Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for a Simple Beginning

Alright I have everything wrapped up in the area of making and designing my character, and now I'm just looking for a way to start out. I've seen some good RPs going on but I feel a little too awkward about just diving into the middle of one even if it is a Public RP.

So I'm thinking of just starting one on my own.

-No pre-planned plot.
-Just a little something to get to know a few people and help get me started.
-Most importantly of all: something to have fun with, because god knows if it was a chore to take part in nobody would want in.

I'd just like to know if anybody would be up for joining in.
Well thought out biography by the way!

-Acrobatic and nimble
-Patient, adequate self control
-A diplomatic talker who tries to charm or trick his way out of a situation before resorting to violence
-Well trained in avoiding detection and remaining anonymous.

Definitely sounds like he could do some work for spynet one day!

This character is frequently in the nar Shaddaa or coruscant underworlds. Granted they're huge, but I'm sure we could thread some time! :)
[member="William Griffin"]

Okay that is even more messed up because the door opened up right when I read that...turned out that it was just my room mates though. |D

[member="Vassara Raxis"]

Sweet! Venris is the sort of guy who'd likely find company with outlaws.


Well I guess we'll have to see. I designed Venris with the idea of starting out neutral but being influenced to either return to the Jedi or fall fictim to the temptations of being a Sith. We can see where it leads.

And thank you all for taking the time to respond to this.
Raziel said:
Well thought out biography by the way!

-Acrobatic and nimble
-Patient, adequate self control
-A diplomatic talker who tries to charm or trick his way out of a situation before resorting to violence
-Well trained in avoiding detection and remaining anonymous.

Definitely sounds like he could do some work for spynet one day!

This character is frequently in the nar Shaddaa or coruscant underworlds. Granted they're huge, but I'm sure we could thread some time! :)
Yowza. Well Venris has acted as a spy before but mainly just for very small time clients who want him to snap some pictures of something or get some dirt on a rival business. I'll look into this group, but before I go aligning Venris with anyone or anything I'd like to get him fleshed out a bit in a few threads first.
No worries, the Spynet also works to connect free agents who do various jobs. So no need to commit to joining anything major up front! :)

(It is starting a bit slow, but I'm planning to put some more time into it after the big event going on at the moment)
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Same here. ^_^ If you'd like to try anything I have a public RP going on (Although I'm sort of frozen on that at the moment) or we can try something else if you'd prefer.

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