Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Losing Connection

A dark form lay sprawled on a tattered, old cot. Humanoid, but with an obnoxiously large head. Pale, but battered and marred by purple bruises. One endlessly-open eye, black and lifeless, was swollen around the edges. His clothes were a light grey, simple jail attire. The form stirred.
Dravis awoke slowly, his dim consciousness slowly regaining control over his body, the flares of yellow cinders in his eyes reawakening.

I don't remember... this?

With a start, Dravis tried to quickly sit up on the dirty fabric, tensing against something holding his wrists. Glancing to his side, he realized he was restrained by heavy chains, wrapped tightly around his forearms, grating into his skin.

Not good.

Dravis sat back down, resting his head. He tried to extend his presence, to sense through the Force what was around him, but his abilities were weak. No, not weak. Suppressed.

From his dim sensings, he perceived another... something. Another spark of life. In another cell, not far away.

Of the Force.

"Hello?" The Bith's words sounded rough, even to his own ears. "Is anyone there?"

- [member="Rakieh Atur"] -

Rakieh Atur

The Watchman's Apprentice
It is moments like these that Rakieh wishes he hadn't left home. In fact, this would be the only moment in which he wished he had never left, and at that, he knows not why that is so.

It was to the rough words of a dry throat that Rakieh had come to, a deep sigh filling his lungs as though he had woken from a nightmare or had once been drowning, his senses filled with only the lacking of the Force in the room with him and the throbbing, pounding pain of his head. A groan had accompanied the act of him sitting up, and two hands accompanied his head, pressing roughly on the surface as if to push the pain away. With a sharp exhale, they dropped to his sides, his left hand retracting to caress the back of his head, perhaps in a subconscious attempt to soothe what pain may have originated on the surface —rather, what pain did originate on the surface— in what he found to be a subtle but sensitive depression in the back of his skull.

He looked to his left, unbeknownst to him in the direction of the cell directly left of his, and if a Miraluka could squint, he did so figuratively, trying to see the form of the individual who had called out for comfort in knowledge of the presence of another... but he could see little but a blur, lacking in the range of cool hues he was used to sensing. Unbeknownst to him, he too was being hampered in his abilities, suppressed, for him, to the point where he lacked the ability to function.

...What is going on?

With a deep breath in an attempt to remain composure, Rakieh replied with little haste.

"Yes. I'm here. Wherever here is." There was a slight pause in his speech before he made the effort to continue. "Do you know where we are?"

[member="Dravis Rosilla"]
A voice.

Dravis performed what could be interpreted as either a smile of relief, or a grimace of pain. His eye throbbed, his arms hurt, and his head ached, a pulsing, angry ache. Dravis tried to sit up again, but stopped his struggling when his chains started to chafe his skin. Finally, he rested his head, thinking hard.

He pondered the mysterious prisoner's question, going through all that he remembered of the day. Details flooded his memory slowly, first bits and images, which quickly relented to sequences. "I'm... not sure. I was on Coruscant, about to..." Dravis winced, trying to rub his eye, before realizing the chain was hindering any movement. "... about to meet with family."

Dravis decided to tell the truth. He had returned to reunite with his parents, and his siblings. He hadn't seen them since his turn to the Dark Side, and had wanted to assure them that he was alright. That he was just pursuing business deals elsewhere. That he would send back some money, to help pay for tuition for his brothers and sisters.

His tone was controlled, almost forcibly so, holding a hint of dry suspicion. "Who are you?" Dravis needed an ally to get through this. He needed at least that advantage. "What do you remember?"

He needed to know if this man was to be trusted.

- [member="Rakieh Atur"] -

Rakieh Atur

The Watchman's Apprentice
A lighthearted chuckle ensued in response to the nature of Rakieh's mysterious friend's trip to Coruscant.

"Truly?" He asked, any reminants of a chuckle now gone, having left as soon as it ensued. "That's ironic. I was traveling along the Braxant Run in hopes of getting to Coruscant with the intent of leaving my family behind."

