their old Hutt allies. they were not disappointed.
    Of course, when the Yuuzhan Vong and Ssi-Ruuvi decided to have a war, they elected to have it in the Unknown regions. Practically on top of the L'vis system. After destroying the Ssi Ruuvi fleet, the Vinvood lot had to deal with the returning Vong. After leaving the Vong to rampage around for a few years, the Vinvood brought out their new ship: the Penitent destroyer. The Penitent soundly destroyed the Vong command crusier, and the Vong backed out of the galaxy, again. The L'vis system once again disappeared from all computerized memory for one 150 years.
    On L'vinvood itself, the Hutts were beginning to encroach on the L'vish corporate sector a little too much. As of 650 ABY, many small skirmishes had occurred between rogue members of the Hutt Cartel and a few of the mixed-population towns. Most of these fizzled away into nothing, but it was clear that unless something amazingly good happened to the planet, it might erupt into actual war.
    And then the Gulag virus. L'vinvood was well out of the way, until a Chiss diplomat came, asking for refuge. The Vinvood jumped at the chance for easy money, but fell out of contact with the Hutt Cartel. And they watched in horror as almost every treaty or trade agreement that had been done through the Cartel evaporate. As the Sith came back to power, the Vinvood no longer knew who to back. It became a civil war on L'vinvood.... Where there had never been one before.
    The Hutts still on-planet quickly left the Vinvood. When the Hutts left, the quality of life on L'vinvood steadily declined. There was rioting in the streets and the Vinvood council actually hid itself away from the larger cities for protection. For the first time in over 4000 years, L'vinvood had a standing army. Of course, the army was fighting their own people. Mass hysteria quickly devolved into government conspiracies, and soon enough, the council was executed, the majority of the army was executed, and the very few remaining Hutts were also executed. A 4000 year old society collapsed in a matter of ten years, simply because the Hutts didn't want to expose themselves to the Gulag virus.
    To rebuild their society, the Vinvood hope to join the Hutt Cartel in getting obscenely rich again. Their hopes of rebuilding old trade routes are slim, but they hope that the new warring factions will bring more money and more war profiteers to hoodwink out of their money.
  • Notable Player-Characters: Dr'ven Khev'et
  • Intent: To give people a chance to use a versatile, if odd race, and have fun doing so. I also plan to begin creating more technology around this race, and actually have other people actively use them.
Hello there, just a quick question to start off with: In the absence of an image could you add a more detailed physical description?

Alternatively a larger version of your avatar would do. It looks to me like they're basically human other than the differences noted in appearance, but that should be explicit. Otherwise, in the absence of your avatar, I might assume they looked like tall, pointy-eared Gamorreans
The culture section also feels very light to me. I'd like a good few more paragraphs to explain more about their culture. How do they socially organise themselves, why do they have those weaknesses and strengths, what us their technology fixation driven by?

Also, encryption is not something you can manually undo unless the algorithm has a known flaw or you have a phenomenal amount of computing power. That's just film science. I would suggest perhaps explaining why they're all well versed in coding, and in particular security exploits. Using known software to carry out known exploits and weaknesses in systems would seem a reasonable starting place.

These look interesting, but need a lot more fleshing out!

Dr'ven Khev'et

[member='Raziel'], I tried to fix what I could, but I'm having a little bit of writer's block.

Dr'ven Khev'et

Raziel said:
That's alright, there's no rush :D

I'll be online tomorrow evening (gmt) next and would be happy to try and help you brainstorm.

My only rush is that I can't RP with this guy before I get the species and planet approved, possibly his ship, too.

"Working with the Hutts, the L'vish were able to design a nearly infallible way to not only find gaps in encryptions, but even create new ones."

This would probably be down to mathematicians too. Seems a little overpowered to have a foolproof way to break any encryption to me.

I'd still like to see the history and culture fleshed out further please. Whilst you've explained a little on why they focus on technology, you've not gone into the "how". Is this cultural? Do they have a well renowned education system? Is it a genetic thing and they're just very logical?

Nitpicking, but could you change the phrase "high tech stuff" please to be a little more descriptive?

Could you be more specific on the population?

Do they have any further weaknesses beyond being very tall and not very charismatic?

This is looking good, but could just do with a little more fleshing out and tidying up please!

Dr'ven Khev'et

Edited, and changed the 'history' bit to the planetary history I wrote.... Didn't have a better idea, since the L'vish are so intertwined with the Hutts, Humans, Wookiees, and other immigrants who live there.

They don't have any big cultural blind spots, if that's what you mean by weakness. A big, cosmopolitan society like theirs probably wouldn't after a few generations, right?
So first of all, could you expand on how common they are?

Are they now trillions of these around the galaxy, or just a few billion?

Could the history be put in the correct order?

The following is giving me real issues:

Dr'ven Khev'et said:
Of course, when the Yuuzhan Vong and Ssi-Ruuvi decided to have a war, they elected to have it in the Unknown regions. Practically on top of the L'vis system. After destroying the Ssi Ruuvi fleet, the Vinvood lot had to deal with the returning Vong. After leaving the Vong to rampage around for a few years, the Vinvood brought out their new ship: the Penitent destroyer. The Penitent soundly destroyed the Vong command crusier, and the Vong backed out of the galaxy, again. The L'vis system once again disappeared from all computerized memory for one 150 years.

There's no way this little known planet can have soundly seen off these two super powers, sorry. This needs completely pulling out. There are still a lot of typos throughout. Please do a revision of the history.
[member="Dr'ven Khev'et"]

As Raziel has moved on to planets, your message has been passed on to me. I will archive this as per your request. You may ask for this to be brought out for further edits at a later date, should you wish to. :)

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