Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"..." Kyra opted to not answer that, her shoulders high as she held his gaze. "...Jedi don’t slaughter people. It’s common knowledge,” she rattled primly.
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Thal began to make for the door, grimacing as he passed her- disregarding her entire being as he seemed to go on his mission.

"You're right, they sit in their temples and read books while people get raped and enslaved. I am so evil, aren't I?"

He went back to his room, starting to collect his things- after all, she had just blown his cover.
Kyra stormed after him, not trusting him out there in the slightest. He might see his shadow and kill the inn keeper. Then what? There'd be no redeeming him from there.

That was what Kyra expected of their encounter in this moment. Not that she'd voice that, but the idea was there-- growing inside her head. Kyra liked to fix things, and this wayward jedi? Well, let's just say she saw a thing or two she could do for him.

"Not all jedi sit in libraries! Look at me-- And Romi-- she helps heaps of people and she doesn't go murdering them all at first sight! You fix the world by changing it-- justice, not-- just where do you think you're going?" She interjected, indignant as she grabbed his arm.
Thal snapped, turning his body completely around.

Thal liked to work out.

His chest muscles flared, anger rising from within that he did his best to keep under control. But grabbing him- that was a bit of a misstep for the girl.

However, the sins of the father, and the fall of the son continued- he was a product of the Wolf- and inherited his father's more brutish tendencies, and penchant for violence it seemed.

"How many people have you saved- how many people have you stopped from kidnapping innocent children? Have you seen the slave markets? Girls, younger than you, strung out to be the worst of fates until they no longer can even process the fact they're alive! I am helping these people. But the people I'm stopping- they're barely even people. They're the worst scum of the galaxy. They'd sell you to be god knows who's slave for a handful of credits. They don't care about life, so I'll gladly take theirs."

He shrugged off her arm- gently, albeit, and stared her down.

"You either help me, or try and stop me, or report back to the Silver Jedi and tell them what I'm doing. I won't get in your way. But if you get in mine- I will break every bone in your body."
Kyra took a stumbling step back, her mouth dropping open and he threatened her life. No, not threatened... Kyra knew at once he was very serious with his words. “W-well then! I’ll tell Romi!” She shot back, pulling herself to all five foot three hight she had. She raised her chin at him, a brow stubbornly raised.

Oh yeah. She went there.
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Another clueless Jedi.

"Go ahead and call Romi. Put her on the line- go ahead. And I'll tell her too! I'll tell everyone! Cause the only person out here, is you! I'm not afraid of the Silver Jedi, outside Silver Space, in a place they have no authority in! Go ahead, call her."

And with that, he crossed his arms.
A smug grin hit Kyra’s lips, her brows bouncing in expectation. “Hi. Sis. Yeah. See I met this guy, says he knows you. Shirtless. Angry. Has two sabers, blue. Oh! Blond? But like dirty blond, yours is better. Anyway he almost chopped my head off and now he’s threatening more if I don’t let him murder more people, sooooo... Yeah. You’re on speaker.”

She held the holopod out into the space between them, feet tapping.
She was throwing a lot at her, well Kyra always threw a lot at her but it was like...she could understand

“Wait so you met a guy—“

Anyway he almost chopped my head off and now he’s threatening more if I don’t let him murder more people, sooooo... Yeah. You’re on speaker.”

"It's Thal, hello."


A beat.

“Well now...that description makes sense. Thal...last we spoke we agreed you’d change things up what the kark are you doing? And why are you with my sister shirtless? What the hell is going on, Kyra?”


Kyra Perl Kyra Perl Thal Mantis Thal Mantis
“What-no!” Heat hit Kyra’s cheeks as she looked back to Thals shirtless nature, the girl seeing him from that angle for the first time. She looked back away, flustered.

“I told you! He’s killing people— he nearly got me too! Make him stoooop, I gotta bring these guys in for justice, he wants to chip their heads off before I can! He gonna get me in more trouble than I already am!”

Kyra was not assigned to this mission. She had been called back and ignored said orders.

In her defense, Thal wasn’t assigned to anything at all!

“Help me,” she whined, a plea to her tone.
"She keeps saying justice but-" Thal threw his hands up and spun around. Thal had a real, nice deep divide in his back muscles...