There was a slight pause, yet again, as a shooting pain traveled down his spine and traveled back up to his head. The natural response was to to grab the back of his head, much like he had done earlier, but unlike earlier, he looked around, seeing everything at a glance, to see if his senses were impacted by the pain. With every throb, the man so close to him would pulsate in a red hue Rakieh had never seen before. A soft vermillion. He stared for a long while before even considering to reply to him, wondering whether to keep this rare occurrence to himself or to risk coming off as insane to the only other person who seemed to be in the room with him.

... This has to be some sort of dream. This has to be.

"Yes, I suppose i do owe you a response, don't I?" Rakieh sighed, yet again, in an attempt to remain compose, to put behind him, albeit it be briefly, the odd vermillion hues he had seen. "I am Rakieh Atur. A simply Miraluka from a simply comm factory on the simply planet of Ord Trasi. You could say I'm currently doing some soul searching."

As much as Rakieh would have liked to have been able to answer the second half of the man's question, nothing came to mind. All that was there was pain and an emptiness that would make one most uncomfortable. Most uncomfortable.

"Unfortunately, I don't remember much at all. This throbbing in the back of my head is making it difficult to do much of anything, let alone think." He paused for a moment, with the intent to think, not having done much thinking. "And you are?"

A curiosity began to overcome Rakieh. One that seemed to drown out the feel of danger that should have been there

[member="Dravis Rosilla"]
Dravis sighed, feeling a pain in his chest as he exhaled. He'd expected his question to be reflected back at him, but he hadn't figured out an answer. He didn't entirely trust the situation, and he didn't know who would hear his words.

Perhaps this was a sick ploy, to get Dravis to reveal more about himself. He wouldn't let that happen.

The Bith strained against his bonds once again, and responded, his voice without his usual drawling crawl, more raw than anything. "I... am Dravis." Drav tried to use the Force to augment his strength, to break his chains, to do anything, but he doubted he could even lift a feather in his current state. His helplessness angered him, and he felt the power within him stir, without much effect. "And I am an entrepreneur."

Not a lie, not the whole truth.

"You were headed for Coruscant? Interesting." Dravis wished he could bring a finger to his chin, to ponder the way he felt most comfortable. The fact that they both had throbbing heads was something as well. All these clues seemed to grow and disperse, making and breaking within Dravis' headache.

Suddenly, a weak part of the Sith's mind twinged, sensing the arrival of new company. Then, the sound of multiple boots, slapping on stone. Dravis banished his other questions for Rakieh, and glared daggers at the air above him, unable to turn and see who had arrived.

Three individuals entered the hall, the dim light masking most of their features. The two on the outside seemed to be similarly dressed, in light combat gear, and scarves to match. They held stun batons, and Dravis felt a throb from his swelled eye.


The one in the middle was interesting. It was a man, middle-aged, with deep purple skin. Dravis couldn't place the name of the species, but it was somewhere in the back of his mind. He wore a suit and tie, a blaster at his side, and a comm in his ear. He surveyed the two prisoners, his violet eyes tracing their battered features. A thin smile played on his face, and something vile flashed behind his eyes.

"Hmm... Yes, you both seem healthy enough." The purple man traced a finger along the bar of the cage, his other hand holding a syringe. "How do you feel? Headaches, back pains, loss of feeling in your appendages?" The man's expression didn't change throughout his interrogation, but he looked between both cells, tempting a reaction.

Dravis could barely see the three humanoids through the corner of his eye, but he knew he didn't like it. "I know I'd feel a lot better if you untied my chains."

The Sith's response triggered another thin-lipped smile from the purple figure. "I'm afraid not, Lord Rosilla. I am well aware of your tricks and abilities. I have deemed you too much of a threat to be left with your movement." The man walked confidently to the cell of Rakieh, inspecting him with the same indigo eyes. "You, on the other hand, I do not know quite yet. I am looking forward to learning from you."

The way he said that gave Dravis shivers.

- [member="Rakieh Atur"] -

Rakieh Atur

The Watchman's Apprentice
"Then Dravis, it is a pleasure to meet you. I only wish it had been under better and clearer circumstances."

