Ardeo Sophos
Padawan Learner

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Intent: Custom jedi equipment for combat use.
Development Thread: If required
Manufacturer: Luminous Infinity Customizations
Model: First one that I have mad. Not applicable
Affiliation: Republic/Jedi Order
Modularity: Not easy to modify, but specializations can be requested by buyers.
Production: Minor production
Material: Quadanium steel, with soft fabric underneath the metal for comfort. It uses standard lightsaber components, with one color crystal of the buyers chooing. In my characters case, he uses a green crystal. Flash Back Water Seal.
Classification: Shoto light saber
Size: One-Handed, but usually one would be worn on both wrists
Length: 12cm
Weight: 1.2 kg
Special Features: Voice activation to the Phrase "ACTIVATE SONIC" So it can be used by no one other than the owner or others registered in it's audio database.
Description:The picture is a very rough reference. The saber is not normally two bladed though it is an option, and it doesn't extend as far off away from the hand. It is simply worn on the wrist attached to a bracer. The outer layer is metal offering some protection against some weapons. Underneath the metal is a comfortable fabric to give a smooth and comfortable fit. The light saber ignites parallel to the arm but with enough distance to not cause any harm to the wielder. You can't loose grip on the saber because it is attached to you, and you are only limited in movement by how far you can move your arm. Some disadvantages are that it can take some getting used to, before you are able to use it well, due to the fact that you have to get used to not moving your wrist into the blade. When deactivated on has full range of motion on the wrist though. The Flashback water seal allows the lightsaber to ignite underwater.
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