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Lost and Found [Cathbodua]

Jedi Temple
Medical Facilities​
Seventy two hours prior a young Rattakian had been found by the order's outer patrols wandering the streets of Coruscant in a mix between panic, confusion, and desperation. The muted purple tunic and lightsaber was a dead give-away, as was the fact that he had narrowly avoided being parked on by a speeder when he wasn't paying complete attention. The confrontation had been short lived, but he had acted as if he was being cornered by three kath-hounds until he passed out from sheer exhaustion.

Over the next few days that had learned enough about the young man to understand a fragment of his condition and what he was aware of. There wasn't much to go on, but what he could offer had been put to good use. After a warm meal and much needed rest, Cassius had given the Jedi entourage his name and the last thing he remembered, which was a factory on Metalorn. Recent events had brought Metalorn under new rule, but this had been over four years prior when it was still an independent system doing atrocious slave trade. No parents, no relatives could be found and not even a last time. Cassius was an orphan, and to add insult to injury he was also suffering from amnesia among a list of other mental disorders.

They had a working theory of the issue at hand, and had sought out the Council's decision - which led Cassius to the medical facilities near the lower levels of the Temple proper and their resident Doctor. She had been informed of his arrival, and given a small briefing of his condition before he was brought towards the medical bay by the escort of two Jedi Knights. The door opened with a signature woosh to reveal the sterile environment of one of the many med-bays encased in the Temple. A simple nod in greeting to the reclusive and indistinguishable healer.

Cassius stepped forward upon gentle prodding and looked over the room before his violet eyes set on the form of Cathbodua. His narrowed features fell onto her and the curious black suit that fitted her frame perfectly, but also covered every inch. Even her head and face were swallowed in the material that shone with a glossy texture of deep matte black. In the less than lucid mind of the amnesiac before her, Cassius determined that this image was indeed simply a shadow come to life. It made enough sense for him to classify her as just that, and at least come to grips with what he was in store for.

Once the same nod would give both Knights the understanding that she could take it from there, they both departed with a bowed head and closed the door after their wake. Cassius stood frozen for a moment keeping his gaze locked on the latex like texture of her form before he started to glance around again at all the medical equipment. Despite his unfamiliar surroundings and thousands of questions running through his fractured faculties, he displayed no fear, resentment or anger. He was actually quite void of an emotional state, and yet he was certainly curious.

Her eyes narrowed under the mask reading the reports. The boy was being brought to her and not the others because... Somehow she was the most qualified healer in the temple. Which was in many ways a scary notion, Boolon had left the order, Aleidis became chancellor and now... Now as she sat there with a look of mild amusement the harshness of the lights stung her eyes for a brief second. The polarizing lenses finally kicking in and letting her focus again on the sterile bay which was nearly her second home. It was also the back of medical wing where they had stuck her used for droids and injured padawans who were overflowing the main wing.

That still suited her fine letting out a deep sigh standing up and checking equipment. He was due to arrive soon and as she straightened herself out crossed her hands behind her back while being straight backed. She wasn't going to give any sign of disrespect after all it wasn't every day someone was brought to her. Usually just a padawan who really hurt himself. Then the doors opened and she stared at the boy not saying a word until he was fully inside and they were closed. Her hand came up directing him to the bed while the sound of common scorn could be heard. She enjoyed having it in her voice because at Boolon had said she wasn't like other jedi. No she was something much worse and it wasn't sith it was a true believer.

She believed in her ideals enough to be the doctor of the temple and now as she walked over and spoke to the boy directly her hand held scanner went over him. "Do you have a name, calling you patient will get very tiring."
Empty. He felt the hollow ache every second now as his mind tried in vain to fill in the puzzles of the void that had become a consuming focal point. Four years had been stolen from his memory, and very little of it was even remotely hazy. He had tried to adjust to his 'new' body having grown for four years and just suddenly having that dawning realization. Confusion was written on his features as clear as print on flimsi and it wasn't wiping off to show any other current mental state. The room seemed less comfortable and more efficient. This was a room dedicated to healing, but there was nothing to suggest comfort or warmth. No plants in the corner, no soothing music or even an atmosphere of calm. The only soft touch in this laboratory was that of the cushioned bed with a sanitary pillowed surface risen from the structure to support neck and head.

The shadow moved though catching his gaze as it snapped back to her form. There was no greeting, no pleasantries offered, but that didn't seem to phase him. Cassius was very much blank at the moment, trying to process things while still conflicted internally by the damning loss of so many memories he knew just had to be there. Something had taken them away, but he not where to start. That is why he had allowed himself to go with the Jedi after he had gained enough sense to understand their concern for him. They wanted the answers that he was seeking, and for that common goal, he had stayed. There was no where else to go, and the answers were his main priority.