For a moment, it was almost as though Rakieh had zoned out. His mind went blank yet again, and next he knew, three individuals stood within their vicinity, their aura's a strange grey compared the hues of blue, again, Rakieh was used to seeing. The individual amidst the middle of the three began to exchange with Dravis.

Dravis Rosilla said:
"Hmm... Yes, you both seem healthy enough." The purple man traced a finger along the bar of the cage, his other hand holding a syringe. "How do you feel? Headaches, back pains, loss of feeling in your appendages?" The man's expression didn't change throughout his interrogation, but he looked between both cells, tempting a reaction.
Dravis Rosilla said:
Dravis could barely see the three humanoids through the corner of his eye, but he knew he didn't like it. "I know I'd feel a lot better if you untied my chains." The Sith's response triggered another thin-lipped smile from the purple figure.
Dravis Rosilla said:
"I'm afraid not, Lord Rosilla. I am well aware of your tricks and abilities. I have deemed you too much of a threat to be left with your movement." The man walked confidently to the cell of Rakieh, inspecting him with the same indigo eyes. "You, on the other hand, I do not know quite yet. I am looking forward to learning from you."
Though the man would soon begin to include Rakieh in the conversation, his focus and attention were drawn by the bindings aforementioned. Though his senses were still blurred, he could now make out something binding Dravis.

... Bindings? Chains? Why? What difference would it make for some simple business—

A pause overtook him in his thoughts.

Ah. Of course. How could I have been so stupid.

Rakieh turned to look at the mysterious man, where, almost by instinct, his left hand went to feel and cover his face.

"Yes, well, that's interesting, considering there isn't much to learn. Not much..."

A sickly grin crossed Rakieh's face, and his hand dropped. "Though I could teach you the feeling associated with the sound of cracking bones." The grin grew wide, beaming from ear to ear. "A lesson we can skip if you would so kindly give me my mask."

Dravis, do you know the feeling of hearing voices in your head? My family used to suppress that curse. Not me. I would keep talking. Perhaps now you can hear my thoughts in your head. If so, know I'm going to try something I've never had the chance to try. Know this, but make no notion of knowing.

Rakieh hid his left hand behind his back, and moving it in the fashion one would open an archaic door, he began to focus what thoughts he could into attempting to open the bindings that bound Dravis to his —now very evident— cell of confinement. HIs right hand went to coddle the pain that began to throb uncontrollably through his head, and continued to do so as he began —or rather began to attempt— keeping a conversation with their obvious but mysterious captor.

"Though you might find that me breaking bones isn't that interesting. It's quite barbaric. Miraluka such as I, those that worked in the comm construction plants, understand that there is only one sound way to break something if you intend for it to stop working, or at least, test to see how long it would last against something trying to break it. Blunt force. Nothing fancy."

[member="Dravis Rosilla"]
The purple man nodded to the Miraluka, his own eyes tracing over empty sockets, measuring the alien's threats. He didn't smile, didn't frown, only kept his neutral face. No signs were given that he was affected by the Force-User's sadistic grin. "I believe you have more to teach than that."

Lavender eyes wandered down the form's body, noting the position of the hands, the sudden pain that was barely perceivable. This summoned a half-smirk to the man's tranquil face. "Yes. Given time, I will learn a lot from you, Rakieh Atur." Then, as an aside to Dravis, "... From you both."

Dravis felt a new sensation in his skull. It was fuzzy, difficult to make out, but he understood... words. He made an educated guess that the new sensation was from his fellow captive, and tried to piece together the meaning of the message. As it became clear, he tried to hide his surprise, which became immediately more difficult when he felt the chains at his wrists move, slowly unwinding, making not a sound. "Yeah," Dravis said, all gusto leaving him, "Yeah, I'll teach you something all right. That it's a bad idea to mess with Sith."

The man rejoined his comrades, waving over his shoulder at the Bith. "Perhaps you will." They began to walk away, the man flanked by his guards. They stopped quickly, and Dravis heard the words that would haunt his nightmares.

