Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for Work

Luthian Omondon

sᴀɴᴛᴀ·s ᴄᴏᴍɪɴ· ᴛᴏ ᴛᴏᴡɴ

Luthian was silently humored. A drone had decided that mingling with her was a good idea. Although she wouldn't say it, she found IG-78's code of conduct- messy. Luthian didn't bother to turn her head in the 'bot's direction. her presence would eventually make up for it. "Who I am is none of your business." Luthian said shortly, then taking a small swig of her alcoholic beverage. "All you need it know is I'm not very keen to talking to low lifes."

Sharp, yet true. Although she was apart of the outlaw scum of the galaxy, Luthian still had the edge to survive. Kicking people in the nuts however- like the other man by the name of @Sebastian Bane had done- mostly died after picking up in the illegal trades.
Done with the buisiness for now Sabastian wandered over to where his droid was standing "You'll excuse IG-78 I'm sure. He's a tad special " Sabastian excused to the lady "Though calling him a low life was a tad uncalled for, I reckon you owe him an apology, wouldn't you Agree IG-78 ?" He asked with friendly smirk, crossing his arms and trying to diffuse the situation before the Unknown Lady, Or the Droid, caused a scene.

[member="Luthian Omondon"] [member="IG-78"]
The was flustered.

"I can assure you that this title deemed as 'low life' cannot desribe me at all. I'm not a living being, therefore this terminology is wrong. But I'll except your apology, but only if you come and work with us."

The droid sat back and put his legs up on the table. He laid his blaster out on the table.

Luthian Omondon

sᴀɴᴛᴀ·s ᴄᴏᴍɪɴ· ᴛᴏ ᴛᴏᴡɴ
[member=IG-78] [member="Sabastian Bane"]

There was a brief moment of silence in between the drone and mercenary's words. At first, Luthian remained emotionless. I was a few moments later that Luthian started to laugh. It was a cold and disgusted laugh, obviously meaning she didn't care what these two thought. Luthian placed her right gloved hand over her eyes, covering there humor. As her laughs momentarily died down, she looked up at the duo. "Ya' think I'm just gonna join you two by a simple threat? At first I thought this was some kind joke, but you two really are trying to get yourselves killed.." Placing her now empty beverage on the table, Luthian grabbed her helmet with her right hand and placed it in her lap. her left hand remained on her lap, only awaiting commands..

"You two have no idea how long I've been in the business. You two should be lucky I haven't called my partner in. he would have a few things to say.""
Sabastian turned to the droid "Who gave you the right to start hiring people onto My Ship? " He asked, caught a bit off guard by the sudden invitation "The only reason you're allowed to be on the ship is because you're essentially invisible, I don't know why you think that's okay...." Sabastian reached up pinching the bridge of his nose. "Now I've got no quarrel with you, but if you start something I'm going to have to end it" His tone was light and nonthreatening , though his hand was on his belt now by his blaster. He didn't want to escaslate this further but he was willing to do what was necesarry
IG-78 turned to Sabastian

"Well, we have not left yet, I thought we could use more people. I also got a bit mad at this whole situation. My programming makes me very irritable at times. But I want to meet your partner Luthian, as a nice conversation. Sound good? My apologies for this incident."

IG-78 stood up, and laid his pistol on the table.

"Of course we'd leave our guns at the table so we don't kill each other at the meeting, okay."
Sabastian nodded approvingly at the droid's words, but made no move to disarm himself. No need to be the first one to lay down arms afterall, just incase. "I mean if you want to come along I'll consider but, I don't think we've really been hitting it off, so to say " He really didn't need a fight right now, there were greater things to worry about

[member="Luthian Omondon"]
Was walking out the door, but stopped. He stood there for a second. 78 still stood

"Are you coming or not? You never know how much money we can make. By the way, is your friend nearby, I really want to talk to him."

