Keepin Corellia Weird
Lugaid Sigurdsson

NAME: Lugaid Sigurdsson
SPECIES: Valkyri
AGE: 20
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'6"
WEIGHT: 225 lbs
EYES: Blue
SKIN: Pale
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Resistant to Cold
-Weak to Extreme Heat
+Physically strong and enduring
-Unfamilair with advanced technology due to homeland
+More accepting of outside ways than most of his folk
-Little to no feeling in left hand
Lugaid stands a pretty tall, brawny build in numbers, but to actually see the flame-haired man (a rarity amongst his people) in truth, his actuall appearance belies the size he is bestowed. Whether it is how he carries himself or how he dresseds, he seems almost lithe and agile. Indeed, though, you might beat him in a race, but it would not be advised to arm wrestle or box him unless he was very, very drunk... And that would take quite a bar tab.
As some of his people do, Lugaid has tattoos covering his body. On the tops of his shoulders/collarbone is a classic crescent-and-v-rod to represent the ideal of carrying his ancestors honor forward, and several zoomophic animals and knotwork spiraling down his arms, ending along his calves with two hungry mawed wolves, the heads of which are (perhaps oddly enough) inked along his feet to give the appearance when he runs, the wolves are running with him.
The only other distinguishing feature is a nasty scar along the base of the joint of his left thumb, twisted and gnarled. It almost severed tendons, and did slice through a nerve, leaving his left hand mostly numb.
A seventh son of a seventh son, despite or perhaps because of the ill-luck rumors surrounding such children,Lugaid was not expected to inherit much despite his family's relative wealth. As such, he was sent to become what passed for a learned man amongst the tribe he grew up in. There he was expected to learn the stories of his people and the various Tribes (but most importantly his own), and learn sundry music instruments and the like. Although he was also still expected to learn at least passing competency with a blade and casual implements of war.
Tutoring under the old skjald, Bjarni Skallagrim, Lugaid was taught many things. From this learning, when the time came for the High King to begin introducing outsiders and their ways, Lugaid was one of the few who, privately at least, celebrated the decision. With the death of his mentor and father rather suddenly, Lugaid found himself master of his own destiny at a rather young age for such a long lived people. His mentor had died from what we would know as a stroke, and his father from a duel over some dispute or the other with another rival Clansmen, it was never made clear the exact nature to Lugaid, nor did he try to find out, given the odd treatment his family gave him for both having a different mother than his other siblings and his flame-kissed hair.
Obstensibly to collect stories and learn more, but in reality because he had no better plan, Lugaid has taken to wandering Midvinter, flitting from place to place seeking to learn more about his world, and possibly others.
SHIP: N/A - Unless you count the rowboat like sailing boat he putts about in as one.