"You both sit there and judge me for doing what gets results for the innocent. Isn't that what it's really about? Helping people?"

Thal was pretty good at justifying murder.
"First of all, again, out right murdering people who murder people doesn't make murder justifiable...on your part so"


More trouble than you already are? What do yo-wait are you not suppose to be out?" This was...a lot

"Kyra..." she voiced, stretching her name with a sigh. Ignoring orders was something Romi was use to, but she definitely wouldn't recommend Kyra do was that whole be better than me thing.

"You're out now, so you have to see this through. There's nothing I can do from where I togethe--"

She cut out

"Thal I swear if you so much as harm my sister I wi-- cut your--pull you hair ou--my boot so far u--you won't be able to wal--you will wish you never met m--- you into rancor poodoo"


Her signal faded.

She retracted from the holopad, "Dammit!"


Thal Mantis Thal Mantis Kyra Perl Kyra Perl
Kyra gave the pod a few shakes, calling out her sisters name. "...Chit," she cursed, flicking the drop call off. She gave a huff, the call not quite the results she had been hoping for, but it had been nice to hear Romi curse him out!

She looked up to Thal, her expression caught between a smirk and a scowl. "Ha. ...Now you gotta work with me, you heard her! We're taking them in. The right way." She declared, using all 5'3 of her little frame to bash shoulders with him as she walked on by. She gave a smug little sashay as she entered the hall... where a concerned inn keeper was creeping through.
"I have to tell you something."

He turned and shrugged, walking passed the inn keeper, who was concerned about... everything. He turned as he made his way for the exit, pulling a shirt from the room he was staying in (and Kyra tried to commit a crime by breaking into to begin with) and pulling it over his bulky frame. He put his hands up, making his way for the exit to the dirty, slummy street.

"I'm still gonna do things my way."

As it turned out, the person that grew up killing people and being a slave didn't take kindly from being told what to do from people over a holopad.

Go figure.
"Not if I get to them first~" Kyra sang, spilling out into the streets besides him. She was remarkably relaxed besides him given the fact that up until a minute ago, they had been quasi enemies. But a friend of Romi's was a friend of hers, and he had heard what her big sis said! No killing!

She shoved her hands into her pockets, following his path without reserve. "Do you even know where they are?" She shot him a doubtful, sideways glance.
"You can't get to them first-" He stopped in his tracks, spinning around. "If you're following me." He said rather gruffly, before waving a hand behind him. "Besides, I don't think-" He stopped in an alleyway, pulling his hands out of his pockets, and stopping near a door. He slammed on the door with a closed fist, to which a voice on the other side replied.

In Huttese.

Thal replied in Huttese, a quick, short series of questions. There was a series of locks on the other side.

"You know what you're getting into."

The door slid open, where two gruff looking Trandoshans- with carbines across their chests, guarded stairs. Thal descended the stairs, into a nightclub. And on the stage, where women, lined up, all ages, shackled and blindfolded, crying. The room was dark, and full of bodyguards, and buyers. Thal turned to Kyra, nudging his head to the stage. He leaned in to whisper to Kyra. His words were coarse, and his accent carried it with an enticing amount of violence.

Thal was the devil, and he had come to do the devil's business in this backlit club.

"Go on. They're buying them. And you know what for. Arrest them. Take them to jail. Take them to court."

Kyra Perl Kyra Perl
A shiver descended over Kyra, his words like cold water running against her soul as she stared shell shocked at the devastation on the stage. "I-" But she was just one padawan, she nearly protested, her lips parted as she turned back to see his devilish look. Her expression hardened, his taunt bringing about a wave of anger in her gut. He was enjoying this! Trying to prove her wrong!

Well she wouldn't let him. There were people to save!

She turned sharply on her heel, her padawan braid whipping about and smacking his cheek as she called his bluff and stormed forward. Her hands were clammy as she clamored onto a table. The room was dim-- the air musk as all eyes remained fixated on the stage.

Her saber jumped to her hand. She took a deep breath.

Snap hiss.

"Stop! By the order of the Silver Jedi, you're all under arrest for the selling of a sentient being!"

What. It worked for her master.

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