Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Looking for Denon Threads

Kreasus Dragontooth

Anyone up for some denon threads? I am open to pretty much any idea. Kreasus owns the Oggor Merchant Empire, a confederation of merchant guilds within the Stenness Node Region. He is mostly known for his huge size and immense weight. Some people refer to him as the "The Glutton" within political circles and in the underworld.

So if anyone is interested, please let me know
Eating and scheming apparently the two go hand in hand! I guess if you are planning to rebuild an empire it helps to have a bowl of cereal in your lap...

Anyway, I'm down for whatever. I dipped out for a bit so I'm trying to get back into things. I mean your name in the underworld is The Glutton so I suppose Alyssa might start digging around as to who and why that is lol.

Kreasus Dragontooth

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