Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Love is blind, good thing this ain't it (Blind Date by Invitation)

Kisses, just how I show gratitude. Now came the reality of the situations face to face with all that had been spoken upon through out the night at hand. change the galaxy and help love, truth and justice prevail over hate, prejudices, unrighteousness Those words wrapped around her snaked there way into her mind once again. It was her empathy that came from her flowing something else she held so tightly from with in. Feeling the lightside coming from him, only made her drop one layer of her curtain. It at that moment there would be flood so great, rush of something lock so long that was a passion for life flowed around with her pheromones that all Zeltron had part of her. Only she learn to lock them away not embrace them fully.

I wanted all those things you speak of to make the galaxy a truly better place where there no hate, prejudices, unrighteousness, I want to be free off all my bonds that hold me back from helping I want to have my chain be broken. Her eyes lock in upon him as she place one of her hand upon him to feel how much of the lightside flow in from him, that there came across a smile her lips that curved. Feeling as if she been free the first time in a while, to feel all around her as if her feelings sharped themselves. No matter the coast it must be do, ...Veles..[member="Darth Veles"]
"I take it as yes..." The Mon Calamari Sith said, almost murmuring, and returned her gaze. Her words pleased him, but whether she truly meant them or had the commitment remained to be seen. The Sith Order could not let just everyone join them, as even undercover Jedi might claim they want to help the Sith. This is why Avreet had to test her; not a barbaric test of murdering friends, family or innocents like in the ancient times. Something that would prove her words just as well, without any loss of innocent life. There was one particular way to sever her ties with the past... an effective way that would help her free herself and also benefited the Sith as a whole.

"But as you surely understand, anyone could say that. I need a proof this is what you really want. Something that will challenge you, test you..., break your chain." Avreet smiled as pleasantly as he could and put his right hand on [member="Maya Whitelight"]'s left shoulder, grasping it firmly.

"The group of rogue Jedi. Tell me everything you know about them. Their location, leaders, members, plans...everything." His amber eyes stared right into the eyes of the Zeltron, utilising the Mon Calamari ability of reading emotions and telling truth from lie...
Air caught in her throat at the same time her hold body started to shake hard, even so she felt the firm grip upon her shoulder. All those that are teaching her, in all the force. Flowing in her mind was the picture of each one of them, did she have to do this to be free to break the chain that held her in place, rooted.

Letting herself turn it over and over again and again only to get weak in her knees. All in all had to know this what being lead up to could she really do this to those that had given her home, give her love, even to accept herself who she was not want to change to mold her, the wild jungle girl. I"m...I'mmmm just a padawn, ...I know keep to ourselves wanting nothing to do with the Republic as they want to nothing but go to planets to conquer they used the jedi for there heavy work. You must know they just want to be left alone to study the darkside of the force, to learn. I don't want them to be harm, give me ...something anything that they will not be harm ...I don't like those hurt they left the others just a small group because they had different view of what they should be doing, a seeking first master wanted to kill go hunt all darksiders down. I... want to tell you ....I really do...I want my chains to be broken...I ...[member="Darth Veles"]
"Disappointing." Avreet stated flatly, lowering his hand and firmly walking past [member="Maya Whitelight"], only to stop at the door. He remained calm despite being denied, fully knowing many other Sith would have chosen to get the information out of her by force. Avreet was no ordinary Sith though, his patience gave him what he needed to keep his emotions in check. "Back at the table, you told me they are preparing to fight Dark Side users. Now you tell me they just want to study. My dear," his head turned to gaze back at the Zeltron, "I have a terrible feeling you are lying to my face. I do not like that..." Rotating around, facing the rogue Jedi once more, he crossed his arms. "Why? They are not your family, there never was much trust between you. When they brainwashed you with their lies, told you there is no death there is only the Force so you would not be afraid to charge into battle and get killed... When they call themselves peacekeepers yet they initiate their holy wars to fight the Dark Side when the ammount of death and suffering they bring ironically only makes the Dark Side stronger... Do you know how many innocents died because they weren't born as Republic citizens? Not that those are always safe from their wrath..."

