Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking For Acting Rogue Leader

Hey all, as part of our efforts to revitalize the GA we're looking to make sure there are active driving forces behind our faction's most popular and iconic subgroups. To that end, as of right now we are looking for possible candidates to take over for [member="Ben Carlin"] as acting head of Rogue Squadron.

I PMed Ben about a week ago, and sadly he has yet to get back to me, with his IC inactivity as Rogue Lead stretching back quite a bit longer. That said, we don't want to give anyone the straight up boot, so right now we're looking for a new commander to take over in a provisional capacity on the off chance Ben gets back to us sometime soon during the new year.

Historically we've done this through seniority, and as the longest serving Rogue and next highest ranking PC, the honor should go to [member="Choli Vyn"] if she so wishes it. But I know that even when she was more active on Chaos, Choli was reluctant to cast her character in that type of leadership role. With no clear second choice should Choli decline, we've decided to reach out to the membership and see if anyone is willing and eager to take over such a responsibility.

If it comes to it, I have a new high ranking pilot alt [member="Rayf Vigil"] and would be willing to drop my current Rogue and shift some of my IC priorities with the GA around to focus on making the Rogues great again, but something something nepotism so if there are any of our more active pilot writers who want to take a shot at the job, now is the time to step forward. Let us know either in this thread, through PM, or on discord!

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