"After all, one learns best when they are in a position to teach." The three exited the area, disappearing behind a sliding door, leaving Dravis to wonder what the new threat meant.


After they left the detention area, the man pressed the comm button on his ear. "Lieutenant Breers, lock down the facility."

A voice, marred by static, responded, slightly confused. "But... but sir...? We aren't under attack."

The Keshiri only smirked, growing a brighter shade of purple. "No, we are not," he agreed. "Lock down the facility."

"Y...yes sir."

Once they left, Dravis turned his attention to the mental connection between the two Force-Users, trying to communicate back.

I can only guess this is Rakieh? One second.

Drav tried to pour what remained of his power into the Miraluka's reserve, using his own anger and fear of the situation to bolster the weak connection. The chains seemed to loosen, beginning to unfurl. If Rakieh used his power, it would be done much quicker, but on his own, it may take a while.

- [member="Rakieh Atur"] -

Rakieh Atur

The Watchman's Apprentice
Rakieh make no effort to respond to the Keshiri captor. There was no need, and he would only be wasting his breath and precious concentration. Despite this, as he left, Rakieh felt his face curl in a rage he had never found before, an emotion he had little experience with, and as Dravis communicated back with him —or Dravis he hoped and assumed—, Rakieh could do little but express his emotions in response.

There is nothing to learn! Nothing to learn but the feeling of being six feet under it all!

Rakieh turned to look at Dravis, face still curled, he turned his focus to the chains and what he could assume to be Dravis's energy being poured into the effort to remove the chains. With a swift motion, Rakieh formed a fist than broke the same fist in the rapid extension of his fingers back into an open palm, breaking a few links of the the chains apart. His face began to uncurl, and in the uncurling, the pain shot back into his head once more, forcing him to hold the back of his head and caress it gentle back into submission.

He looked at Dravis, both unamused and sincere, and questioned lightly the Bith, as he would now recognise, the vision of his slowly gaining more clarity as the time had passed.

"He'd have more to learn from you than me as it is. I'd bet you know where your attunement to the Force comes from. I do not." Rakieh quickly moved subjects. "Why lie to me? Entrepreneur? Was that designed to deter me in the case that I was your enemy?"

[member="Dravis Rosilla"]
Dravis strained against his bonds, strained against the world, feeding what was left of his energy into the Miraluka. With a heavy metallic snap, the chains ruptured, completely ripped apart. Dravis rubbed his wrists, sitting up for the first time.

"Thank you, I don't know how much longer I could've sat there before I snapped. Pun intended." Dravis didn't smile, instead giving his attention to his cell door. He swung his legs over the side of the cot, standing shakily. He had to lean on the wall to regain his balance, before pushing off, and putting his hands on the cell door. He heard Rakieh speak, and decided to keep his focus on the locking mechanism of the door.

"I... Didn't lie, per se." The Bith didn't look guilty, but he didn't look innocent either. "I am a businessman. I run a relief and supply company, to help those torn by war. But..." Dravis focused on the lock, putting all of his energy into exploring it with the Force. "... I am also Sith."

Dravis pushed his essence into the lock, feeling out different pieces and mechanisms. Another pang, but weaker, struck his nervous system, as if whatever effect had suppressed their powers was beginning to wane itself. Remembering his training with his deceased master, the Bith smiled as the light flickered from red to green, and the door swung open.

Dravis walked out, looking left to right. He took a step towards the security door the strange officer walked out of, but turned back to Rakieh. He seemed undecided, looking between the two options, before turning around, and going for the cell of the Miraluka.

"Alright, I trust you enough not to slow me down." Dravis huffed quietly, and began concentrating on the gate separating the two Force-Users. It took but a few moments, before that door, too, swung open. Dravis balled his fists, prepared to be double-crossed.

Perhaps that was what the purple man meant. He had gotten used to Sith treachery. Maybe that wasn't the way of all Force-Users.

