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Approved Tech Lux Lapis

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Image Source: Civilization Beyond Earth

Name: Lux Lapis


Flesh out and expand upon the world of Dubrillion, which currently has limited information, including species, mineral / ore wealth, culture, society, etc etc. Lux Lapis is intended to provide an additional unique material to Chaos as a whole, while also providing creativity and opening a venue for additional development prospects in terms of stories and threads to take place on Dubrillion.

Development Thread: If necessary, one can be provided.

Manufacturer: The Planet of Dubrillion
Model: Mineral
  • The Planet of Dubrillion
  • The Sabrathan Family
Modularity: Yes (explained in description below)

Production: Minor to Mass-Production depending on Mineral Vein size, depth and richness.

Material: Lux Lapis


Lux Lapis is a light weight mineral that is often found in the more mountainous regions of Dubrillion, usually in small veins deep below the surface. Due to the depth it is often found at, and its limited quantities, it is at times minor in its production, with few larger deposits providing for a substantial quantity of the mineral. It's light weight and rarity on Dubrillion ensured that it was a luxury item for the populace in the past, with only the richest being able to afford it. Often Lux Lapis was inlaid with other valuable materials in clothing, jewelry and accessories worn by those that could afford such luxuries.

As its wealth, and those deposits closest to the surface began to decline, Lux Lapis saw a slow decline from the market as it was no longer a viable source of income; nor was it worth the risk to continue mining. However, in more recent years, there has been a resurgence in its production. This is due to its reaction with a chemical compound called Zaloxipine (which is often used to keep dangerous inmates manageable).

When crushed into a fine powder, the naturally dull violet mineral becomes a more brilliant violet. When it is mixed with Zaloxipine, and ingested, it creates a feeling of euphoria. Those that have taken the compound have said that for many time seemed to slow down and everything around them shown in a more brilliant and vibrant color. Like many forms of narcotics, addictions can be easily formed, and often the users must take larger quantities of the drug to feel the sense of euphoria again. Side effects that have been viewed were increased aggression, and emotional imbalances.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
[member="Matriarch Sabrathan"]

So what you are basically saying is that the easiest pockets of lux lapis were running out, so it was no longer cost-efficient to mine them. Then someone figured out a chemical reaction between it and another chemical agent, which gives profitable opportunities and so now the more deeper pockets are being mined?
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