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Approved Location Lok Droid Factory Megaplex

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  • Intent: This submission is to give Koensayr Manufacturing the capability of creating droid starfighters
  • ​Image Credit: N/A
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Structure Name: Lok Droid Factory Megaplex
  • Classification: Droid factory
  • Location: Lok
  • Affiliation: Koensayr Manufacturing
  • Accessibility: It's a rather large factory. Only Koensayr Manufacturing personnel are capable of entering the facility via biometric scanners.
  • Security: Several squads of H1 Battle Droids
  • Description: This massive factory features several levels dedicated tot he construction of droids for the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The main level, which is above ground, is the facility's deployment station. It is here where the freshly made droids are loaded onto transports and sent to the Confederacy. The second floor is where Engineer's Hall is located. The third through sixth floors is where the droids are manufactured.
Droid Starfighter Foundry - This part of the factory is solely for the construction of droid starfighters of all kinds.

Engineer's Hall - This is where the masterminds of the factory work to create new designs for droids.

After Cady managed to gain control of Koensayr Manufacturing, she immediately began working towards bringing new technology into the Confederacy. After having talked with [member="Darth Metus"] about potential plans for her company, she realized that solely constructing starships for the Confederacy was only one half of her corporate dream. She realized that the Confederacy required advanced droids as part of the Confederacy's military in order to truly be superior to enemies of the state. This led Cady to search for where she might begin her droid manufacturing venture. She recieved advice that Lok was open for her to base her new factory. Cady enlisted to aid of several construction companies known throughout the galaxy to build this massive factory and then immediately begin working on new designs for the Confederacy's armed forces.
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