Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lost, But Not Forgotten

Jagen Wren

852 ABY

One of the more famous cantinas on the planet of Centares was buzzing with activity that night: a steady stream of patrons either entering or exiting the premises, the silken voice of a singer radiating from the expensive-looking stage, and a multitude of waitresses and bartenders delivering flamboyantly vibrant drinks to customers in exchange for handfuls of credits. Under the wing of the Mara-Parlemian Trade Council, alcoholic imports from all over the galaxy found their way to the shelves of the establishment.

Funnily enough, none of that was why Jedi Master Jagen Wren had found himself there, just an added bonus. No, he had come here to seek out someone who he'd been looking for during a better part of a week; at any rate, [member="Kira Vaal"] was a tough person to find, especially when she didn't want to be found. From Jagen's experience, she seemed to have a tendency to hide on uninhabited worlds when things got very bad, therefore he considered himself lucky.

He slipped inside the cantina casually, his lightsaber concealed beneath his dark grey cloak which, when compared to other patrons, was rather bland. Jagen walked up to what seemed to be the main bar, flagging over the tender by waving a credit-filled hand. "I'll take an ale, Forvish. And some information." He began, leaning forward slightly "Can you point me out to a woman by the name of Kira Vaal? She lost a bet and I've come to collect."

The bartender nodded, pointing subtly while he prepared the drink. Jagen said his thanks, dropping credits into the alien's hand before setting off, the glass of ale in hand, in the direction he was told.
The being that Jagen had been pointed towards however was not the one he sought. Beneath a thick hood and cloak a gruff Rodian stared at the approaching old man with a singular undamaged eye that contrasted vividly against the other, mostly red and removed socket. In his hand he held a mug of something horrible and vile, untouched since being poured by the angle of the legs of the liquid within. Dry lips clenched and a hand was motioned towards the empty seat at the other side of the table.

“You looking for Vaal?” It was asked as a question, but clearly the Rodian already knew the answer as he merely just continued to talk at the old man. “You wont find her here. Rumour is she left the planet yesterday on official Jedi business.” The tankard was moved but not drank from.

The question obviously was where. “Ever heard of the Omega Station. The Rogue Sith and their last ditch attempt to destroy all living things? Seek out the shadow that remains and the chances are you will find the girl.” He snarled. “When you do find her and claim this debt remind her that Old One eye sends his regards…” He clenched his fingers. “…and kill her.”

[member="Jagen Wren"]

Jagen Wren

An amused expression appeared on the Jedi Master's features, a grin playing on his lips. "Very well, you gave me the information I needed," Jagen admitted, locking eyes with the Rodian, "It's only fair that I carry out your request." He gave a curt nod, before turning on the spot to process this new information, downing his ale in one go and setting the glass down on his way out. The trip to the landing pad was short and uneventful, the man vaulting into his starfighter before blasting off into the atmosphere.

"She's a slippery one, R6. Apparently, I just missed her by a day." Wren chuckled, earning a few pleasant whistles from the astromech, "Fetch the hyperspace route for Castameer from the Jedi Archives, I know most of the powers condemned the system after the crisis." The man knew what had gone down during the Omega War, a weapon capable of destroying entire worlds in the hands of desperate Sith. He couldn't help but wonder why Kira decided to return to that place after three years, even as the ship departed the system at lightspeed.

"Get the stealth suite working," Jagen commanded gently, flipping several switches, "If there is anything else in the system, I do not wish them to know of our presence." The Jedi interceptor glided through a massive debris field composed of every type of ship imaginable, from Imperial star destroyers to Mandalorian battlecruisers. However, the largest contributor to the field was the imposing husk of the Omega weapon itself, surrounded by the remnants of the Sith armada.

He felt feelings of dread and suspense creep over him as if the charred durasteel was going to reach out and envelop his starfighter in darkness. No such thing occurred, not yet at least, as he continued to weave in and around the large chunks of metal. "Scan lightly for a sign of the Millennium Falcon, I believe she still flies around in that hunk of junk." He jested, jerking the controls to avoid the ship impacting against a floating turbolaser.

"If you can't find it, search for a relatively intact hangar bay. I'm certain that parts of the station survived its destruction with only moderate damage."

He hoped so.

[member="Kira Vaal"]

She threw the piece of metal behind her as it declined her need for what she was actually after. Another piece of metal was grabbed from the floor and brought up to the faceplate of the atmospheric breathing suit. “…and again. Nope.”

She sighed and gave the command room a stare. Surely among the remains of the One Sith someone would have the clues she required, the last piece to the map so to speak. In the dark she could see only through the twin lights shone from the headpiece of her mask, another less bright light was being transmitted from her droid, a beaten BB unit that was currently rolling down the access corridor in a seemingly oblivious movement.

“Scan for any other large rooms, anything that could hold a treasury, an armoury or something like that.” She said into the voice receptor of her suit, muffling her words as they sounded into the spilt space of the broken station. “Also make sure the hanger is still airlocked, I need to get out of this air-trap for a while.” The droid offered some beeps and rolled away.

The young ‘jedi’ made her way back the other way towards the hanger, completely unaware of the alarm pinging silently as a small ship approached.

[member="Jagen Wren"]

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