Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Lost & Found



The city-planet of Nar Shaddaa just had a certain... energy to it. Many planets were so large that they truly never slept, such as Coruscant or Corellia. Nar Shaddaa though, was a moon - far smaller than either Coruscant & Corellia. It just had a certain... life of its own, as if it wriggled underneath the surface and spread into each and every denizen on its surface. It carried a certain charm to be sure, but it wasn't for everyone. Even still, that didn't stop the steady flow of near-countless sentients passing through this moon for one reason or the other. Many would come simply to try and hide from something, hoping to blend in to the bustle of hundreds of millions of other sentients doing something at any given time. Some were desperate; desperate to find that next fix, or that one big score that would set them up for life. 9,999 times out of 10,000, those were the ones who ended up dead. Or worse.

But that one person, that thousandths of a percent of individuals who came here seeking the same outcomes - those ones made it big. Erich was that person. It wasn't due to luck, or some mythic force that twisted fate itself. It was due to himself - his own hardwork and determination. He fought to get here, and he would fight to stay. Part of that fight was to always look for an angle to play to further himself - to daily keep abreast of what was happening so that he was ideally positioned to come out on top. Thankfully, he didn't have to do that alone.
Finally. He thought to himself as he shuffled through some reports handed to him by one of his aides. The life of a Hutt Vigo wasn't always glamorous, but it held quite a few distinct perks. For example - having someone hand him a stack of papers to shuffle through. Who uses paper anymore anyway? His brow furrowed as he wondered how many Kashyyykian trees were felled to supply the amount of paper that sat upon his desk. As if reading his thoughts, his aid - an attractive Twi'lek with a figure that drew the eyes - spoke up, a laugh in her voice: "Your datapad is charging and these couldn't wait."

"So get me another datapad. I'm sure we could have purchased one instead of this antiquated supply of... processed wood."

I never would have thought this would bother me. Huh.
Erich thought again. He shuffled through the final stack and picked them up - gently stamping them edge-wise against the table surface so they held some fashion of organization before he handed them back, signatures etched upon what pages required them. He then leaned back in his chair & lit a cigarette, taking a draw and letting out the smoke before he asked his aid: "What is the status of my guests? They should be here soon."

"Yes, I believe they've just arrived. They are checking in with security, and should be on their way up soon."

"Marvelous, thank you." He gave her a charming smile, and she winked in return as she left him alone in his office. He let out a sigh, then placed his cigarette between his lips as he rose from his chair and put on his jacket. He was wearing a dark grey, near wool-colored suit with a solid red tie and a white shirt, with a vest to boot. He may have been a Hutt Vigo, but there was no reason he couldn't bring a bit of class to the profession. He then walked over to his office's exit, which led into a meeting room with a table in the middle, and rather comfortable chairs surrounding it. Robotic servants set out water and an assortment of Hors d'oeuvres appropriate to the station of his expected guests. No need to spoiler them, after all.

He sat down at the chair near the head of the table, and extricated the cigarette, taking a few puffs as he waited for the arrival of his guests, who would likely be on the lift from the security station, directly up to his private floor.
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Location: Nar Shaddaa

The arrival to the planet proved to be uneventful and without incident. Well, there was one small incident involving two of his feline companions trying to follow him. He put them back in the Cyclone, as this is no place for pets. Besides, he knew most Security Kiosks would not permit animals of any kind. Tovald also knew better than to argue with security personnel.

After all, he was here because he was summoned by someone important, an offer for work had just been sent to him from this same person and because the job market was extremely sub-par lately and no one was offering anything. The Ubese grabbed at the offer with both hands and accepted it immediately.

The security Kiosk proved to be a little hindrance to him. He did have to sign in his ship as it wasn't local and prove who he was as his face was hidden from view. Bureaucracy is a colossal pain in the derriere but completely necessary. Once all the digital paperwork was completed, Tovald was let through and directed to the Elevator to his left.

The muffled scratchy droning music from the solitary speaker warbled pitifully as he stepped in. For all the credits this guy has why didn't he get better speakers. He didn't like Elevators, they were rather closed quarters. But it wasn't his place to openly gripe about it. Not right now because the doors closed with a sharp ping and a jolt as it went up.

The elevator music was at least semi-decent and catchy in an annoying ear wormy kind of way. No doubt he'll be humming it in a day or so time. He allowed himself a small cackle at it because it will happen at some point. An hour went by as the numbers rolled on by on the small floor reader above the doors, then, the doors opened and he stepped out to a very well furnished floor, nothing like he was used to seeing.

The carpeting actually looked well kept.


Jonna Movado

Tags: Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a
Location: Nar Shaddaa
to say Jonna's trip here was uneventful was an understatement. The brunette had landed and was trying to get her guests to disembark and get her cargo unloaded. For a different client as why she showed up extra early to nar shaddaa.

The smuggler Finally had gotten her ship emptied of paying customers and semi legal cargo. Making her way towards her potential new employer even if jobs weren't scarce for her. She figured having friends in high places she didn't have to do any degrading things for was a help.

Plus the extra money wouldn't hurt in any capacity in her eyes As jonna walked into the large building. She checked in filling out the necessary electronic paperwork and signing in her ship. She hoped they wouldn't do a search as she was then instructed to go to the elevator on her left.

Putting in ear buds she listened to better music instead of the dreadful elevator music. And those terrible speakers she wouldn't complain since she was a guest but still if he could afford the building she thought.

As her stop came she took out the earbuds and stopped the music as she stepped out. It looked good and like he could pay well for her services. She then noticed the ubese and gave him a nod as she waited for someone to direct her where to go.
As the pair arrived on the top level of the building, they would be greeted by a rather lavishly adorned receiving area, adorned with a well polished marble floor and what appeared to be a sheer, sleek looking desk astride a pair of transparisteel double doors. Erich's Twi'lek assistent greeted them both with a welcoming smile and bow, and said in softly accented basic: "Mr. Kreutz is expecting you both. Please, follow me." The pair would be lead through the double doors, which opened inwards of the receiving area. The room they would enter was adorned more extravagantly than the receiving area, and certain moreso than the rest of the building. A massive pelt of some predatory animal covered the floor, with the walls seemingly comprised of polished worshyr paneling. A real fireplace was built into the center of the room, with a massive conference table off center, rows of chairs encircling it. A lone figure sat at its head, in his well tailored suit.

Erich arose from his seat and extended his hands to either side of him as a gesture of greeting.
"Thank you both for coming." He walked around the table and approached them both, giving a slight bow and extending a hand to them both. He then gestured to plates of food set atop the conference table as he added: "Please, refresh yourselves. I trust your travels to my humble abode were uneventful?" Erich flashed a well practiced smile, which was meant to convey a level of levity. He seemed well practiced at the gesture, which was not altogether a reassuring thing. He was a criminal, after all.

After greeting the pair, he went to the back of the room where a small bar was kept. He spoke over his shoulder as he walked:
"Can I interest either of you in a drink?"

Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a Jonna Movado

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