- [member="Rakieh Atur"] -

Rakieh Atur

The Watchman's Apprentice
Rakieh watched, almost helplessly, as the Bith began the process of freeing himself from his cell. Despite the helplessness that now ensued, Rakieh felt both relief and gratification: he had set out to learn of the Force, and ended up using it to help a fellow Force-sensitive in the process. What could be more gratifying than that?

The concept of Dravis being Sith was not all that shocking. Perhaps to someone with more expose, someone unlike the Miraluka Rakieh was, it could have been frightening, the helplessness now tearing at the heart in fear that ones good nature would only come back to bite them in the form of pain, pain administered by the very thing they thought to help. No. It was of no concern. Such is the irony of things.

"That explains the vermillion. I thought I simply was going blind. How curious..." The young Miraluka wanted to ask questions. Such is natural. He knew nothing about the Force, and here he stood, next to a man who potentially knew much of one side of it. But no. Now was not the time. He knew that. "Anyhow, Sith or no, you are welcome. I see no reason why a title or a lifestyle should have deterred anyone from helping to set you free."

Rakieh watched as Dravis opened the rest of the way for himself, freeing him from all the bonds that kept him within the reach of his would-be-escapee. He watched as Dravis left the cell, only pausing for a second to look between the way in front of him to the cell which kept Rakieh. When Dravis came to open his cell, that sense of helplessness disappeared, and the relief set in and the gratefulness took its place among the gratitude. "Thank you. I am in your debt. I'll do my best not to cause you much trouble."

"Though I would appreciate it if you would be so kind as to loosen your fists. I didn't help you just to be beaten to a pulp... again."

[member="Dravis Rosilla"]
Dravis raised an eyebrow when the Miraluka mentioned vermillion. He wasn't all that familiar with the species, and it showed on his own face. He had never spoken in-depth to a man with no eyes. Yet he mentioned color, and that he wasn't blind. Very strange indeed.

The Bith rubbed his hands together, relishing in his new-found freedom, trying to keep his outward appearance loose. In his own personal opinion, he had the right to be on-edge, but he needed to be in the Force-Sensitive's good graces, if they were to escape...

Wherever they were.

"Yes, well..." Drav relented, a bit of a frustrated huff escaping his circular mouth. "I sure hope you can put your money where your mouth is." Despite the situation, and despite his recent mood, he cracked a genuine grin. "Because I have quite a bit, and I'd like to survive long enough to see it again."

The Bith's hypersensitive eyes took in the detention room, noting that it seemed they had been the only prisoners held within for some time. The other cells looked dusty, unsanitary. At least their arrangements had been washed. The sliding electric door the men went out of was seemingly unlocked; they apparently weren't expecting the escape.

Dravis started towards it, gesturing his new companion along, before feeling a twinge in the back of his mind. His danger senses were tingling.


"Boss says to terminate the prisoners." A cadre of three guards walked down a stark white hallway, blaster pistols and stun batons drawn. "'s protocol in a siege situation."

"A siege?" The second guard looked incredulously at the first, surprise parting his features. "I didn't hear about a siege."

"Captain's words, not mine." The first guard spat the words out, daring the second or third to debate.

"I'm just glad we're finally killing some of these... monsters." The third brought his pistol up as they approached the detention door, pressing the button to open the door. "Let's get this... oh. Uh oh."

The door opened in front of Dravis, revealing three enemies. The Bith sprung into action in the blink of an eye, closing the distance between himself and the soldiers. He landed a swift punch across the face of one, sending the man tumbling back, and leaving Dravis with aching knuckles. The other two brought up their pistols, firing quickly at both the Bith and the Miraluka. Dravis dodged to the side, feeling the heat from the bolts scorch by his head.

Dravis was good at many things. Hand-to-hand combat was definitely not one of them.

"Help needed!" He had time to squeak out the phrase before charging back into close range, ducking under a baton swing.

- [member="Rakieh Atur"] -

Rakieh Atur

The Watchman's Apprentice
Rakieh chuckled.

"If I had the money to put there I would. Believe me. Not that I would need to... I'm sure whatever funds you'd like to see is waiting for you when we leave."