Luthian Omondon

sᴀɴᴛᴀ·s ᴄᴏᴍɪɴ· ᴛᴏ ᴛᴏᴡɴ
[member="IG-78"] [member="Sabastian Bane"]

Luthian remained silent, watching the two integrate into a less hostile state. She watched the drone place a relatively standard handgun on the table, and stating he didn't want to fight. Even though he hadn't noticed, his counterpart had already started a fight. Sabastian had said it himself: he would end the dilemma. And Luthian wasn't one to step down from a challenge.

As IG-78 stood at the door, Luthian silently pulled out a thick laser based handgun, obviously modified by its holder. Big builds were prone to unleash big loads. Luthian pulled her thumb back on the safety switch. "Sit down, 'bot. Your buddy here decided to challenge me. I need someone to witness your compatriots downfall."

Looking to Sabastain, she gave him a glare of daggers. "When you say you're going to finish something, you better have a gun with a smoking barrel. Unfortunately for you, Your dear friend has disarmed himself..."

Reaching over with her right hand, Luthian grasped the handle of 78's handgun. "Standard. Just like I had anticipated."
Sabastian didn't bother to respond, the time for talking was over, luckily, He had trained himself for this. Using a manouver borrowed from the K'tara school Sabastian lashed out, striking [member="Luthian Omondon"] 's Weapon away, then following up with a direct uppercut to the jaw, before grabbing Luthian and pulling them out of the booth and away from the weapons. Sabastian couldn't help a smirk from forming on his face once again, the friendliness and joviality had drained from his eyes, leaving only the trained merciless killer and nothing else "Ohhh This WILL be fun" he practically purred, even his voice was off

The droid laughed.

"Do you honestly think that I'm dumb enough to disarm myself? What kind of bounty hunter does that?"

IG-78 pulled a huge rifle out from behind his back.

"Your threats mean nothing, how dare you threaten my companion."

Luthian Omondon

sᴀɴᴛᴀ·s ᴄᴏᴍɪɴ· ᴛᴏ ᴛᴏᴡɴ
[member="Sabastian Bane"] [OOC NOTE]
Dude, you godmode the living heck out of that post. I'm gonna make room for a counter attack, so I can do something. The reason for ignoring some of your moves is because you pretty much insta killed me without a response from myself.


Before Sabatian had the chance to disarm her, Luthian was already on her feet. Luthian's specialty during battle was to literally control it with strategy. She was use to reading a person's movements, and noting what they would do next. Rather than pulling the trigger on her gun, Luthian grabbed the rim of her helmet and arched it to hammer Sabatian in the skull. She also maintained a subtle raise of her handgun, firing off six or seven shots.

Sabatian would be given a choice, to either dodge the helmet or get shot. There was no way to go around it, since he'd made the mistake of attacking before searching his opponent.

Luthian Omondon

sᴀɴᴛᴀ·s ᴄᴏᴍɪɴ· ᴛᴏ ᴛᴏᴡɴ

These two were the most uncoordinated pair she'd ever seen. The drone didn't even try to attack quietly, for which his sweep for Luthian's legs was rather cheap. Before he was able to strike, Luthian jumped in a backwards direction ontop of her chair, and commenced to shoot 78 from above. The barrel of her handgun cracked various times, about a solid four rounds. The idea was to get 78 to duck, so he would miss the shots. But it would also get him in a position she could manipulate.
IG-78 was much smarter than she thought. He was programmed to think on his own. He knew what he was doing, and for good reason. He knew she'd shoot, so he leaped back and fired five shots off with his rifle. He tossed out a smoke grenade and ducked as more shots hurled his way.
(OOC Note : I was just trying to get you out of the booth and away from the weapons)

Making a split second decision Sabastian let the shot's bounce off his chestplate, while he brought his arms up in a cross block to counter the helmet. Deciding to buy himself sometime he tucked and rolled away behind the cover of some nearby tabels, coming up with his knife in one hand, and his pistol in the other.

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