Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lighten the heaviest load…


Agamar. Nice planet.

Corvus reflected that was all anyone could tell her about her destination as she exited hyperspace and set a course for the planet’s surface.

She’d checked out the facts of course. It was a small world located in the Mirgoshir system. It was situated near the Mirgoshir hyperspace crossroads— the intersection of the Braxant Run and Celanon Spur hyperlanes. And although one of 245 settled worlds in the Lahara sector,its location within the Outer Rim Territories left it largely secluded from the rest of the galaxy and, as a result, it was often regarded as a backwater world by many within the galactic community.

So why was she going? Well Masters tended to take it on rota to perform certain missions and this time it was her ‘turn.’ In truth, it was a mission she would have volunteered for. The University of Agamar, which boasted one of the largest xenoarchaeology departments in the galaxy, was involved in the excavation of the ruins that now formed the Ossus Academy that she was charged with maintaining. So when they said they had some exciting information regarding the site, she jumped at the chance to find out first hand.

And as a scholar, when an archaeologist was excited, it was usually archaic and therefore for Corvus fascinating.

[member="Uri Aureleos"]
The morning was uneventful for Uri. He slept through the night with out incident so he managed to wake up on time for once and even rang the bell to let the other monks know it was morning. His day began as it always did with morning meditation. He sat on his knees with his arms almost straight his hands palms down as if holding the bad energy away. Uri kept his breathing regulated as he focused on the moment rather than anything else. After meditation, the monks went to have breakfast. Uri however went to the fields searching the Agamarian Beasts for Saga. He felt that she was the only one who could really understand him. He was strange when it came to the other monks. He was abandoned. Where they were all humans, Uri looked human but his Hrakian gold skin often got him funny looks when some one came to the monastery for shelter or to offer gifts for repentance. Saga was similar to him. She was born so weak that her mother abandoned her as well.

He whistled for her and she didn't come. Part of him began to worry. He whistled louder and called her name. The other beasts in the field didn't seem to mind Uri's presence there as he walked further away from the monastery. He finally heard her faint cry, and Uri ran to go check on her heading in to the forest following the sound of her bellows. He sighed relief when he found her tangled in some vines just distressed over not being able to free herself. Uri smiled then put his hand on her crest to calm her before pulling her free from the vines.

"what are you doing here?" He rubbed her chin then watched as she trotted over to some mushroom and gobbled them down. "You got yourself in all of this trouble for mushrooms?" Uri laughed for a moment then felt a sudden sense of deja vu like he had been in this moment before.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
When Corvus reached the University she was met by a small delegation. As much as she knew her role as a Jedi was as much about showing publicly they were accessible - she found large social groups a little uncomfortable.

So she was surprised when they explained that they weren't going to enter the University building but instead would be heading to a nearby monastery - where all would be revealed.

So she sat in a large speeder as it traveled the warm and dry planet, much of which seemed to be large expanses of arable land. As they passed over what seemed to be natural bridges she gazed at the distant forests of binka trees. Every now and then she'd see a small mammal about twice as large as a womp rat. The locals told her these were mugruebe, and were often farmed.

And in the distance she saw the monastery grow larger and wondered what they had to show her there - for they'd refused (politely) to discuss the matter until they'd arrived.

[member="Uri Aureleos"]
Uri couldn't shake the thought that this moment has already happened. He resisted the urge to just sit down there and open his journel to see if it was a premonition he had before. He had chores that needed to be done and his missing friend took some time from that. Instead he climbed upon the back of Saga and lead her back to the road. Shortly after getting on the road the speeder came whipping past him. He ducked his head covering his face as dust kicked up around him and Saga. Between guarding his eyes and keeping Saga on the road, he felt something strange as the speeder went by. He wasn't exactly sure what but he felt something strong that quickly came and went as fast as the speeder. He couldn't begin to explain the feeling only that even in the moment of struggle with the dust he felt it as clear as day. He looked up the road and could tell the speeder was heading for his monastery. He clicked his tongue then gave Saga a nudge to go faster. He wanted to get there quickly to see just exactly what was going to happen.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus was ushered by the academics up to the steps of the monastery. A number of monks greeted them and Corvus instinctively bowed as she was introduced.

