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Lighthouse [Event Planet Competition] (WIP, Discussion welcomed)

Well-Known Member

This is Fatty's area where he saves his progress on a planet meant for the Event Competition. This idea stemmed from attempting to be as unique as possible, from one incredibly top notch submission made by [member="Rusty"], where the system the planet was in orbited a black hole (more or less). Then I read another submission, which included a nebula, and decided that the galaxy has enough nebulae, and black holes have been used before for canon places like the Maw.

Why not a gamma spitting pulsar?

Obviously though, the planet has to be habitable some how (right?), and thus I decided that there would be a massive object which blocked the gamma rays from its parent star like a gigantic sun-shield. However, for anyone else to enter the system, they have to contend with extreme radiation, and random possibly artificial minefield of spatial distortions probably created by the ancient shipyards high above the planet.

[spoiler="Submission so Far - Lighthouse']
Images :

Name: "Lighthouse One" or "Beacon"

Region: Unknown Regions
System: The "Lighthouse" System (Occasionally referenced as The "Beacon" System)
Suns: One Pulsar, and a stellar remnant companion star known as The Reef
Orbital Position: It orbits the Pulsar in such a way that The Reef is always obscuring its visibility.
Moons: No natural satellites, though there is an "Orbital" Shipyard (known as The Wreck) which hangs between the gravitational influence of The Reef and the planet; it seems to exert an unnatural influence on the spatial properties between the two bodies, possibly being the cause of the strange co-orbital nature of the planet and the stellar remnant. There is also a large magnetic wake surrounding the planet, as a result of its relative proximity to the powerful magnetic field of the pulsar Lighthouse.
System Features: As was described, there is a spatial disparity between The Reef and Lighthouse One, suggesting possibly that the space between the two objects is actually much greater than what is observed, but has somehow been condensed in such a way that suggests this was no natural formation. Similar anomalies can be found throughout the system surrounding asteroids at the outer-reaches of Lighthouse One's Orbit.

There are also other planets which exist in the system which are either very close to the Lighthouse star, or extremely far away. All of these objects posses an electromagnetic wake.
Coordinates: 11 horizontal, 6 vertical
Rotational Period: There is no day or night on the Lighthouse, as one face is permanently locked facing The Reef (and consequently The Wreck as well).
Orbital Period: It takes 7 standard years for The Reef, The Wreck, and Lighthouse One to make a complete orbit together. The Orbit is also bizarrely perfectly circular, thus preventing the planet from getting any colder.

Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: NOT REQUIRED: N/a
Atmosphere: Type 1 - Breathable
Climate: Arid and frozen, especially of the region facing away from The Wreck
Gravity: Directly below The Wreck 1/2 Standard Gravity, side facing The Wreck is Standard Gravity, and the side facing opposite The Wreck is Twice Standard Gravity.
Primary Terrain: Mountains, Tundras, Geyser Fields (Rarely, and closest to the Wreck), Canyons

Native Species: Takfune'u
Immigrated Species: Takfum'a (Extinct), Humans, Twi'leks, other sentient species, etc.
Primary Languages: Takfune'uan, Galactic Basic, etc.
  • Takfune'u - Barely exhibiting signs of sentient intelligence except for a few standard years after a rotational period (due to the nature of the obelisk and its relationship with Lighthouse One's native life), large government bodies were never prioritized or developed. The Takfune'u however, are deeply religious and are seen cooperating almost like a mental collective constructing elaborate shrines and other religious artifacts surrounding the Obelisk. In all other cases, the matriarch Family unit seems to be the highest form of government.
  • One Sith (Formerly) - For a time the One Sith government under the watch of the mysterious and reclusive Sith Emperor, had sent out expeditions into the unknown regions searching for places of power. When an anomaly was detected while travelling through hyperspace near the Pulsar, the expedition found themselves drawn to the system. With their mission seeking power, the growing anomalies detected in the system appeared promising. Their original destination forgotten, the One Sith party took their time taking measurements of the system, locating large planetary bodies (eventually discovering what is today Lighthouse One and its bizarre relationship with The Reef). When finally they were confident in their measurements (and motivated by a slowly dwindling supply of food and other resources), they jumped into the system.
  • Rogue Sith (Currently) -
  • Takfune'u - Several million, the primary intelligent life form on the planet.
  • Humans - Hundreds of thousands
  • Twi-leks/Other - Around ten thousand.
Demonym: Beaconites
Major Imports: N/a
Major Exports: Though none have ever left the planet, the Takfune'u are a valuable resource frequently exploited by the Rogue Sith for their unique abilities and their hard labor.
  • One Sith (Formerly)
  • Rogue Sith (Currently)
  • Takfum'a (Formerly)
  • Takfune-u (Currently)

