Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for Soldiers, Smugglers, Criminals & Mercs

I'm trying a new thing. A test project that's never been done before. Before I go any further let me state that this partially to help the Republic and partially to see if it can be done.

I'm looking to put together a tight knit group of writers from pretty much all genre's. Form them into a cohesive unit and go write in the wars together. The Idea was an old one that's been done previously. I think they had the Silver company or something else like that.

So here goes.

Dawn Company
Years of war and turmoil have rocked the Republic. From so many battles and skirmishes to downright treachery the ranks have thinned, and thinned some more. In their desperate hours they enact a new initiative' Summoning up every last asset and every able hand they can into a new force.
A force to rise from the ashes.
Smugglers, Criminals, Deserters, Ex- Spec ops, Bounty Hunters, Mercenaries and Rogue Force users thrown together into a rag tag unit. Trained and drilled and given command of their own Company of soldiers. Perhaps the dirtiest, most unkempt but most ferocious unit the Republic has seen.
Sworn to defend.
Dawn Company.
Factory Judge
[member="Asharad Graush"], Don't knock it man! Battlefield Bad Company was a good game. Maybe this will become something more.

[member="Jack Raxis"], I like the idea. However, I won't be able to join at the moment. However, if you guys need gear, or want someone to randomly team up with, and match with any sort of things I might do, I wouldn't mind lending a hand. Just can't commit completely.

Farlon Orbit

Tough, Disciplined, Die-hard.
[member="Jack Raxis"] I'll do it, 'aven't had a use for this character after a brief interlude with OCA and just wandering around and it seems like the only char of mine that would ever work for the Republic.


Reen Lorgon

Pilot. Smuggler. Incredibly handsome. I got it all
[member="Jack Raxis"]

I'd quite like to join, but don't mind if the unit is too large. However if you need someone to do combat drops for you, I'm your guy.

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