There was a lot of noise and what appeared to be minor embarrassment. The one phrase she heard without eavesdropping was mentioned over and over. ”He’s not here…” Who ‘he’ was and his significance was not explained but she was a Jedi and she was patient to boot, so she simply waited, smiling until someone said something to her.

Finally there was a shout from outside and cries of “He’s here...” A small amount of curiosity and a huge amount of weariness overtook her and she craned her neck to see though the partially closed doors to see just who might be on his way. All she could see was a small boy riding what looked like a large herbivorous lizard – no that these words did the creature justice.

And the other thing that caught her eye was the boy’s skin. It was golden.

[member="Uri Aureleos"]
"He's here!" Uri glanced behind him to see who had arrived and when he glaced back he noticed the large group of people coming for him. Saga came to a halt as people started to run up to her and Uri. It scared both of them. Neither were use to being surrounded by so many people. Saga was still young so she grunted and reared up a bit. Uri quickly jumped down from her and stood in front of her trying to calm her. His efforts are thwarted when a few of the men snatch him up and begin to carry him to the monastery. He didn't know how to react to the situation. Why were all of these people so concerned with him? A monk came out and pleaded the men to put Uri down. As they did, Uri quickly escaped from their grasps. He had never been handled in such a way. It confused him. The monks were calm people unlike these. He had remembered several days ago one of his fellow monks mentioned two people asking about Uri and his ability to see the future. He never expected this would come of that.

The monastery wasn't really the place for a lot of people. That is why it was so off the beaten path. The monks allowed those to pay homage and care for the sick or injured, but people simply wanting a tour or stay long periods of time without pledging were often turned away. Keeping people out was their way of keeping the grounds pure. The academics faced this now as the monk told them this was a peaceful place set a side by the force. Uri wouldn't have been surprised if they were asked to leave next.

Uri turned walking up the steps when he caught the eyes of a woman he had seen so many times and yet never in his life. The look of surprise was obvious on his face. He remembered premonitions he had of her, and he immediately knew three things as he gazed upon her: Her name is Corvus Raaf, she is his jedi master, and today would be his last day on Agamar.

He walked up to her slowly not taking his eyes from her. In a way, he felt as if he was in his dreams. He had met people from his premonitions but not people who were in more than one like she was. He stopped in front of her looking up at her for a moment before finally adverting his eyes.

"Master," his voice cracked."It is my greatest honor to finally meet you."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus was confused. It seemed the young boy was the focus of their interest but their handling of him seemed at best rough and at worst uncaring.

His young mount seemed quite rightly agitated, so she momentarily closed her eyes and connected with the creature – following the emotion of fear to its mind. There she focused on calming thoughts, of grazing in the fields and of the warm sun on its back, whilst the boy played nearby.

Turning her attention back to the child, she looked quizzically at the academics that brought her here. They seemed delighted but were not forthcoming in their reasoning.

But she pushed that aside as the boy walked towards her. His aura showed he was clearly Force-Sensitive and he was truly Light-sided. And he seemed both surprised to see her but also expecting it. She bowed instinctively and it was if they were the only two people present, her focus was entirely on him.

And his words were equally intriguing. She was sure they had never met. But being a Jedi means expecting the unexpected, so she went with the flow. “Good day. I am Jedi Master Corvus Raaf, member of the Jedi High Council. If we have met before I apologise but I am sure that is not the case. So, young Padawan, would you care to enlighten me?” And she walked forward and put her hand on the boy’s shoulders and steered him away from the monastery, away from all the people and towards his now calm mount.