"Deep inside, you know it all. That is why you lied to the Nautolan to protect me. You knew he would have attacked me without hesitation... like a zealot he is! If he were a family, you would have told him everything without fearing his reaction. If I give you something different as a test, you will accomplish that and appear on their hit list. You will be nothing more than a Dark Side user for them, not even a living thing. Without your information, we won't be able to prepare ourselves for their attack... Besides, I will not go after them unless they strike first."
Feeling more then anything reacting in a matter as to get ready for a strike from him now. Holding up up her arms in a defensive matter waiting nothing came, her eyes came open to him just staring at him. Feeling more puzzled with the fact that he didn't use violence upon to bring her to the information. You going to K....Shaking her head to this fact he would harm her by now. He could have killed her while sleeping. They aren't my family but I have family there to protect, I don't want anyone to fight I care I want every one to get along. coming flashing back in her mind was the code he had told her. Repeating it in her mine, "
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me."

Her eyes having a distance stare to them, why did she not tell Hullu the truth, what was the truth any more, could she make clear. Dar the planet, next on our list to seek if could be a good place to build our temple. The shaking was back to the fact that she let herself sink to her knees. We study the dark side to know how to deal with it in the future those that are master want this as our training, but they never said anything about Searching inside of her again then look towards him again, as if asking what next, still feeling out with empthy wanting to please him, for all why did she feel like wanted him to please him. [member="Darth Veles"]
"Your family?" Avreet immediately remembered how the pink skinned woman spoke of some tribe that would not let her go to school and used to hunt in the jungle. Was the Jedi base on a jungle planet, or a planet with a large jungle that had some sort of importance? That explained so many plants on the ship, Maya probably missed her home and by surrounding herself by plants, she wanted to create a familiar atmosphere. "Do you mean the tribe you spoke of? There is no need to worry about them." The Mon Calamari firmly stated, then realized [member="Maya Whitelight"]'s tribe has most likely already met the Jedi on the planet. "Although...," he stroked his barbel, thinking, his large eyes focused at Maya but not really looking at her, "If they're being brainwashed by the rogue Jedi group to be used as disposable troops... Heh. Perhaps you should worry about them. If the rogues realize you are no longer on their side... your family will be in danger." It became apparent this test was the right choice. The rogue Jedi fought an inner battle, the Jedi teachings and empathy for other people against the desire to be free and help the galaxy in a way she never could as a Jedi. Her body shook in a violent fasshion and she fell to her knees, prompting Avreet to come closer to her. Lifting her from the floor and giving her a firm hug, he whispered into her ear.

"I know it is hard, but you can do it. You are strong. Tell me their location, how many of them are there and some names. That's all I want, that's all you have to do to break your shackles and free yourself..." The Mon Cal started stroking the woman's back with his webbed hands in an attempt to calm her down a bit and stop her from suffering from a complete breakdown.
In her eyes spoke the what needed about that, there deep in her like a protective mother. Nodding her head slowly, only to stop with the fear the words that was spoken. Echoing in there like words, could it be they would be seen as troops. Faces of all those that held so dear to her flashed through her mind. This brought a single tear drop came sliding down her cheek. Finding Veles arms around her lifting her up to stand her back up. Came the embrace that wasn't expected upon him, after what was asked of her. I don't want them to be in danger I done so much to protect, they all have been bless with the gift I have that inside, that each one born with, just some of us had been bless stronger in the force.

Smoothing of his web hand down her almost bare back, felt calming. Knowing that would be able to feel each scars line upon the open area, one she got in training, others in hunting down the breast of the jungle. Closing her eyes upon seeing some of there faces, Tython is one of the place some of the warriors of some of the tribe I took, among other planets, I choose myself to leave the Republic I didn't want to be the one to do there slave when going to conquer worlds.

Pausing long and hard, to think some more of what best for her people, you have your word my people, will not be harm, I did have a Master on Coruscant I left because he told me I wasn't ready for his teaching, I need learn to control how I let my force flow around me. [member="Darth Veles"]
"I never said anything about putting them in danger, nor I said anything about harming." The Darth quickly retorted in hope of getting the idea of hurting out of her head. "If you wish though, you have my word as a Sith Knight that whatever happens, your family will not be harmed." Avreet promised, his voice calm and collected. Her words were being analyzed in his mind, trying to find something that could be used to guide her to revealing the location. "I do not want to hunt down your tribe, my dear," his left hand reached higher and touched her hair, stroking it. It was such a weird feeling for the amphibian, as his race was completely hairless. The sensation was a pleasant one though, especially with so many emotions flowing through her. Avreet could feel it, drawing the raw energy into himself. If only [member="Maya Whitelight"] knew how to use it yet!

