Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lost But Found


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay had one friend left in the Republic and she felt quite compelled to let him know how she was doing since she was fired. In truth she didn't feel like herself yet. And though a few people were trying to help her out, she just didn't quite feel as though she belonged anywhere or had any sort of worth. It was a struggle in trying to stop herself from finding a place to hide for a few years or until people forget about her. It was a sad state to be in and she knew it. One day she'll break free from it, just as she did a few years after her husband died. But where or when that would happen was anyone's guess.

Taking a deep breath and letting out slowly, she sent [member="Auru Taff"] a holo-message:

"Senator Taff, this is...Kay. I just thought that I'd send you brief message and let you know if I was okay. I am....for the most part. I have left Republic space for a while so that I would no longer tarnish it's good name. I have kept away from the holo-news as well. Right now I amwith my adopted brother, [member="James Justice"] . He has formed a new government and knows my secret. He won't hold it against me either like some have....And regardless of it he has offered me a position as the Minister of Diplomacy,of which I am taking. It's a paying job and I could use the credits, given that I gave all of mine to the Mandalorians. I still consider myself a citizen if the Republic, though I have no home there. I don't have a home anywhere right now....

Senator Taff, I hope that you are well. I consider you a friend. I didn't have many of them. Only [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] was one that I trusted, but I messed that up pretty badly. And if war breaks out, I know that I am partly responsible. I'm sorry for that. I am too reckless and emotional. For the sake of the Republic it is probably good that I am out of it's hair. I am someone else's problem now.

Please be safe and stay true to yourself. Maybe one day we could have some tea. Take care of yourself."
Auru was deep in thought, in his house on Caamas. The planet had returned to it's peaceful state. Residents now waved to him as he passed the streets, in stead of boo and throw things. Such were the ways of being a politician, it seemed. He had just finished taking a well-deserved bath when his datapad ringed with a new message. Watching it, he smiled. Even in resignation, the Force Sensitive Senator had gone on to work under a new government. Such were the ways of a politician. With studious fingers, Taff began to send a message. Not holo, he was terrible at taking those by himself. In his typing, his fingers strode across the board with studious fingers.

Dear [member="Lady Kay"],

I am pleased to know you are still alright. It still saddens me to see you leave the political scene here in the Republic, but I believe it is almost better this way. You are free to be yourself now, no? I am glad to know that you still think of me, even though our friendship was somewhat brief. Oh, the bills we could have championed together...

This is all behind us now. Well, not our friendship, I suppose. If you are ever up for that tea party, feel free to come to Caamas. We are a peaceful people, and I believe you would like it here. I'm not saying I believe in fate, but if I did, I would say that it led you to this new government, and you should treat is as a gift, not a burden.

With great condolences and congratulations,
Senator Auru Taff.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay was cradling a cup of tea and had just started to read a mystery story when she heard the familiar beep that let her know that she got a message on her datapad. Oh! And it was a written one from Senator [member="Auru Taff"] . She read it thoroughly, agreeing with some of what he wrote, but feeling guilty about it as well. The bills that they could have championed, indeed. She sighed a little as she wrote up her reply.

"Senator Taff,

Thank you for the quick reply. I know that you might be busy with matters that I had to leave unfinished. I had given the Supreme Chancellor all of my work which I had tried to complete before he fired me, but I'm sure that there are more pressing things for him to deal with.

Thank you as well for your support in this slightly new direction. Though no, I do not get to be myself just yet as I'm still keeping my secret...well, secret. My brother knows, but the others do not. For some reason many do not trust Force users in such positions. Okay I do know the reasons, but at the same time, I am not the same as other Force users.

At any rate, I would love to take you up on your offer and visit Caamas. It would be a great honour. Maybe I'll be able to share some good memories with you, as you shared yours. Just let me know when you have a spare moment.


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