Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lord Ragnar needs you!

A caveat to the earlier thread. Playing peaceful factions is fun but kinda eh...

I'm shelving Emperor Titus for this guy instead.

On the other hand there is Lord Ragnar the Destroyer. He plan's to lead his fleet in from beyond the edge of the system and lay waste to the Galaxy. His following is nothing but warriors and slaves his tactics that of scorched earth.

For the truly wicked and evil this is the place. No saving Civillians, no qualms about mass destruction. Simply come, bombard, land, destroy, convert/enslave, harvest all resources and move to the next hex. An endeavour based purely on war for wars sake. Mostly just because I love to write a really raw and dirty war story.

All aliens and force users are their primary targets for extermination.

Anyone down for this?

Probably need two Lords hands. His right and left. I can be the minor counterpart to any faction that wishes it.

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