Like Dravis, but unknown to him that Dravis was feeling it, Rakieh felt this odd sensation in the back of his head. It wasn't like the pain that he was feeling earlier, and the dulling of the senses did not come with the tension, but the feeling was familiar. It was the feeling of something about to go terribly wrong: like a pain in the gut telling you something was out of place. Within mere moments of the sensation, the three men came through the electric door, and the next thing Rakieh knew, the Bith was flying at the three opponents, staggering one, but ultimately putting him in a bad position.

Dravis had called for the help of the Miraluka, and within an instance of the call, with almost the same speed that Dravis had flew in to meet his opponents, Rakieh extended his arm at one of the individuals, then with the swift twirl of his wrist in a motion that would lead back to the retraction of his arm, Rakieh pulled to him the individual which Dravis assulted, pulling him into Rakieh and shortly staggering the two before Rakieh pushed the man back and kicked him in the chest, knocking him to the floor.

Hand-to-hand combat wasn't something Rakieh knew particularly well. But it felt damn good.

"Help granted."

[member="Dravis Rosilla"]
The men reevaluated their situation, backing up slowly, one having to scramble up off of the floor. Dravis brought his fists up in a boxing position, not entirely sure what to do. He had always battled with finesse in the past, forgoing the heavy-handed strikes of a blade or hand with subtle touches and unexpected threats. That's why he preferred using Form II, and his shock whip.

These face-to-face confrontations didn't go over well with the Bith.

Another volley of blaster fire zipped past the pair of Force-Wielders. Dravis cried out as a single blast caught the side of his head, seething as he felt the pain. This seemed to encourage the men, who rushed up again, bringing their stun batons to bear against the pair. Two on Rakieh, one on Dravis.

The man, a dark-skinned human with a nasty burn on his face, swung his baton in a flurry of sweeping durasteel, making Dravis backpedal into the bars of a cell. Dravis felt a sudden, unquenchable fear overtake him. He was special, he was gifted in the Force...

And he couldn't defeat a single grunt.

Drav frowned sharply, remembering a lesson he learned long ago. Use the fear, don't let it use you.

The Bith tapped into his fear, using it to sharpen his connection with the Force. He pushed his clawed hand into the air, a simple gesture. The guard only had time to widen his eyes before being thrown backwards, his head creating a resounding crack on a metal bar.

Dravis swayed in place, a harsh pulsing behind his eyes almost knocking him off of his feet. His little show of Force had taken a lot out of him. But the battle wasn't over. The Sith reached down, and grabbed the stun baton off the floor. "Hey!" Drav yelled out quickly, throwing the baton to his ally. Hopefully, Rakieh would catch it, and they could end this quickly.

- [member="Rakieh Atur"] -

Rakieh Atur

The Watchman's Apprentice
Whereas Dravis balled his fists, Rakieh saw no need to do that. It fact, for him, it seemed counter-intuitive. These men were jailers, use to having to physically deal with insubordination and the strong willed... He would not be able to break them... but he might be able to use their strength against them.


The volley of blaster fire that was aimed at them was fairly difficult to escape, though Rakieh had managed to escape the volley unharmed, having rolled out of the way and found a nice defensible position behind a wall temporarily, before having ran out in an attempt to help Dravis as he cried out in agony —or at least, it seemed like a cry to Rakieh. This offered the perfect opportunity for two of the men to charge him, an opportunity that they took immense advantage of.

As the two men charged at Rakieh, catching him off guard, he quickly turned to them and raised his arms, like Dravis had, but held his palms open, hoping that he would either be able to throw them out of the way or grapple them long enough to be able to disarm them and beat them down while they had no means of fighting him. Unfortunately, this did not work quite as planned... and in hindsight, Rakieh would probably attribute it to the lack of focus he was experiencing in the moment, and his lack of ability to work with his natural gifts.

Still, the fight with the second man ended quickly. The first man charged him and in a backhand motion struck him across the face with his baton, moving through with the blow to Rakieh's left. In this event, Rakieh had reeled back from the blow, and in the same motion, pushed out his hand in an attempt to Force push away the individual who struck him, missing —as he had continued to move through the blow and to his left— and instead hitting the second charger, who stagger, tripped, and whose head struck the wall behind him, knocking him unconscious.

