Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for a Jedi Master in need of a Padawan

The first thing most people do when checking out anyone else's threads is to check out said person's character bio. If you did this with me, congratulations! You stumbled upon a really nooby padawan.

Although Thema's bio details her relationship with an NPC Jedi Master, I'm looking to change that. Same prospect- Free-lance Jedi alligned with the Republic, to serve as a fatherly figure to her.

Honestly? I just want a master-padawan relationship because it's adorable god help me to develop her character. As of now, she's sort of a blend between Admiral Thrawn, and Ahsoka. Skilled and smart, but very curious and inexperienced.

So please, don't be shy.
[member="Matsu Ike"] sounds great! The differences between their factions might be a problem, but as a free-lance Jedi, it shouldn't be too bad.
Please, feel free to open a private rp thread. I would, but I'm not exactly sure on how to start.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Thema Csapla"] alright I shall start us one and differences make it more interesting. If you were just a "yes master, alright master" type of padawan could get very dull.
[member="Thema Csapla"]
Could she use a training companion? Jenson is still technically a Padawan, though he was prepared for the trials before he left the Order. I've been looking for a new RP. I could be a big help as a sparring partner or whatever.

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