Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Locating Hope. (Solo Thread)

Yuroic was now settling into his role as a Jedi Archiver. Helping younger Jedi locate and learn new things, even helping the older Jedi with their research. However, something deep within him felt... felt underwhelmed. It had been months since his last duel, however he was still trying to cope with his lost limb, faith and Master. It had been a crippling battle with large casualties. But the strength of the Dark Side, the twisted creations they had. It was impossible to understand them, to fight them. His left hand had to become his dominate hand due to the lost of his right, he was in constant pain from his legs and was using a crutch to be mobile. He felt like an ancient being, on the verge of shattering from a mere breeze. Yuroic just decided to slip into an easy life, not trying to ficmx what he lost.

However, a memory of a mission nibbled at the back of his mind. He had wanted to locate a lost Jedi world. One with a temple, a crystal cave and people to help. Due to it being lost though, he never suggested it when the Silver Jedi were preparing to move worlds. It was a place he thought he could gain his crystals for a new lightsaber, start his track back into becoming a full Jedi once more. However, records on Ossus were not helpful and Voss records were too vast for him originally to explore in depth. His new role however granted him time, time to read and scan galaxy maps. Old and new. He was looking for vanishing worlds, or abnormalies in gravity to signify where a system should be.

It was arduous and tedious but he felt renewed with a goal, a mission of importance. This world could still work as an outpost for the Silver Jedi, if it existed and he still needed kyber crystals to create his lightsabers. His eyes bored into a galaxy map, dated to be 600 years old, similar time to when Luke Skywalker restarted the Jedi Order.
His eyes flickered across Wild Space. Since the Gulag Plague, many of the planets and solar systems located in Wild Space region had been lost until people started spreading out and exploring that area of space. Yuroic was sure that this would be where his planet would be hiding. It was thought to be deeply connected to the Force and with it being so far out, it would be a perfect base to move deeper into Wild Space territory, especially around the lower arms.

Just when Yuroic was about to give up on this map, he spotted what appeared to be a suspicious black gap. There was evidence of a solar system existing but there was no record of it. Yuroic's heart leaped, had he actually found it? Noting the coordinates, Yuroic began logging in the details and found a large number of maps from before the Gulag plague had this gap. It appeared that someone had removed the location of the planet from the records. But why was Yuroic's new question.

Moving to a different set of records, Yuroic scanned them for information on Temples or ruins of such located in that space. His search turned up empty, but he wasn't to give up now. He knew something had happened to the records. He just needed to figure out why the planet's solar system apparently no longer existed.
Several days later Yuroic had managed to find more and more evidence pointing to a missing system out in Wild Space. Specifically, one that fitted the role of the lost Jedi world. However, he was now struggling with why this planet remained lost. Had it disappeared during one of the great Galactic Events that happened over the past few years. Perhaps that was what caused its disappearance and he was now on a wild goose chase. The thought had crossed his mind numerous times during those days. But he knew the Jedi would have solid evidence or at least a name of the system if that were the case. However there was no records of its name.

Yuroic was stumped, listening to holocron files talking about the journey to Wild Space and the adventures long dead Jedi, centuries ago had. It was enough to comatose a person. Just as he was losing his concentration a name was spoken. "Hyu-Ken Carka." Yuroic paused the audio clip. He had never heard of that name, it didn't sound like a person's either. Backtracking, he listened more intently to the clip.

"... This is Master Fgrisa, I am travelling across the Wild Space with Padawan Khjial and Sarwiq. Having left the Temple at Hyu-Ken Carka, we head out to search for another planet on the other side of Wild Space for the Jedi to colonise. Could be dangerous, which is why the Padawans went on their crystal Gathering at Hyu-Ken Carka..."

Yuroic stopped the clip. He found the name. It was buried in a file on a failed trip to the other side of Wild Space. It must be the only reason no one got rid of this file as well, but it was proof that there was a Jedi Temple in Wild Space, a planet with Lightsaber crystals. Yuroic searched other records for Hyu-Ken Carka. When he finished his search, he found only one file, it was a message.

"To whomever seeks Hyu-Ken Carka,

You have been persistent. Hopefully, you are a Jedi and this message is just junk now. We destroyed all records of Hyu-Ken Carka after the Gulag Plague begun to become a severe issue. The Jedi could no longer stretch to the Wild Space region, and rather than risk our files being discovered by Sith, we hid the cave, Temple and world. If you are not a Jedi then you will still have no luck in finding the coordinates in this message, we have left none. And none of our maps hold its location anymore.

Sith can never find this planet, it was strong in the Force. It had crystals for Lightsabers, a significant item. Especially dangerous for Sith to obtain the Kyber crystals. History has told us that and there could still be civilians on the world. Please, if you are a Jedi or Light sided. Find the world and protect them like we once did."

Yuroic scanned throught the message three or four times. While no coordinates were given. He was sure he found the location, and if the message was true, he had to organise a team to combat the pirates who had likely imprisioned the native civilians. As he remembered it all started with rumours of a pirate haven.

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