Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for RPs, and maybe one or two more students.

The following is just a combination of my last two LFG posts, combined into one... easier on the eyes and less to keep track of.

So ya, who's looking for threads and after you answer that, who's up for a thread with Solan? Been a while since I've been able to write without pause and i must say that it is killing me what with summer now here and I'm waiting for jobs to call back. So ya, anyone up for kicking Solan's ass in a friendly little duel? Or maybe going off to burn and murder some slavers who found it entertaining to come into the Kathol sector? Or how about showing up, uninvited, and sitting with Solan in his garden to simply talk and relax.

Solan is also here looking to train people but i have a bit of a unique situation that i know will limit those i draw the interest of but oh well. Solan has been yearning to pass on what he knows, mainly the chief skills he is known for using like Pyrokinesis, Plant surge, and anything else in his skill set. But to be his student there comes a requirement that must be passed In Character. Keep those two words in mind.

Solan's first requirement is simple. The reason you are learning from him, is to protect something important to you.

Keep in mind, posting in here will not assure becoming his student. I want to make sure our characters work well together before either of us puts in a great deal of effort, only for it not to be as rewarding for one party in the end. If your Character fits with Solan and you fit that first requirement. Well then we are good to go. Seeing as the rest of the requirements will take the shape of tests during Solan's training, its not needed to type them out here and now.

So ya, come one come all.

(Like i said, its just combining the last two threads to make things easier to keep track of in getting new threads. I'm lazy, deal with it.
[member="Moira Kataline"]

I have a bad feeling about this... I see Jedi, and don't need to be blasted in the face by a force light again by corrupting one. :D

(Happy to teach your character. And Solan can actually teach the light if need by, just he prefers the dark for reasons of efficiency.)
Well, I'd certainly be up for a thread, probably with either Cassus here or my alt, Vivienne Zambrano (don't let the last name fool you. Right now she's an innocent-ish eight year old). Cassus would be good for beating up slavers or pretty much roughing up any sort of nastier folk. On the other hand, Vivienne would be up for a cup of tea, some garden exploring, or anything peaceful.
[member="Solan Charr"]

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