"The rogue Jedi. Where is their base, who leads them? Maya, you must be strong and tell me already..." His voice was soothingly sweet with audible Imperial accent and a bit raspy due to the nature of his species. "I can teach you how to control the flow of the Force, but I hope you understand, until you pass the test and break your shackles, I cannot help you..." As his webbed hand touched her head, Avreet decided to let to and take a step back and turn his attention to the plants. He did not recognize any of them, their kind unknown to him.
[member="Darth Veles"]
It was one of her many weakness that was the feelings coming from [member="Darth Veles"], feeling each stroke he took upon her silky hair that she had layer upon layers. To control the flow, just what Master Vulpesen had told her bad, would have to work on endrence she had it using the other way. It was the warrior she keep cage with in her, it was full of rage like most keep lock way. Being of warrior trained she knew how to use it or so she thought. I can use the warrior with in that cage is always closed, Master Vulpesen took me under his wing only to tell me I should let the council member see me bond with the plants or the animals life.

Pausing for a while before stepping up to him putting her hand upon his shoulder, it felt strange to her but more so when she brush his soft cheek to gentle to him to look upon one plant. I find her from the planet of Felucia, this one is from Toola, its had a hard time at first until I had the time to bring it up as a seedling, as the planet is very cold. Each planet had its own vegetation. One of the Master Ru has taught me much about growing things, as Master E'ron has taught me some dealing with blade, not as much as Master Ran. I really do miss them, at less I have my other jobs as smuggler and doing aid behind the lines. That all the Master we have, we don't stay at one place very long we roam, this I tell you this there isn't a base as yet, I even been scouting out planet if you have some that might make a good home, I feel in my heart all want to do is study the force not go out to cause trouble. Letting her feeling flow into him being servery with him, and told all she knew, what did for them it was all the truth nothing was left. Letting something else follow from her that of releive something else follow from her that of releive a if been lifted from a great burden if he looked in her eyes see all she spoke was the true. As sent to kiss his forehead, before g at the plants again. s if been lifted from a great burden if he looked in her eyes see all she spoke was the true. As sent to kiss his forehead, before looking at the plants again. I feel so much better, like something been lifted from me,
Avreet's gaze remained fixed on the various plants, not looking at [member="Maya Whitelight"] even as she joined him and spoke again. Was her cage another bound that needed to be shattered to free tha warrior within? This rogue Jedi carried many secrets and even more shackles that restrained her and prevented her from reaching her true potential. The Jedi doctrine of imprisoning or killing anything they did not like was so monstrous that Avreet shook just by thinking of what they wanted to turn the galaxy into. The Jedi truly needed to be stopped, the zealots would ultimately destroy the entire galaxy in their crusade for "peace".

His right eye swiveled around to see the Zeltron planting her hand on his shoulder. She had more to say, and Avreet patiently listened until she finished.The amphibious Sith remembered all the names Maya gave him, those might come in handy. The woman finally started to open, more and more, it would not take much longer and she would be free. The Force confirmed her words that she felt better, a sign that the process worked. "Maybe you should let the warrior out of the cage? It seems you are trying to deny a part of yourself. Learn how to control it instead of pretending it does not exist... accept every part of who you are." Avreet advised softly after receiving a kiss on his large forehead. "Masters Ru, E'ron and Ran... yes. I have heard of them and I will not deny my wish to see them executed for their crimes... Maybe one day when justice prevails..." The Mon Cal's voice trailed off as he thought and reached out with his webbed hand and his claw gently touched the nearest plant. "I still believe they must have some sort of base. If they train, study and fight, they need a place to return to. Where are they right now, Maya? Where have you seen them for the last time? Since your flight computer wipes itself, you surely know their current location... as if not for me, you would have returned to them."
Letting the warrior out not keep her cage? No I can I put that way, I"m a healer a peace maker, a lover. Her eyes upon where he rested his web hand, it was a mixer of two plants she had used the force to combine the to, that both had natural healing propriety, it even started to glow under his touch. Letting there be nothing but silence between them both, taking her breathing thinking more deeper, before her own lips started to move again. Crimes what kind of crimes could those that she spoke of have caused, as they where very much at peace. It was her look upon her eyes that told what needed to be. Lip quivering came the biting of her bottom lip, it was filled her heart. Slowly felt the salty mixer come from her bottom lip as it a droplet came to show its bright red.