Dravis's call out had quickly caught Rakieh's attention, and with his reaction time now being aided by adrenaline, and thus further by the Force, he caught the baton that had flown to him from Dravis. In turning back around, amidst the murder stroke of his opponent, Rakieh lunged for the jailer's gut with the baton, narrowly striking first, then, the blow having bent him forward, proceeded to knee the mongrel and then, with his free hand, Force push him away, and to the ground.

"How dare you assault me, you vile cur!"

In the first and final burst of rage in that fight, Rakieh began to beat the individual while he was on the ground in downward swings, alternating the direction of the blow with each hit, as if continuing only with the momentum, with no concern to stop: first from the right, then the left, then right, left, right, left, right, right, right...

...Then Rakieh stopped, and dropped the baton.

There was a slight pause, then...

"...Well. That was enlightening."

[member="Dravis Rosilla"]
Dravis grinned as Rakieh caught his thrown weapon, smiling even more as it seemed the Miraluka gained the advantage. His smile seemed to disappear as Rakieh continued, replaced by a wary look. Drav understood unnecessary violence better than most- he associated with Sith, after all. Which is why he was scared of it.

The darkest, most twisted Dark-siders killed for pleasure.

Dravis hadn't quite reached that point yet.

"Well," the Bith said, quickly hiding his surprise. "We have to get going. If I had to guess, these men won't be missed for long." Dravis reached down to the twitching corpes of the man that had been mutilated by Rakieh, his dark eyes avoiding the form as best they could. He picked up the man's blaster pistol, testing it's weight in his palm. He acquired one of the batons as well, and glanced out the doorway, glaring at the open orifice.

He didn't trust this situation. The timing of everything was strange.

Perhaps the Force wished them to escape.

"After you, sir," Dravis spoke, his voice with a mild, cautious deference.

- [member="Rakieh Atur"] -

Rakieh Atur

The Watchman's Apprentice
With the man laying just in front of him, lifeless, Rakieh stood over it with a slight sense of shock. This man would have been the first that Rakieh had ever killed, and the emotions cycling through him in the patterns that they were would have been the first time that he had ever felt this way... and he didn't know what to make of it. Confusion, anger, sorrow, pain, remorse, and plenty of other negative emotions clouded portions of his mind as he picked up the stun baton he had just dropped and turned to head for the exit, trying hard not to think about the events that have just passed.

Rakieh nodded to Dravis, his alertness very obvious to Rakieh at this point. "No need to be so formal Dravis. We're in this together. Brother would be the more appropriate word."

Rakieh began to hurry through the exit door of their once zone of captivity. Rakieh stopped shortly after heading down, hearing footsteps and the noises of men rushing down the corridor. A slight tenseness in the back of his mind began to form, and almost as if something was trying to make contact with him, or as if the Force was trying to guide him, Rakieh naturally looked to his left, seeing an empty corridor —one which appeared to be harbouring little to no activity.

He quickly turned behind to Dravis, and with a motion to corridor, began to communicate with Dravis through the Force.

This way. Seems the Force is with us brother.

Yes. Perhaps the Force wanted them to escape.

[member="Dravis Rosilla"]
Dravis let his eyes trail up and around the room, checking for any final hints or information, sending a quick suspicious glance at the Miraluka. The Bith didn't see anything of note, which surprised him. He figured there would be some sort of surveillance device for a detention level, but there were none immediately visible.

"Yes, well, whatever." Drav squinted out the door, the small cinders of dark energy floating in his deep onyx eyes. "Let's hope we live long enough to put this new title to use."

With that, he followed his new ally into the hall.

The lights hurt his eyes, and the subtle pounding in his ears made the brisk pace almost painful. He, at the very same time, heard amid the drumbeats of his own mind, the patter of boots on floor. He looked to Rakieh, who ushered him towards another door. With a curt nod, he charged into the room, pressing the button to close and lock the door behind the pair, his step faltering as he took in his surroundings.

