Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Lord Malleus



NAME: Malleus Valkonnen.

FACTION: Eternal Empire.

RANK: Captain.


AGE: 32.

SEX: Male.

HEIGHT: 1.91 m.

WEIGHT: 86 kg.

EYES: Deep Blue.

HAIR: Dark Blonde.

SKIN: Pale.



[+] Highly force sensitive : Borned with a huge amount of midi-chlorians in his blood, Malleus could become a great force user, yet the path to reach such power is really long.
[+] Intuitive : Malleus sharp mind easely understands patterns and strategies of the enemy. Sometimes his actions are based only from such intuitions, making him look like an eccentric or even a fool. Though, very rarely such actions resulted in mistakes.
[+] Skillful Duellist : The Valkonnen House boasts an ancient tradition of sword fighting. This together with the teachings recieved during his training in the Wardens of the Shroud, made Malleus a great duellist, mastering the Makashi combat form.

[+/-] Authoritarian : Raised in a rigid system which is the Empire and pressured by the weight of being the sole heir of an ancient noble family. Malleus realized that only by imposing his will over the others he could succeed over the odds that such society presents. He may look sure of himself, reassuring and maintaining discipline in the ranks of his subordinates, but also cruel and apathetic.

[-] Stubborn : Once he decide to reach a certain objective he will pursue it till the end. There are literally no "turning backs" in his life.
[-] Wrathful : His temper is not the coolest one, he hates failures, even more from his subordinates.
[-] Inept with range weapons : He may have succeeded in being an incredible duellist, but at what cost? He barely passed the basic weapons training of the military, and from that his skills didn't improve.

Behind the helmet that he wear for pure fashional purpose, hides a good looking man who shows in his facial traits a younger age than he have. He have a pair of blondish moustaches and a perfectly cut goatee. He is phisically well built thanks to the self imposed rigid training.

Son of one of the most ancient imperial noble houses living on Vengard, in the planet of Kalidan. Malleus infancy was full of rigid norms, studies and trainings always under the total watch of his many teachers, such treatment could scarr the minds of the many but not him. The oppressive lifestyle intensified even more when his father died, leaving him the sole heir of a thousand years old dinasty.

It was at the age of sixteen that his mind snapped. While doing yet another sword's training duel, and recieved yet another insult, one of many that his master used to put pressure on the boy and ignite his will to defeat him, now were completely ignored. A sense of rage overflowed the spirit of the boy and with a mechanical gesture pointed the arm towards his master. The man was lifted three meters off the ground in a blink of an eye and, slowly and steadily, his throat struggled to breath, he knew the boy's affinity to the force but never was expressed with such impetus, the thing was kept hidden from Malleus but now, in the middle of the internal garden of the villa, under the courtiers's eyes it could not be any longer. Malleus screamed in rage "I am the heir of Valkon! And no one dare to insult the keeper of his blood, ever again! ". With that he released the teacher who fainted on the ground.

By that day, another master took the mantle of the previous. He was a hidden member of the Wardens of the Shroud who only served in the court of the Valkonnen only as mere advisor, now he could teach the ways of the force to the young Malleus. Under his more wiser teachings the boy became a bright initiate of the order, and also a prominent student in the imperial navy accademy.

Today Malleus, at the age of 32, is a feared captain of the Eternal Empire, a Warden's knight, and have absolute control over the affairs of his house and its properties.


The star destroyer under his command :
His personal transport :


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Equipment (Going to be updated in the coming weeks)


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