Major Locations:
  • "The Obelisk", "Lighthouse", or "Beacon" - Every orbit around the pulsar star "Lighthouse", an enormous crater in the planet directly below the Wreck surrounded by a Geyser Field, there is a black Obelisk which suddenly emblazons the sky with incredible light and energy with a green beam of energy striking The Wreck above. When this happens the ground pulses with energy which seems to bring with it the forces necessary to allow the native life to thrive and hone into their unique properties.
  • The Wreck - A mysterious "Shipyard" which seems to tie The Reef with the The Lighthouse, and plays some role in the revitalization of the native life of the Lighthouse every orbit around the Pulsar. Although no ships have been observed leaving The Wreck, asteroids have been observed crossing paths with, only to disappear without explanation. It is possible this plays a role somehow in its ship producing capabilities.
Culture: <General overview of the planet, should include information about daily life, society, government, arts, sports, military, religion>
Technology: <A description of how technologically advanced the planet is relative to the galaxy>

Originally, the worlds around the Lighthouse Star were all uninhabitable, orbiting a massive giant of a star with little in the way of supporting life. However, lightyears away another species were travelling through the interstellar medium - the Takfum'a. An species of advanced species of unparalleled gravitational manipulation technologies. From what the One Sith expedition, and Rogue Sith could determine of their history, it is possible that if the Celestials existed, the Takfum'a may have been the main operators of the technology which artificially created or moved worlds around the galaxy.

The Takfum'a though, were in peril. In some way even the records do not describe, they had angered the Rakatan Infinite Empire, who using their might, obliterated the Takfum'a home star. Luckily, they had a degree of anticipation, and fled the system. They arrived here on Lighthouse One, an unremarkable world that they would shape into a lifeboat. They created a Shipyard, now know as The Wreck, which would lock the world into an orbit that would have it eclipse the super-massive sister star. They then used their advanced spatial technology, to collapse the system into a stable rapidly rotating neutron star, bathing everything in intense gamma radiation following the artificial supernova.

Notable PCs: N/a
Intent: To be entered into the Event Planet Contest

Obviously I don't have all the details figured out yet, but I kinda have a rough idea of what I'm going for. I'm open to suggestions, and critiques if you bother to read it, but I'm trying to do my own thing in time for Friday :p

Thanks a bunch!
[member="Fatty"], I really like this idea. One thing I would like to see is that there is a planet with twice the amount of gravity that the "Standard" is. Maybe have it on a separate planet that is closer to the pulsar? If it also didn't have something blocking that secondary planet, then that would explain the high radiation, and high gravity that can even fluctuate during different times of the spinning of the pulsar.

Just an idea.
Well-Known Member
Well the idea is that The Wreck has an anti-gravity influence of the planet, which causes gravity to drop on the side of the planet closest to it. So on the side facing the Wreck, you face Standard gravity, rather than twice standard, and if you are directly underneath it relative to The Wreck, you face only half Standard gravity.

Anyway! I updated it, there is no a little bit of history and a bit more description in general.
Well-Known Member
[member="Lorelei Darke"] But its only Thursday?

The original post said it had to be submitted by Friday, the ninth?
Well-Known Member
[member="Lorelei Darke"] Thank goodness too! I was about to give up on this little project. One more day is all I need :p
Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I had to work two hours longer, and I just got Stellaris (can't decide if I like it or not, and I stopped playing just under the two hour mark in case I decide it wasn't worth the forty bucks and ask to return it.

So the Lighthouse does not enter the contest. Oh well!

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