Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for Work


Sabastian glanced about the cantina, it was mostly empty, maybe a dozen people mingling about. Each table had a holo terminal built into it, which would allow the operator to upload a sort of resume to the Cantina's system, with his relevant contact details and specialties. It was a common practice for mercenaries, bounty hunters and their ilk to go to a place such as this, either to find a contract, or to sign up with a larger group if they were desperate. It was for this reason that Sabastian now found himself lurking about. He'd been here for about an hour now, waiting for someone to contract him, no biters though. He sighed, and sat back after ordering another drink, and then he waited.
A droid walked into the Cantina and looked around the area. He spotted Sabastian and walked over to his table. The droid was IG-78, an assassin droid, a bounty hunter. IG-78 was clad in a robe and had a small blaster secured to his hip. As he approached the table he sensed something was wrong and moved his hand towards his blaster but quickly put it down. He took a seat across from Sabastian stared at him for a while.

"I see you are a bounty hunter too. You got any missions lately?"

The droid appeared interested in working with Sabastian. But was Sabastian willing to work with the assassin droid?
Sabastian glanced up at the droid, studying him intently for a few seconds before he replied "Well theres a few bounties on offer, nothing too lucrative but...what can you do?" He chuckled "I don't see many droids out for their own bounties...infact you'd be the first. I don't see an owner wouldn't happen to have one of those 'Heuristic Processors' as they're called do you?" He asked quite curious having never had the chance to interract with such a droid before
"Yes in fact I do, this enables me to think 'outside the box' when it comes to these tasks. I can learn by doing instead of being told what to do like a normal droid. Most biologicals such as yourself are a mixture of both."

The droid pulled out his pistol and laid it on the table.

"I'm skilled with shooting far targets, with my rifle of course. I use this for any 'altercations' I may face along the way."

IG-78 gestured over towards a stack of equipment by the door.

"My other gear is over there. Oh, I almost forgot. I have a complete 360 degree view with my many optical sensors so I can see everything. Do you know where to find some work?"
"Impressive." Was his simple reply to the practical breakdown of the droid's skills " Well as for that, I've got a ship. If I am to be taking down some more lucrative targets I reckon a partner couldn't hurt. You wont take up much space, don't need food and water, skilled with a blaster, I can't imagine a better candidate. If you're looking for that kind of work you're welcome to tag along" He said, extending a hand to him "What do you say?"
The droid's expressionless face just starred blankly. The droid stood up and took his blaster in his left hand and extended his right arm towards Sabastian.

"Sounds good! Where to first Captain?"

Captain Keeli

Captain Keeli, back from the dead.
"Agreed, I need to get some money. Let's check out the ship."

The droid started to gather his things and walk out towards the ship. At that moment a burly looking figure tackled him and threw him to the ground.
(Now this may be a technical issue but your name is being displayed as Captain Keeli, rather than my previous rp partner's name of IG-78 . If its you on an other account, my apologies, if its a stranger not sure what to tell you)
Walking along, Dayne was looking for a shop to try and buy some parts to build a speeder. His companion, TX-492 buzzed: "sir, my monitors are picking up an attack to your left". Dayne looked over, and saw a burly man tackling a droid. "You stay here, TX" Dayne said. He rushed over to help the droid, pulling out his DC-17 blaster pistol. Dayne yelled at the man "hey! Off the droid! Now!" A crowd had gathered around the whole affair.
Sabastian was already trying to pull the man off of the droid "What do you think you're doing?" he shouted at the stranger that had tackled his new partner. He shoved the man back a few steps, glancing over at Dayne with a nod of thanks
IG-78 jumped up and nodded towards both men.

"Should I kill this man?"

IG-78 trained his pistol on the stranger that tackled him.

"Or should he just be arrested?"

Luthian Omondon

sᴀɴᴛᴀ·s ᴄᴏᴍɪɴ· ᴛᴏ ᴛᴏᴡɴ
[member="Sabastian Bane"] | [member=IG-78] | [member="Dayne Gehnt"] | whoever else..

In the very back of the Cantina, primarily where the reaches of the music were dismissed, a single lone figure watched the commotion from afar. The figure's helmet was on, not bothering to even reveal a sentiment of the situation. Instead of getting involved and showing those knuckleheads how to be a bounty hunter, she merely sat back and snorted. Out of all honesty, she thought this was all very funny, considerably related to a stand up comedy.

Luthian was subtly greeted by a waitress with a unopened drink, and turned to leave as soon as she arrived. Her thirst took over, for which Luthian took off her helmet and proceeded to open the cap top with her gloved hand.

To bad Tajje isn't here. He decided taking a powerdown was a good idea. she thought to her herself. The bottle opened with a distinctive click, for which she placed the small metal object on the table. I'm sure he'd be laughing as much as I am..

Taking a swig, she watched the commotion from afar. As of now, she merely considered this all childs play..
IG-78 turned back to Sabastian.

"I'm done, I'm going back to my seat."

IG-78 kicked the stranger several times and walked back to his seat. He saw a masked figure in the back of the room. IG-78 hadn't seen her walk into the bar. He approached her.

"I'm sure you saw that, I didn't see you walk in. I'm IG-78, and you are?"
Sabastian thought long and hard about what to do next, and decided on the most obvious course of action. He kicked the man between the legs, and then when he fell to the ground he knelt down and said

"All right pal, I'm letting you go this time. I recommend you stay down and start crawling that way. If I see you again, you wont even be able to crawl, are we understood?"

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