Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking to get back in the game

Hey, people. It's been a long time since I've been on. I'm looking to get back into the swing of things. Here are the following characters I have that I wish to reignite something in them.

[member="Allara Ven"] : Young, early-to-mid twenties. Former padawan, who ran away from the Order, got stuck with a Vong arm implant and a amphistaff. Subsequently has been learning to expand upon the Force, via Dathomiri-style magic.

[member="Zheng-Mei"] : MId-Twenties. A woman who is the heir and Princess to the Jin Empire, a highly East-Asian influenced culture from the Unknown Regions that has only rather recently made contact with galaxy at large. Trained in a local Force tradition that resembles Xiaolin, and wields an ornamental lightsaber.

[member="Valin Frayus"] : Thirties. Male. Fervent knight of the Order of the Righteous Flame, an extremely anti-Force group. Based out of New Alderaan and is the current head of House Frayus.

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