Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lost Jedi (Closed)


Disney's Princess
Thread Closed

Phon Coast

​The weather was perfect. The salt sea below. The afternoon sun above. The great wide ocean casting a warm summer breeze against the cool wet rocks beyond. Effortless. Shear, effortless beauty. She opened her whole soul just to take it in. The sound of the waves and the mountain birds above. The feel of the smooth sand against your skin and the rush of the beach's wind between your hair. Everything here was perfect. Everything here was paradise. Yes. Everything here was at peace.

Jess stood atop the jutting rock formation that crested the wild beach below. Feeling the heat of the afternoon sun baking the wet rocks anew. She felt the heat against her neck and the long meditation of the blue sky ocean crashing out far, far below her heels. Here she felt the Force so strongly. As if the cusp of the world could swallow her whole. Body and soul. Which was good. It was perfect.

She had come here to ease her troubled mind.

Her Jedi Starfighter graced the wide beach below. Her exotic outfit being one for wild space and it's endless cosmic adventures. Her red pistol leaned against her eager hips and her lightsaber spoke quietly to empty vista's beyond. No. There was nothing here but peace today. Nothing here but what you brought with you.

She slipped off her helmet, closed her eyes to the world, and embraced the Force forever.

"Jess! You'whoo! ...Hey. Down here."

Matthews smiled and opened her eyes again. Looking back over the edge of the tall rock formation below. Shouting back to the tiny human male beyond,

"Yes Scott! I can hear you dear."

"Good. Hey. Come on down here and help me with setting up the tent yeah! I can't find the tent poles in Malcom's gear bag?"

"Okay. I'll be right down."

She smiled and closed her eyes again. Resting her strong helm against her warming thighs. Ah. Man. Another perfect day in paradise.

It doesn't get much better than this.


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