Taking the offered bed, Cassius slipped onto the surface and laid supine on the bed after a few moments of trying to feel comfortable. He didn't. He felt nervous, exposed and unsure of everything around him - and yet without fear. Perhaps it was suppression, but even that could be told through the Force. There simply wasn't any fear, or anger in his mind. It was an expected reaction after such a jarring revelation, but it did not exist. Gloved digits rested upon his stomach while the Rattakian's pale features shifted as he kept the shadow in his gaze. It spoke, and the voice rang to him for a moment and then quieted. His eyes searching for the mouth that spoke, but a shadow had neither mouth nor ears, and nor did this one. Still it demanded a response.

"I was Cassius..." He began to explain. "I don't know if he....if I am him." Certainly an odd way to answer the question, but it was truth if it was anything. The boy he knew himself as, his identity was someone four years younger and in a much different place in life. At least if he could trust what memories he did have, that was his name, unless it had changed like everything else seemed to in the time he had forgotten.


"I see." She didn't need more then that, the boy could hardly answer his own name so asking the basic questions would be difficult. No as she stood there continuing the scan the healer slid her hands gently over the tray of equipment and proceded to check him over. Reflexes in the knees, temperature, his heart rate and blood pressure. Then her mask turned to him while she took a seat to begin the work. "Now Cassius I want you to lay down and relax. Let your mind drift and we will see what is inside of there going on. Traditional techniques have cleared you. A little underweight maybe, some fluids needed but I can cure those with antibiotics. Now we will use the force."

Slowly Cathbodua let him go back while she waited then focused touching a hand to his temple while pouring the force into it her hands and then letting her energy work to sift into his head. She might have to dig deep to find it but helping the boy was something she could do. Might even bring a small amount of warmth should she ever see Boolon again.
Medical testing was normally a very invasive measure that would put off quite a few people who were in such a fragile state of mind as the Rattakian. However he seemed to move through those rudimentary tests without much issue, though striking his knees with the small hammer caused fingers to clench momentarily. The warring nature of his species fighting to be brought out within him. The shadow it seemed barely spoke, but it was dutiful in responses, allowing Cassius to resolve himself in her presence to comply. The instruments themselves though were certainly not as appeared, at least his his vision. Some seemed to be weapons of destruction, while others were far more organic in nature. The fact that a shadow could use such tools with precision and grace was more likely the cause of his obedient nature.

"Does the light hurt, or does it chase?" Cassius asked outright before he took her instruction to lay himself down on the bed. He knew nothing of her actual condition, or that this was even a body suit to keep her from contact with natural light. All the young man saw was a shadow, and the fact that light to it was a point of contest seemed to open up that question. Ironically poignant, he was still ignorant of that fact. Resting his head upon the propped up cushion, both hands rested on his stomach as his violet eyes slowly began to close.

As soon as her covered digits touched his head, his body froze. The Force connection she drummed up to enter his psyche and understand the damage illicited a reaction of terror that surged through his frame like lightning. Until the intial shock wore off, and his own connection to the Force began to surface and draw the woman in to a connection between minds. Cassius' closed eyes saw nothing but blackness and a void until a small pin point of light began to center in his vision and grow engulfing the field of view and washing over him like warm sunlight. Soon the boy was upright and standing in a large white room that had neither entrance or exit. Sterile and plain but glowing with warmth and light. Across from him, the figure of a woman he'd never seen stood in silence.

"Hello?" His mouth moved, but instead of a single voice, his own echoed out several times as if the room itself was playing with the waves of sound. The astral plane of telepathy crafted by a joining of minds lead to an artificial meeting place for the psyches of both patient and the Doctor.


"Yes it does." She didn't need to elaborate about her condition. She blistered and got small burns in direct sunlight it was why she was in the basement. Even the normal lights were too strong for her but Cathbodua had gotten filters for them. Then her face turned to look at him. Slowly she entered that force connection. Her mind pressed to study the boy while slowly ever so slowly the lights lowered in the medical room. She let her eyes close to half lidded rapid movements. While her breathe slowed down to a shallow whisper.

The white room let her appear without her bodysuit, skin like dark honey with wonderfully full red lips. Eyes of grey like storm clouds and hair ebony black down to her waist. She flicked her eyes around the room and remained very still letting the image of herself in the light even as an illusion be quite a sight. This was the way to be and she wished it was able to remain permanent but no she turned her eyes up to Cassius. He spoke and it seemed coherent which was quite a nice surprise. "Hello. I hope your able to show me what is wrong, thre is much work to do. I can heal you body Cassius but your mind is what matters."

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