It was a physical and a metaphorical shield she placed around him as her robe almost shrouded him as they walked. This was a conversation for just the two of them.

[member="Uri Aureleos"]
Uri was all most tempted to interrupt her and tell her everything that she had just told him, but he didn't. He listened like a small child hearing the tale about the Grand Master Luke Skywalker for the first time. She had his full attention because he knew just how important it was for him to listen to his soon-to-be master. As she lead him to Saga, he forgot the rest of the world. He felt a calmness overtake him. Enlighten? He wasn't sure if he would enlighten her or he would just confuse her even more. He wasn't normal in the context that humans used it in.

"The monks named me Uri Aureleos. If I had a name and a life before the monastery then I was too young to remember it," he thought it was only polite to tell her about himself first. "We have met in this moment before but not here."

He wasn't good at wording things so he reached into his robes for his journal thumbing through his journal until he found the right page and the right illustration. He reached the journal to her making sure it stayed open to the page, "I met you before in a dream."

Corvus listened and petted the creature as he spoke. There was clearly a bond between the boy and his mount and for some reason that pleased Corvus.

She was about to speak and explain she wasn’t sure what he meant when he showed her the picture. The likeness was obvious.

“Well Uri, I think you’ll have to tell me about this dream.” Corvus knew of Farseeing and Force Bonds but had limited personal experience other than when she’d made her saber and shoto – although these were common events for Jedi. She couldn’t remember Uri from her dreams, so the connection must have been one way. But did he glimpse events of the past, or her present – or had he seen the future?

[member="Uri Aureleos"]
Uri nodded then turned the page to read the paragraph on the back of the drawing. He remembers this one being on of his vaguer premonitions, "I heard Saga's cry and see vines wrapped around her like a net .When I free her, there is a loud roar and a cloud of dust over take us. Next I hear the sounds of people shouting and chattering. From those voices, I hear the louder voice of a woman speak, "I am Jedi Master Corvus Raaf, member of the Jedi High Council." her face appears to me. The violet eyes and brown hair. I know her from the other dreams where I call her master..."

He stopped reading then looked up at her, "I know of the force and I know I can feel it. It let's me see my future. Some are clear like memories. Others are confusing like a true dream." He reluctantly reaches her the journal, "I've seen things that happen to me and things that I have witnessed. Great battles, celebrations... Death."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus cast her mind back. She was a Padawan and not long at the Ossus Academy when she visited one of the Jedi Praxeum ships and saw the Great Holocron and Tionne’s Holocron first hand. Farseeing was a subject that the gate-keepers discussed on that occasion.

And she remembered Master Yoda’s words, “Difficult to see. Always in motion the future is.” It hit home, due to her own recent experiences.

Aware she’d said that out loud, she looked to Uri. “Uri, what you have seen is most likely what is know as Farseeing or Farsight. It might be possible we have a Bond but as we’ve never met and are not related, that is unlikely. No, it’s most likely a gift that you have. With training you may be able to strengthen your ability.”

She bent down so she was at eye level with him, her face soft and kind, her voice soft. “The future is not set. What you saw was a possible future. Yes, you are strong with the Force. I am trained to detect that. And you can learn so many skills that will help others. I can teach you if you’d like.” The GrandMaster hadn’t said she could never take another Padawan, just no more any time soon. And since then two had been reallocated. “And I can teach you all about the Force and the Code that defines our actions and hopefully some wisdom.”

“For example, a Jedi does not believe a battle is great. And death is natural to us. One day I will rejoin the Force. I am not afraid. But these things will make more sense in context.”

“So…will you join me? It will mean leaving here and travelling to Ossus, to the Academy.”

