Benedali Serrus
Duchess of Alderaan
[member="Arick Serrus"] [member="Maka Sumoto"]
[SIZE=medium]Benedali couldn’t wait to get home, and it wasn’t just because she’d been gone for over two weeks.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Roughly 19 standard days ago, the young Duchess of Alderaan had received a message from the mysterious Mouse, pushing for a meeting on Utapau in order to divulge information about a “mutual friend” of theirs. Despite Maka’s warnings of it being a trap, she had packed her things and dragged her archer to the agreed planet, consumed with worry as she pondered whether the “friend” was her brother, Arick, or her boyfriend, Orron. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]At the spaceport, the pair had met with Mallory, a young woman who claimed to be the liaison for Mouse (who, unbeknownst to Bennie or Maka, was the Mouse). The trio made their way to the rooms Benedali had rented to stay in, and it was there that the Duchess learned Orron had been killed by a Sith. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Absolutely distraught at the news, the redhead bade Mallory farewell and spent the rest of the time sleeping as she absorbed everything she was told. Early the next morning, the Duchess had repacked her things, left the hotel with her archer, and boarded the shuttle back to Alderaan.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Not once did she speak. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Now, with her arms wrapped protectively around her bag, Benedali’s eyes were glued upon the gates of her house as the cab they’d rented drew closer. Then, once inside, the Duchess planned to truly mope; being surrounded by a bunch of strangers on a less-than-stellar shuttle wasn’t her ideal place for grieving. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]But for the moment, she just stared out the window at the passing fields, a mixture of natural flora and Vongforming. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Benedali couldn’t wait to get home, and it wasn’t just because she’d been gone for over two weeks.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Roughly 19 standard days ago, the young Duchess of Alderaan had received a message from the mysterious Mouse, pushing for a meeting on Utapau in order to divulge information about a “mutual friend” of theirs. Despite Maka’s warnings of it being a trap, she had packed her things and dragged her archer to the agreed planet, consumed with worry as she pondered whether the “friend” was her brother, Arick, or her boyfriend, Orron. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]At the spaceport, the pair had met with Mallory, a young woman who claimed to be the liaison for Mouse (who, unbeknownst to Bennie or Maka, was the Mouse). The trio made their way to the rooms Benedali had rented to stay in, and it was there that the Duchess learned Orron had been killed by a Sith. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Absolutely distraught at the news, the redhead bade Mallory farewell and spent the rest of the time sleeping as she absorbed everything she was told. Early the next morning, the Duchess had repacked her things, left the hotel with her archer, and boarded the shuttle back to Alderaan.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Not once did she speak. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Now, with her arms wrapped protectively around her bag, Benedali’s eyes were glued upon the gates of her house as the cab they’d rented drew closer. Then, once inside, the Duchess planned to truly mope; being surrounded by a bunch of strangers on a less-than-stellar shuttle wasn’t her ideal place for grieving. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]But for the moment, she just stared out the window at the passing fields, a mixture of natural flora and Vongforming. [/SIZE]