Weapons. Lots of weapons.

Blasters of all shapes and sizes, a few vibro-weapons, stun batons, and every assortment of grenade available.

Sadly, Dravis didn't see anything familiar. His weapons, and perhaps Rakieh's were stored elsewhere.

Of course it wouldn't be that easy.

Still, it was something. Not a lightsaber, but something.

Dravis focused on the Miraluka's presence on his mind, not daring to speak out loud. Do you think they know we're here?

Without another thought, Dravis began walking along the various racks of weaponry, picking off an armory's supply. He picked up a fair share of thermal detonators, and a vibrosword, testing the weight. This, he was used to. Elegance in blade form.

The Sith stood by the door, extending his senses out towards the hall, waiting in tense anticipation.

- [member="Rakieh Atur"] -

Rakieh Atur

The Watchman's Apprentice
No. I don't think they know quite yet. But they will. Especially considering there is only one way in and out of here.

Rakieh didn't know how to use any of the weapons in this locker —which, to his surprise, were in this room, as he thought it was a corridor, a likely consequence of a still dulled sense from... whatever it was they underwent before their confinement. He never had to defend himself before now, let alone use a weapon to do so. His hand naturally went for one of the blasters at first, the most familiar weapon to him, having known about mass weapons fabrications, but there was a pause. He had never done hand to hand combat before either, yet, just moments ago, he was able to defend himself against aggressors who had likely been trained to an extent he could never know. Having watched Dravis pick up a vibroblade, and knowing the direness of their situation, Rakieh's hand drifted towards the vibroblades, and next he knew, he was holding the first weapon in his hand he had ever touched.

Rakieh stood at the other side of the door relative to Dravis, trying to focus his senses to see if he could determine just how many people had come down the hall to attempt to bring their justice upon them. A few moments went by, and almost as if he could see through the material of the door, he could feel the presence of five more individuals, three of which had gone to inspect the cells, two of which stood between them and potential freedom. He could not help by inform Dravis of the situation, knowing well that if he didn't, he could be risking both their lives in the process.

There are two standing in the corridor we just came down, three more I presume being in the cell room... I think in this situation, we have the advantage if we get the jump on the first two. What do you think?

[member="Dravis Rosilla"]
Dravis flipped the vibrosword in his hand, responding with a bit of a savage tone. I agree. Element of surprise.

The Sith readied himself by the door, one clawed hand hovering over the controls. He looked into the pits of nothing where Rakieh's eyes would be, if only a formality for himself. He held three fingers up.



The door burst open, and Dravis rushed out, assisted slightly by the Force. The two guards were at attention, but sadly, facing the wrong direction, their backs turned to the immediate threat. Dravis lept up, and kicked one man in the head, sending them sprawling, before landing, planting his vibrosword squarely in the man's back.

Now he could only hope the Miraluka performed his part of this operation as quietly.

- [member="Rakieh Atur"] -

Rakieh Atur

The Watchman's Apprentice
Rakieh watched, almost as time itself slowed down, seeing each of Dravis's fingers, enveloped in the vermillion glow now so familiar, as little in the situation was, slowly retract and be drawn back to the palm of his hand.



Rakieh had watch as Dravis leapt out, his ferocity akin to a predator hunting prey, and seeing the dull grey life force disappear as Dravis's prey tensed and fell prone to the blade in his back. On that note, Rakieh looked to the other man in the hallway, alerted to Dravis's assault, and on pure instinct, Rakieh thrusted out his hand and quickly pulled in back to his chest, pulling the now startled guard towards him. In a swift and final movement, Rakieh held the vibroblade firmly at his side, blade out, letting the Force pull the man into it, blade firmly through his chest, his other hand covering the mans mouth to muffle his screams, the man squirming violently in his grasp. When the squirming stopped, Rakieh dropped the man, very nonchalantly, and pulled the blade from his body.

Backstabs. Good thinking on your part Dravis.

[member="Dravis Rosilla"]

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