[member="Uri Aureleos"]
He listened to her words about the future keeping an open mind but still believing what he has seen so far. He has experienced so many come true. None have been wrong yet. Secretly, Uri hoped she was tell him was the real truth. He wanted hope that those he saw die could be saved. Uri bit his tongue at his poor choice of words. The battle was not great in the sense of the word, but what he meant was large. Unlike anything he had ever witness. Intimidating that he would one day find himself in that fray more than once. He contemplated if he feared death. Not his own at least, he assumed. But loosing others. Being helpless as those around him died. This he feared at least a little bit.

He didn't wish to have a second thought about leaving but he did. He waited a second really making sure in his mind,"I will... And with your guidance, I wish to be a merciful and wise Jedi."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus wondered if she had another pupil for Knight Morlandt. Not for his entire training, but help in understanding Uri’s gift for Farseeing.

Corvus smiled at Uri’s words. “A Jedi’s word is always a promise. So what I say now I mean with all of my heart. I can show you a path, but you must walk the route that is right for you. It may be the same path I am pointing out and that is good. But never feel obliged to do anything because you think it is what I want.”

“If I want anything it is for you to be the best Jedi you can be. To follow the Code and its pillars and to serve the Galactic Republic. That is all I ask. I am here to make that happen for you. We will have good times. You will also work very hard and the life of the Jedi is a selfless one.”

She took a small purse out of her pocket. Opening it she showed him only a handful of credits. “I wear my robes so that I am warm. I carry my lightsaber so that I am safe, and I keep enough credits for my next meal, so that I am not hungry. If the Force wants me to have more, it finds a way of letting me know. Not my words, but those of Master Karogo. I have no personal wealth. I own no starship. This is the life of a Jedi.”

She nodded towards the Monastery. “Not dissimilar to there I suspect. Now,” and she stood back up and looked at the speeder they came in. "Are we travelling alone?” She glanced at the creature that was nuzzling into Uri’s leg.

[member="Uri Aureleos"]
Uri listened intently as she spoke taking in every word. He repeated each word in his mind shortly after she spoke it. Living selflessly is what he has done all of his life. That wasn't new to him. The change from monk to Jedi wouldn't be that much of a difference he hoped. A lot more training at the least and a different way of life. Other Jedi as well. Not just men like the monks either clearly. The more she spoke the more Uri wished to join the ranks of the Jedi and to bring piece to the galaxy. That is until her last question.

Uri glanced down at his beloved Saga. He wasn't quite sure if Master Corvus meant to leave Saga or to leave those pesky academics but he assumed that it was meant for him to leave Saga. He placed his had on her head taking controlled breaths so the thought of never seeing her again didn't overwhelm him. Saga sensed this in him and nuzzled his hand as he pet her.

"She's still young. Still reliant on me. I would say that I cannot leave her but that would be selfish of me to chose her over the lives I could save as a jedi. She has been my closest friend, and this temple, these monks, have always been my home. If I'm asked to give up all..." He took a deep sigh as he looked at Saga. "If this is what is asked of me so that there might be a chance I impact the galaxy for the better then I will do it. My word is my promise." He finally looked up at Corvus.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus nodded her approval. "A selfish person would not have just said what you did. A selfish person would have thought only of themselves. Maybe they would have wrapped it up in a thinly veiled lie to say it was for Saga here." She looked at the creature at this point.

"But in the nicest possible way, you misunderstood me. I asked if you wanted to take Saga with us? There's room on my ship and the jungle climate of Ossus will be suitable for her I'm sure." She smiled broadly now. The only challenge would be the journey back to the ship - but she had a better plan in mind anyway.

[member="Uri Aureleos"]
He sighed relief dropping his bravery in the situation and hugging his dear Saga. he wonder for a moment how Saga would take to the ship. Then he wondered how he would handle it. He had never been on one before. In the background, Uri heard grumbling and whining. He glanced back to see the Monks shooing away the Academics. One of the monks coming over to Uri and Corvus and giving a deep bow, "Jedi Master, Monk Uri has told us of the day you would come for him. We humbly ask that you stay for a bit so that we may properly send off in the way of our monastery."