It would set her free, it would please him greatly, he could teach me things that I was keep from the secrets that of the sith hold. Knowing if she did this it would challenge her even more. ​I bring supplies to the heart of jungles of Wayland, they have found a ancient temple to use as their home base. Eyes of hers feeling as if they had just do what was asked, then came the flow of something else as a release came upon her. It was the freedom that came from with in. Reaching up to touch his smooth cheek feeling the skin of his that felt so much different stroking down with her finger tips, enjoying the flow coming coming from him. Imgate flow in her mind of a temple upon Wayward as let it beam with life, showing herself all the younglings enjoying themselves. [member="Darth Veles"]
The information finally left her lips and reached Avreet's ear canals, making the amphibious Knight sigh in relief. "Finally," the Mon Cal Sith uttered towards his pink skinned companion, feeling her fingers touching his delicate skin. Reaching out with his own hand, only to grab [member="Maya Whitelight"]'s arm and push it away, he glared into her eyes for a second before releasing her from the firm grasp. Many possibilities of approaching the rogue Jedi played in his mind, many of them involving orbital bombardment. Although that might result in some collateral damage, it was a much better option than landing on the planet and fighting them by the traditional means, as the rogue group had plenty of time to scout their surroundings and set up defenses. “Your decision will save billions of lives, I assure you.” he said politely and gently to soothe the woman's conscience a bit. Now he only had to see it with hiw own eyes and give the rogue Jedi another task, one that would mark her as an Acolyte of the Sith. For a task like that, there was only one suitable destination... The ancient home of the Sith, where many powerful Sith Lords began their journey, where red sands never had enough blood to quelch its thirst for more. Korriban.

Without saying more, the Mon Cal’s hand slipped to his pocket and took out a small datapad, his webbed claws tapping something on the screen, namely searching for the coordinates of Weyland in a database. The desired set of numbers quickly caught his eyes and he memorized it for later, turning off the datapad and putting it back before rotating his body around and marching out of the room, leaving the Zeltron Jedi alone. He walked swiftly, his steps filled with purpose and anticipation, leading him to the cockpit. One quick glance at the control panel with his left eye and the door opened as he telekinetically pressed a button.

The entire ship shook in a violent fashion as Avreet suddenly pulled them out of hyperspace, the blue and white tunnel of light around them collapsed and the window offered the view on stars and planets once again. Entering the coordinates of Korriban, just like he had done hundreds of times before the planet fell to the Republic invasion, the Mon Cal’s eyes widened as he confirmed his choice upon being prompted. “There is one more thing that needs to be done. You will travel to Korriban and find the tomb of Marka Ragnos. Inside, you will find a secret chanber behind the statue facing the exit. There... you will face your fears.” the amphibious Knight swiveled one of his eyes around to glance behind himself. This task in particular was how Master Volitu tested him and how he tested his first and so far the last apprentice.
Word came from his lips struck in such away. Taking a firm grasp upon her arm, looking down at the web hand, feeling something come from him, not quiet what it is. Voice of his spoke of saving billions could she really save billions of live. In her eyes unblinking more then that the feelings that came from him, as if something change upon him. Leaving [member="Darth Veles"] did to roll over her decisions, of what just done. It came flooding to keep the order safe she had to give way to another plan, knowing that this wasn’t any easier. Breathing in and out she did feel better as if having pleased this sith in a way.

Bring herself out of deep thought as felt the ship come out of hyperspace window. Body of hers thrown into the door frame, racing with her heart as her sink in what could mean running through with all kind of possablity. Going down towards the cock-pit to see him sitting there only made it seem, worse as to what he was doing. “May I ask what doing taking my ship out of hyperspace window?” Thoughts coming through her mind, pushing them down, fully until found a voice again. With a sweet smile upon her as she let her hand rest on his shoulder from behind.
"I have entered the coordinates of Korriban into your flight computer. The planet is guarded, but you should get there without any trouble given your experience with smuggling...," Avreet explained to [member="Maya Whitelight"] and sat in the seat in front of the control, allowing himself to relax a bit. "And I will take my leave once we pass near a civilized planet." Without further explanation, he watched as the new hyperspace tunnel formed around the ship and swallowed it. Unknown to the exotic pink skinned woman, Avreet already knew exactly what he was going to do in the next few hours... and for her own sake, he hoped the information given to his was correct. His right eye darted from the window to the flight computer displaying their route through the galaxy, showing some planets along the way. No all of them were civilized, but after a bit of search the Mon Cal found what he wanted and tapped a few additional commands into the computer to stop the ship near his desired destination. Everything seemed fine, neither of the two knowing their next meeting would not be nowhere near as peaceful.

His thoughts shifted to Maya's trial, knowing she might not emerge from the tomb. The fears she will have to face were just in her head; same thing could not be said for many dangerous and wild beasts residing in the tombs of the ancient Sith Lords. With no Sith on the planet, the wild life of Korriban no longer faced Acolytes who practiced their combat skills on them.

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