Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Little Secrets

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Valeria Ragal (Ingrid L’lerim)
The Red Witch; sorcerer, master spy, agent, assassin, sniper, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Adrian’s yacht, en route to Dromund Kaas
Equipment: -
Tag: Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
Ingrid just nodded as Aren hurried out of the room. There was a strong pain in her abdomen again as she looked down at the bandage she saw her injury began to bleed a little. The pain suddenly became much stronger and began to besiege her whole body in waves. One was so strong that she even got nauseous from it. Leaned against the wall with her back, slightly dizzy, but she was able to bear the pain.

She made no sound, she was not used to it, she did not show weakness. But she was right in thinking to her lover that the Sith Lord was right, she really would have been better off staying in bed. After Aren returned, she waited patiently for her to finish what she had done. Other times the Overlord could wait motionless for hours in the most uncomfortable position, but now every posture was uncomfortable and hurt.

Although she wondered what Aren was doing on the tablet, she didn't reach for the machine. Ingrid swallowed hard, feeling worse and worse and she didn't really want Adrian to worry.

"I don't feel good…"

Her voice was much fainter and weaker than she thought. She knew herself to have a very good pain threshold and to be able to walk for a long time, even when injured, which only worsens her own condition. That is, she may have been in really bad shape now. There were disadvantages to always wanting to be strong.

"Maybe I should go back to the infirmary…"


Of course, since Ingrid wasn't actually showing any weakness, the apprentice did not even notice anything was amiss until the redhead spoke. Lowering the datapad she had been busy typing on, Aren quickly set it aside and stood up. Picking up the empty pad she had laid on the bed, she put it on top of the other and nodded.

"I will call for help."

Something close to real concern filled Aren as she sent out a message to any droids nearby that she needed assistance. This was her greatest skill. Her ability to pick up, sense, and control droids and electronics around her. The summons took just a few moments and several medical droids appeared at the door to her room.

"Please take care of her. Get her back into the infirmary and healed. If you fail, there will be hell to pay! Do you understand?"

It was rare that Aren got upset but the message was received and the droids came into her room to try and get Ingrid back into the bed where she belonged.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Valeria Ragal (Ingrid L’lerim)
The Red Witch; sorcerer, master spy, agent, assassin, sniper, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Adrian’s yacht, en route to Dromund Kaas
Equipment: -
Tag: Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
Ingrid just nodded at Aren's words that she was calling for help. In fact, as long as she had to sit, this situation was not so unbearable. She knew it was the fault of her upbringing, but there was also the pride in her not wanting to be seen as weak by anyone. Not even for those close to her. She was ashamed for a long time after PL that Adrian saw her crying and didn’t like to do it before Tubrok either.

"Thank you!"

Sitting, she still felt strong enough for now to sit, but for other acting? She didn’t know. The trouble started when the droids returned. Because she didn't really want to accept their help. Rather, she wanted to go back on her own to the infirmary, that is, to Adrian's apartment. Ingrid tried to stand up, but there was even more pain in her abdomen around the injury. It was as if she had been whipped. She had a feeling that one of the seams might be torn.

She took an uncertain step or two before everything began to darken, her legs vehemently protesting against keeping her weight. Because she preferred Adrian's help, she reached out to the Force to send a telepathic message to her lover. However, all this was already too burdensome for her in this state, so everything darkened for Ingrid and she fell unconscious to the ground the next moment.

OOC: Last post, thank you very much for the game! <3


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