Uri bowed as well, "Will you stay, master? I can take us back to your ship on Saga."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus looked at Uri. It was going to be hard to say no to him - and she'd have to remember she was a Jedi, not an older sister.

So she turned to the monks and bowed politely. "I would be honoured to stay and allow you to send off Uri in whatever way you are accustomed to." And then she turned t Uri. "Then we're agreed," and she gave him another smile before turning towards the monastery. "Did you know they had this planned?" she asked him as they walked.

[member="Uri Aureleos"]
Uri glanced up at her as they walked then shrugged,"It is our way that when a monk goes on pilgrimage they are first fed then meditation and a blessed and then given a meal for the road. Each monk bows to them as they leave then when they return each monk bows to them before they reenter the Monastery. Mine is not a pilgrimage in the sense, but I imagine it will be similar."

After entering the monastery the monk closed the door behind them. They began with the meal. Uri sat next to Master Corvus. The monks all sat around the table each eating a bowl of rice and fish with an assortment of vegetables mixed into it. It was a normal meal to Uri. What the monks normally had at times. He ate all that was in his bowl then after everyone was done, they went to the main temple for meditation.The time for the meditation was not kept. The bell was struck when meditation started and after when it would be over. Uri sat himself near the front closest to the bell and placed himself in deep meditation. While meditating two of the longest serving monks purified a bowl of water with the force and then brought it in front of Corvus first. One held the bowl while the other gave the blessing dipping his fingers then sprinkling her with it as he blessed her with safe travel and peace through the force.

They then moved over to Uri. The monk dipped his fingers and then placed them to different parts of Uri telling him a virtue for each one. after each time he dipped his fingers again. The monk touched his forehead. For his mind WISDOM. Next his ears. For his hearing UNDERSTANDING. Next his eyes. For his sight PACIENCE. His lips. For his voice COMPASSION. For his shoulder STRENGTH. For his hands GUIDANCE. For his heart MERCY.

The monks then went to the bell and struck it as part of the ceremony. Uri pulled himself from his meditation then made a quick glance over to Corvus. It was time to go. He didn't have anything to pack. Only his journal which he carried on him anyway. After going out the gate he bowed to each of his fellow monks bidding them fair well. The last monk presented him with a pair of sai wrapped and tied in a piece of cloth. He accepted it with both hands. Two more monks present both of them with small wrapped boxes. Uri imagined they contained more fish along with fruit and vegetables. Uri smiled bowing to all of them one last time.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus followed Uri’s lead. Life here was not so dissimilar to that of a Jedi. The food was good and hearty and although the meals at the Academy on Ossus were generally more varied, she’d lived on enough ration bars to appreciate good, honest, fresh food.

Next Corvus followed him to the main temple and she sat close to Uri. As the monks meditated, so did she. She had no idea if theirs was a spiritual meditation or not, but she connected to the Force and allowed it to flow through her, emptying her mind of thoughts and emotions.

The she observed the ritual with the water and appreciated the act for what it was – a transition from one place to another. Uri would most likely never return. He had been a part of their lives as he would become a part of the Jedi ways.

When the bell sounded again, Corvus stood with Uri and saw as he was presented with gifts. As Uri bowed, so did Corvus. It was a ritual they shared. For a Jedi it was an acknowledgement that they served.

And finally they left the monastery and started the long journey back to her ship.

[member="Uri Aureleos"]
He placed the gifts away in his robes then had Saga lay down so it was easy for Master Corvus to get on. After they were both on Saga he motioned her up and forward using her large crest to steer rather any harness or straps. Uri stayed quiet for the most part trying to make sense of what exactly was happening. It all felt like another one of his dreams. He took controlled breaths to hold back the wave of emotion. He didn't wish to say he was afraid of being a jedi, but the thought of it overwhelmed it. In away he believe his destiny was finally coming true and he it worried him a bit. He was still just a boy.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

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