Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lights, Drinks, Food Action (Open)

Always Lights in the Dark
Just what plant was she on, it didn't matter to her or did it. In a way she had came to make some deals with the local venders, and markets. It wasn't as if what she had to sale was low grade. No her meat was of the highest quality. Now for the outcome of this still be be seen.

For now it was the night cycle of this planet. This met it was time for her unlady like persona to come out to play. Simple was her dress in black leather pants with her hair flowing free around her with a plaid jacket on. Under was a plain white blouse.

Walking along the walkway come the clinking of her high polished boots. In the mist of it all that she was in a place that seem to be light life. Now to see what could come of it. Only to feel a little bit of a smirk curve from the bottom lip. As she let herself lift from one of the by goers his credit chip. Now the real fun could begin. Tonight she would be someone else for a while.
Token Waters was one of those people who kind of lived everywhere. Sure, her home was in the Fringe Federation, but her ship was her real base. She would go just about anywhere, when not on assignment. And that was typically cruising hyperspace lanes ahead of luxury liners to spring traps and handle space debris. It wasn’t necessarily safe work, but kept her wanderlust in check. But tonight?

She was making her way through the streets of the city that she was fueling in. A simple purple skater-dress and flat shoes. Like always, a lot of bracelets on both hands and her hair down her back, UV protective glasses pushed up into her head, more as an accessory, like the headphones around her neck (because the more you see people with Beats by Dre, they only wear them, they don’t actually use them for music). Tonight, she was sampling the music.

She really needed to find a place to get a gig to work. Soon, she supposed. Maybe Marek would even give her a time slot on one of his ships.

A girl could dream, right?

[member="Seanna Vel"]


Poro want a Poro Snack!
Poro awoke within the close warm confines of [member="Token Waters"]' purse. He opened his eyes, yawned widely, and then peered at the little pinpoint of light just above and in front of his face. Crawling and stepping on top of the purse contents, he started muzzling his face into and out of the hole so that he was now poking outside of the purse. He started panting, his big tongue hanging out of his mouth. He looked around at the bright and confusing view and then he finally looked up.

He saw Token Waters' face and squeak-barked excitedly. He did this a few times before quieting down. After that, he started panting and staring at the surroundings, unless, of course, Token interacted with him.

[member="Seanna Vel"]
Longer she walked down the long walk way. The louder the music was getting to making it to her ears. There she paused for the time being. Not that she wasn't someone that didn't enjoy a few drinks to unwind after a day of working. It something she tried to do now days instead of letting everything be pin up.

This was one such time or so she thought could be of a chance to let her hair down. Still keeping to her simple dress, guessing old habits are hard to die. Coming to a few other wants in this night, but those where for her to keep to herself. After which time she paused, just what caught her eyes was it the many that was now around or was there something that she felt or maybe something much more.

There she spied [member="Token Waters"] seem to be ready for a night out of the town but for something was odd, but still odd was good right.

Hi there, sweetie you going to or what every y'all call these social places on this planet.

What caught her was something moving or was it the sound that coming from the purse she was about to ask when something poke up.

This just be all wasn't expecting something like that being carried around with the likes of her. still. Reaching out to pet if it would let him, giving away her beast trying she had or was it the force training with animal friendship.

Certain places were just better than others. Token could recognize that. She spent enough time living off her trust fun to realize that certain bars were just that much better than others. But lately, she was working, and sharing a place with Sindy helped keep her funds down, plus the fuel being handled on her ship. See? A lot of things were coming together. All she really needed to do was work on learning more about the Force and again the finding a job.

She honestly wasn’t aware of her stowaway in her bag, and had she been aware, she’d still probably be out, but maybe not looking for a place where she could pray to the light machine, because Token waters was the kind of girl who had ‘lectric dreams. But she did feel the purse move and she looked down, rolling her eyes. “[member="Poro"]! How’d you get in there?” Clearly Token was thinking about other things earlier.

The blonde then turned to the woman who was speaking to her. “Me? I… I was gonna, I dunno how Ropos,” she nodded to the bag “handle the noise though.” Because Token loved it, the bass, the lights, everything!

[member="Seanna Vel"]


Poro want a Poro Snack!
In response to [member="Token Waters"]' indignation, he happily squeak-barked at her once. She must have been happy to see him, too. Otherwise, why would she say his name? Poro reached out with his tongue and licked [member="Seanna Vel"]'s hand. He then smiled up at her and kept panting, waiting to be pet.

And then, Poro had a moment of rational thought...Where are my ears? How do I hear things?....As quickly as it had happened, it was now gone. He went back to staring and smiling at everything and everyone.
Raising her on eyebrow only to have it gone. Came the wetness of the tongue from what could only be a creature of cuteness @Poro. As she couldn't help having a spot in her heart for creature after all this was a great freshness from the creatures she was use to seeing and going after. Feeling it out before giving it a good scratch on top where most would have ears. It only after such time did she look back up to the blonde.

Giving her some what of a friendly smile. "Ropos that's a club right?"

after which time she took upon herself "Whats this one name"

[member="Token Waters"]
She didn’t think she was being rude, but this was Token Waters, not always the best at… being calm and collected wasn’t always her thing. But it was at the little Ropo, how could she get mad at a ropo? And she was honestly more shocked than anything that [member="Poro"] showed up. But, if the Ropo felt the need to follow her around the galaxy, who was she to judge? Girl did the same thing, wander about.

So how could she fault the guy?

Looking up at [member="Seanna Vel"] as the other woman started speaking. She shrugged and bit her lip. “Not sure. New here.” And by new she meant tonight, maybe tomorrow and she’d be gone. “This one is Poro! And I'm Token.” She smiled. Did the animal have ears?
Looking at Poro as she did couldn't help but pet the little guy. "what a cute name for a little guy like this." , looking around as she did not knowing what to do next it seem that this one was a bit lost in her own world. Truth be told that what she wanted to do tonight. Tomorrow was a different day. "I'm here on business but thought I would see what this place was like in the night time.",

"What about you miss."

[member="Token Waters"] [member="Poro"]
She smiled. It wasn’t her that gave the name to [member="Poro"], who was quickly becoming her familiar of sorts. Y’know, if she was a modern witch, with all that and stuff. Nope, she was a Force-user, and witch hopeful. Learning the spells and locking the Force away from her might be smart. Aside from all the vibration and resonance skills she was working on.

“Well, I work for a company that needs spacers, so I’m on a bit of a shake down. They had fuel, and I figured if I was going to stay here all night, might as well see what’s going on.” She always needed new playmates. Hopefully Sindy wouldn’t get jealous.

“Find any fun bars?”

[member="Seanna Vel"]


Poro want a Poro Snack!
Poro's head retreated back into the purse. Poro remembered why he was here to begin with: he was hungry. Now, he went looking for something edible once more. As he rummaged through the contents, he smelled something cherry...ish. He picked it up using his mouth and tried to suck on it...but it felt like a plastic tube. He poked his head back out with the lipstick tube in his mouth. Sucking on it once more, he started to lose traction on it until it slipped out of his mouth and fell to the ground.

Poro's stomach audibly grumbled and he looked up pleadingly at [member="Token Waters"].

[member="Seanna Vel"]

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